Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie's Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5851

Liu's mother even took the prepared things to Luo Yanxiao, "although it's not worth money, it's all the specialty of the family. You go back to eat."

When Liu's mother said this, she was also a little embarrassed. She was really afraid that Luo Yanxiao would dislike it.

Luo Yanxiao said with a happy smile: "thank you, auntie. I've never eaten these things, and I can't buy them. Ning Ning is right. The food made by Auntie is delicious, and I want to eat it in the future."

"Come and play when you have time."

"OK, I will. If I have time at the weekend, I'll bring Liu Ningning back."

"Good, good..."

Liu Ningning had to admire Luo Yanxiao, who was really good at speaking, and let his mother feel relieved.

Looking at her mother's relaxed and happy appearance, she appreciated Luo Yanxiao from her heart.

Liu Ningning thought, back to school, she must be better to Luo Yanxiao.

Liu's father and mother explained many things, and Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning were ready to get on the bus.

Luo Yanxiao looks at Liu Ningning's younger brother and sister and touches their head. Wen Sheng says: "study hard."

He looks like a big brother. It's really warm.

"Well, my brother will come home to play in the future."

"As long as your sister wants to go home, I'll bring her back."

The meaning of Luo Yanxiao's words has too many meanings, which also shows his sincere heart to Liu Ningning.

In fact, Liu Ningning's family are very grateful to Luo Yanxiao.

And what Luo Yanxiao said just now also made her feel very warm in her heart.

So, will Luo Yanxiao drive her home in the future?

She felt very relaxed and relaxed these two days when she went home.

It's like charging.

I'm tired of going to school outside. If I go home for such a trip, and then go back to school, I'll be able to work hard again.

She felt that when she went back, she could be very energetic and energetic.

She was grateful to Luo Yanxiao for talking to her mother like that.

In fact, the mother is also really enthusiastic, want to get something for Luo Yanxiao, also be regarded as reciprocity.

But the family also really can't take out any valuable things, mother can only bring some agricultural products to Luo Yanxiao.

Just take out these things, mother's in the mind also has worry, for fear that can't enter the eye of Luo Yan Xiao.

I'm afraid Luo Yanxiao doesn't like these local products.

But Luo Yanxiao's words, but dispel the mother's worry, let the mother very happy.

Liu Ningning also admired Luo Yanxiao. She didn't have the ability to speak like this.

If she faces other people's elders, she probably doesn't know how to speak.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning still carrying a schoolbag, and naturally took it over and put it into the car, "uncle and aunt, we'll go back first, and we'll come back at the weekend, as well as younger brothers and sisters. You should study hard. If you need any books, I'll bring them back to you..."

"Good, good..."

After waiting for two people to get on the bus, Luo Yanxiao drove out of the village and onto the main road.

Luo Yanxiao said: "are you very reluctant to them?"

"Well, I'll miss my parents and my brothers and sisters."

After a pause, Liu Ningning looks at Luo Yanxiao seriously. Then she looks a little bit. She suddenly leans over and kisses Luo Yanxiao.

After kissing, Liu Ning's heart will jump out.

She turned quickly, slightly unnatural.

Luo Yanxiao was shocked and surprised again.

His throat rolled, "Ning Ning!"

Luo Yanxiao's voice is slightly hoarse.

At that moment, he almost hit the wrong steering wheel, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and stabilized the car quickly.

But after holding the car, his heart beat fast.