Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 7136

Ye Li Nuo looked at the hand of the messenger, some curious, but also some doubts.

Ye Li Nuo bowed his head to study the messenger in his hand.

Night dust you looking at Ye Li Nuo low head do not speak, heart sighed, some helpless, but also some spoiled touched Ye Li Nuo's hair, "good, to be obedient!"

In the face of Ye lino, night dust you heart will become very soft, even he felt, some soft incredible.

Moreover, when he faced Ye lino, he was always patient and careful.

Can't help but want to spoil her, spoil her like a little girl.

It seems that his subconscious is such a feeling, it seems that doting on her is the most normal feeling.

Ye Li Nuo listened to the voice of the night dust, raised his head, just on his gentle smiling eyes, such eyes, a look, people can't help but indulge in them.

And she felt surrounded by the warm current.

Ye lino smiles brightly at the night dust, "I know, I will put it away."

She knows that night dust you is worried that she did not hear, he is concerned about her safety.

Hear Ye Li Nuo's words, the eye light of night dust you is more and more soft.

However, he could not help worrying about ye lino. Although he knew that she was immortal and would not be dangerous, he could not help worrying that she would be injured.

After all, a lot of people have come to participate in the entrance examination of xuanqingzong. This year, there are indeed a few talents.

But in yechenyou's eyes, ye lino is the real genius.

As long as you give her time, she will definitely grow up very fast.

Ye chenyou tells Ye lino many things.

The carriage stopped in the valley at the foot of xuanqingzong mountain.

This valley is a village, and there are many houses near the foot of the mountain. These houses are equivalent to inns, and they will be rented by people who come to take part in the examination during the examination of xuanqingzong.

So at this time, the place in the valley is also very busy. Many people have just come here, and there are many carriages.

Night dust you this carriage low-key but also luxurious, and escort team, is not weak.

So when the carriage appeared, many people couldn't help looking this way.

"The decoration on this carriage is very valuable. This person's identity is rich or expensive!"

"I don't know who it is or what identity it is. This team alone, at first glance, is a person with aura and a master!"

"Who will take part in the examination for such a person?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of..."


Just as everyone was talking, yechenyou came down from the carriage first.

When night dust you appeared, many people on the scene were surprised to take a cold breath.

Yechenyou is originally a charming and glorious man. When he appears, everyone just feels that all the light is shrouded in him. He seems to be a man who comes out of poetry and painting. He is extremely beautiful and beautiful.

It's true that "Qing Guo Qing Cheng" is used to describe women, but when we look at the man in front of us, we feel that we can't find any beautiful adjective to describe them. We can only use such a word to describe them.

His white clothes are like snow, and the wind blows his robes gently, which makes him as ethereal as an immortal.

And the way he got out of the carriage was also so noble and elegant.

You can also see his fingers, his hand lifting the car curtain, as slender as jade, so delicate.