Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7242

When amo talks to Bai Yuexi, his voice is gentle and soft, as if he is treating a fragile doll. He is very careful to prevent breaking the doll.

Bai Yuexi leans on AMO's back and feels like falling asleep.


In fact, she is leaning on AMO's back, with a strong sense of security and relaxation.

Relax and feel like sleeping.

In fact, when Bai Yuexi's whole body collapsed before, her body was cold, her fingers were cold, and her face was pale.

This will be so close to a Mo, she felt the warmth of a Mo body, gradually, her cold body began to warm up.

Anyway, Bai Yuexi felt very comfortable at this time.

She heard a Mo careful questions, nodded: "well, I'm fine, a Mo, you don't worry, I'm ok."


Mo continued to walk steadily, until he came to the river, he squatted down gently, and then let Bai Yuexi stand carefully.

Bai Yuexi felt much better. She got some water by the river, washed her face and hands, and cleaned herself up.

Listening to the sound of the river and smelling the fresh air, she felt alive.

As soon as Bai Yuexi looked up, she saw a Mo looking at her anxiously.

Bai Yuexi gave him a soothing smile.

Looking at Bai Yuexi's face, a mo was relieved.

AMO stretched out his hand to Bai Yuexi and arranged his hair.

Just now, Bai Yuexi's hair was in a mess.

When finishing Bai Yuexi's hair, amo's action is also very gentle.

A Mo hand is very clever, give Bai Yuexi got a very good-looking but also very neat hairstyle.

Bai Yuexi can see the river clearly.

She moved her hair, like this hairstyle, "Mo, thank you!"

"Miss said thank you to amo again."

"Well, we won't say thank you."

After a pause, Bai Yuexi said: "ah Mo, thanks to you this time."

Bai Yuexi also feels that she can recover so quickly because of AMO.

AMO has a great influence on her.

This time, she also realized it.

"In the future, amo will accompany miss, and amo will protect miss."

This time, the impact on a Mo is also very big.

He loves Bai Yuexi very much, so he tells himself that he must become stronger quickly, become more capable, be able to protect Bai Yuexi, be able to protect her.

There has never been a moment when amo was so eager for power and power.

But these little thoughts, these ideas, a Mo did not let Bai Yuexi know.

A Mo doesn't want Bai Yuexi to have any worries.

Bai Yuexi cleaned up and said calmly, "it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We still have to move on quickly."

The killer in black sent out a flare before he died.

Bai Yi nodded and said, "yes, miss. We're leaving now."

"And what about that man?"

"Still in a coma."

Bai Yuexi frowned and said, "I ride a horse and get people into the carriage. After passing the mountain forest, we'll find an inn to stay and show him the injury."

"It's the first lady!"

Under Bai Yuexi's command, the party quickly packed up and set out.

A Mo worried about Bai Yuexi and said, "Miss, you ride a horse with me. Come and sleep for a while."

AMO can see that Bai Yuexi is tired, but the carriage is occupied. Amo wants to let Bai Yuexi lean on his horse and sleep for a while.