Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7158

When saying this, night dust you deeply looking at Ye Li Nuo, eyes are with the light of doting, but also some helpless.

Ye Li Nuo light to night dust you such vision, feel a little temper all have no.

Ye Li Nuo looks at the night dust you, Du Du mouth, she looks at the night dust you, the light in her eyes are flashing.

Ye Li Nuo doesn't know. She seems to be coquettishing with the night dust.

Night dust you looking at such Ye Li Nuo, only think she lovely not!

Night dust you Mou Guang a Shan, then a hand stretch out to embrace Ye Li Nuo's waist, another hand clasp her back of the head, can't help but bow head to kiss her lip.


Ye Li Nuo is about to talk to Ye Chen you. Unexpectedly, ye Chen you comes to act directly.

And now night dust you's strength is very strong, he gently move, she sat on his leg, was firmly fixed by his hand.

Of course, close to smell the clean and elegant breath of night dust you, ye lino has a kind of intoxicated feeling.

She was dizzy just by the smell of him.

And at this time, ye chenyou was wearing the black robe of the Lord, with a noble and mysterious atmosphere, which made Ye lino feel like the Lord.

So when he lowered his head to kiss her, her heart beat faster.

My heart is throbbing.

Night dust you can't help kissing Ye Li Nuo at the beginning, but later it gets deeper and deeper, which brings a strong feeling of missing.

Not only Ye lino thinks about ye chenyou, but ye chenyou also thinks about ye lino.

Although ye chenyou exists as a lord and sees Ye lino every day, he has always been a good Lord in order to be strict with Ye lino.

Mingming often wants to hold Ye lino, but he has to control it.

Especially when he saw Ye lino training very hard, when he saw her tired, he could not help holding her and comforting her.

Or when he saw her tired from practicing, he wanted to stop her and let her have a rest.

Or, he wants to take her out to play and relax.

If he is night dust you, he really did that.

But he is the status of the Lord, so he can only restrain and continue to be strict with Ye lino!

But restrain so long, now Ye Li Nuo also know his identity, night dust you naturally don't want to restrain, holding Ye Li Nuo, deeply kiss.

This kiss is very deep, gradually night dust you also brought a very deep strength.

"Well Well... "

Ye Li Nuo in night dust you's arms, gradually soft up.

She's soft as water.

When ye chenyou looks at Ye lino, his eyes are deeper and deeper, with the power of swallowing.

When ye lino softened into water, his body became weak and his eyes closed.

When she opened her eyes again, ye lino's whole body seemed to be shocked by electric shock.

Just a look in his eyes gave Ye lino such a strong feeling.

"Dust Dust

Night dust you bowed his head and kissed Ye lino's eyebrows, "lino, you look at me like this, I can't control it!"

When saying this, the voice of night dust you is hoarse and dark.

There was restraint and forbearance in the voice.

Ye Li Nuo listens to this sentence, Leng next, then suddenly return to God, want to come out from night dust you's bosom.

But night dust you but embrace of tight, "Li Nuo, don't be afraid!"