Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7231

Bai Yuexi still remembers that she came to wear books for amo.

In this book wearing world, the reason why she still feels familiar is because amo is in this world.

In Bai Yuexi's heart, a Mo occupies a very important position.

And think of the contents of the book, Bai Yuexi is distressed a mo.

So Bai Yuexi thought, she wants to protect a Mo beside a Mo, can't let a Mo suffer any injustice, just can't let a Mo be bullied!

When saying this, Bai Yuexi's eyes are also serious.

A Mo hears Bai Yuexi's words, and his whole body is shocked. He looks at Bai Yuexi's eyes and sees the light in her eyes.

A Mo knows Bai Yuexi is serious.

A Mo whole body rigid, seem to have forgotten the reaction, forget to breathe, brain a blank.

At this time, he did not know what words to use to describe his inner emotions.

He just felt that there were a lot of things in his heart. It seemed to be a lot of emotions.

Mo looked at Bai Yuexi, eyes are more and more deep.

Bai Yuexi on the eyes of a Mo, feel at this time a Mo's eyes as if there is magic, with the power of phagocytosis.

Her heart was almost beating.

Bai Yuexi said in a faint voice: "a Mo?"

A Mo hears the voice of Bai Yuexi and suddenly returns to his senses.

His eyelashes trembled, and then gently said: "Miss, why are you so good to amo?"

Yes, to now a Mo also don't understand, also don't know why Bai Yuexi to him so good.

Because do not understand the reason, a Mo's heart is slightly flustered, some are not very practical.

Maybe it's because he's too nervous.

Bai Yuexi was asked this question by amo.

Why are you so nice to amo?

Bai Yuexi never thought about this problem.

She just wants to be nice to amo, and then she does things by instinct.

Never thought about the reason.

But to the eyes of a Mo, Bai Yuexi has a feeling of electric shock.

She felt that a Mo's eyes had electric current and light.

Bai Yuexi thought about it and said, "because amo is also very good. Amo deserves to be treated well."

Yes, a Mo always makes her feel sad.

Especially think of the contents of the book, Bai Yuexi is reluctant to let a Mo suffer.

A Mo's eyelashes trembled, and a faint light passed in his eyes. He knew that this was not Bai Yuexi's most real thought.

"But amo's identity..." Improperly belittle oneself,

has not waited for him to say, Bai Yuexi quickly interrupted to say, "ah, you have entered Nan Yun academy, you must not be too humble and do not mention your identity. Your identity has been rearranged for you. You will have a registered residence in the future, and you will go to the South cloud academy, and no one will dare to belittle you."

Bai Yuexi has already rearranged the identity of amo, and amo has been divorced from slavery.

Bai Yuexi is the eldest lady of Bai Yuecheng and the successor of Bai Fu. It's much easier for her to do anything.

It can be said that Bai Yuexi gave amo a new identity.

Later, let amo use this identity to go to Nanyun Academy.

Bai Yuexi every word, for a Mo, are very touched.

A Mo's heart beat fast.

In amo's opinion, Bai Yuexi really did too much for her, which exceeded his imagination.