Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7272

Bai Yuexi's face changed when she heard the three words of Bei yaoguo.

Bai Yuexi blinked her eyes. BeiYao country borders Zihua country.

Moreover, the people of BeiYao are good at fighting, and those in power are warlike, always waging wars.

Her father was guarding the border to prevent the people of BeiYao from entering Zihua.

Although the situation is a little complicated, Bai Yuexi knows very well that she came to the world in the book just for amo.

She to a Mo smile, "good, I know where she is, I will find her to save her."

Listening to Bai Yuexi's words, looking at Bai Yuexi's look, Mo's eyes trembled, and there seemed to be a lot of emotions in her eyes.

His hand trembled and he wanted to reach out and hold Bai Yuexi, but thinking that he was transparent now, he could only press down some emotions.


A Mo gently shouts out these two words, as if sighing in a low voice.

A Mo sighs in the voice seem to hide a lot of emotion.

Just listen to the voice of a Mo, Bai Yuexi don't know why, heart pulled up.

She always felt that there was something hidden in amo's heart that she didn't tell her completely.

"Ah Mo, do you have something on your mind? Is there something in your mind? "

Bai Yuexi is totally worried, looking at a mo.

I do not know why, Bai Yuexi looking at a Mo, heart all pulled up.

"Fool, don't worry. Yuexi should take care of herself."

With these words, amo's figure became more and more transparent.

"Amo, amo..."

Looking at the shadow of a Mo become transparent, Bai Yuexi are anxious.

Bai Yuexi constantly called a Mo's name, but a Mo gradually became transparent.

"Yuexi, don't be afraid. I'm by your side. I'll show up again."

Finish saying this words, a Mo really became transparent.

At this time, Bai Yuexi fell asleep.

When Bai Yuexi wakes up again, he wakes up in the carriage.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, quickly lifted the curtain of the carriage and came out.

At this time, Bai Yuexi did not see a mo.

It's amo of the world.

She remembered that when she was asleep, amo was sitting outside the carriage, saying that he would guard her.

"Amo, amo..."

Bai Yuexi anxiously called a Mo's name.

Bai Yuexi because too anxious, the whole person is flustered, her eyes are red.

Thinking of the assassin on the way, Bai Yuexi's heart beats fast. She is very worried about amo.

Because she was too anxious, when she was walking, Bai Yuexi didn't look at the road and fell to the ground.

When she falls to the ground, Bai Yuexi's nose is sour. She's not a hypocritical character, but I don't know why. At this time, she has an impulse to cry.

Just then, a voice came from her head, "Miss?"

A Mo?

Heard is the voice of a Mo, Bai Yuexi quickly looked up, and then really saw a mo.

Bai Yuexi wants to open her mouth, but her nose is sour and her eyes are sour.

Looking at Bai Yuexi like this, a Mo has a feeling of heartache.

He squatted down and hugged Bai Yuexi.

He picked Bai Yuexi up and said, "Miss, I just saw this array. I know how we can get out."

Bai Yuexi wiped her eyes with her hand, "so, you just went to see the array?"

A Mo looks at Bai Yuexi this appearance, sighed in the heart, after carrying her to the carriage, give her to wipe the corner of the eye, "sorry, let the young lady worry!"