Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7269

Bai Yuexi thought, and felt that the woman was familiar, but she couldn't tell where she was.

And the woman didn't show her face.

So she felt familiar, it should not be because of the woman's appearance that she felt familiar.

It should be the breath, which she feels familiar with.

But for a while and a half, Bai Yuexi did not understand what it was.

A Mo is driving a carriage, looking at the white moonlight beside some trance, asking: "Miss, what's the matter with you? What are you thinking? "

Mo worried about Bai Yuexi, worried that Bai Yuexi would be scared because of the mysterious things.

Listen to the voice of a Mo, white moonlight suddenly come back, and then turn to see a mo.

See a Mo that moment, Bai Yuexi mind light flash.

At this time, Bai Yuexi understood and understood what was going on.

Understand why she feels familiar.

She felt that the woman's breath was familiar to her.

She said that the reason why she was familiar with it was because in modern times, the AMO she saw, the transparent amo, the AMO in her twenties, was also like this.

The same breath as the woman last night.

Realizing this, Bai Yuexi's face changed.


Does that a Mo still exist?

When she was in modern times, she just wanted to find the noumenon for such a mo.

But the girl's breath is the same as that of AMO in modern times.

So what's going on?

Or is the 20-year-old amo actually the one who died in the book?

Is it also a pile of bones?

Thinking of this, Bai Yuexi's face turned white and her body trembled.

She looked at a Mo deeply, with a deep light in her eyes.

A Mo's attention in Bai Yuexi, looking at Bai Yuexi this way, a Mo some worry.

AMO reached out to hold Bai Yuexi's hand, "Miss, what's the matter with you? Your hands are cold. "

With these words, amo reaches out his hand to hold Bai Yuexi's two hands, and uses his hand to keep Bai Yuexi warm.

Bai Yuexi doesn't speak, so she looks at amo deeply.

At this time, her eyes with a lot of emotion, very deep, let a Mo see, heart almost jump, I do not know why, let his heart have a trace of panic.


Hear the trembling sound of a Mo, Bai Yuexi blinks her eyes and controls her emotion.

She always felt that it was not so easy for her to come to the world of books.

It seems more complicated than she imagined. She doesn't know where the transparent amo has gone.

Bai Yuexi said: "a Mo, you hold me."

Although a Mo doesn't understand what happened to Bai Yuexi, she listens to what Bai Yuexi says.

So Mo did not hesitate to reach out and embrace Bai Yuexi.

At this time, Bai Yuexi can feel that amo is real, not transparent and illusory.

So Bai Yuexi is sure that she is really in this world, and this is not her illusion.

Since Zhuang Zhou Mengdie died last night, Bai Yuexi always feels that the world of wearing books is the same as Zhuang Zhou Mengdie.

I don't know whether it's true or not, or that everything is her illusion.

"Ah Mo, you pinch me hard."

A Mo hears this sentence, Mou Guang Yi Zhan, he looks down at Bai Yuexi carefully, the light in the eyes is worried.

Bai Yuexi knows that a Mo may feel strange at this time, "a Mo, I'm normal, you pinch me."