Reverse Villain

37 36Chapter 2Test (4)^J

Chapter 2 Test (4)

For Professor Richards, magic is not just a major. A lifelong goal and pride, Jungwoo just opened his mouth with full sound. It is a high-level information transmission method that is difficult to demonstrate without reaching a certain level of martial arts. If you can sing full notes freely at that age, you deserve recognition from scratch. Nevertheless, I don't like the fact that I came to learn magic. I felt like I was looking at magic.

You think you can master magic and martial arts at the same time?

You don't have to learn anything else because you know martial arts. But magic is an area I don't know. It's hard to meet someone like you.

- It may seem good to see the devil's advocate, but none of them is just a failure to achieve the ultimate goal. It's a great illusion and arrogance to learn magic just because you're blessed with Mana.

- A professional school is an educational institution that learns properties and combat skills to fight against demonpower. I'm just trying hard to sharpen my skills and catch them. I don't want to distinguish magic or martial arts. I think the important thing is my own evolution:

It was an unpleasant conversation for Professor Richards.It was not that Mana was overwhelmingly better than other inmates, but she was determined to learn magic itself.The magic was great, infinite. It is a difficult area to approach even if you risk your life.

What if I fail?

- That can't be true.

Why are you so confident?

-The evaluation should be fair.

I don't like Jung-woo's attitude toward magic, but Professor Richard had to accept it. The test had to be fair: it should not control the examinee's life with personal feelings. You're not free from anything if you lose fairness in assessing - are you confident you'll stick to it?

- I studied hard.

-Then let's get right away.

Professor Richard asks about Mana's correlation with the comprehensive concept of witchcraft, and then examines everything from basic to advanced mathematics to physics. The correlation with magic, the dynamics, was calm.

Jungwoo played hard as the first batter of the test. It was not that difficult. It was just a review of what I had already studied.


Professor Richard was amazed by Jung-woo's unbridled knowledge. It has broken down existing preconceptions. The assessment of the unmanned was ignorance, combined with civilization (%x30).The underlying knowledge of magic is not strong, but rather a gold digger:

-That's great, you're accepted:

-Thank you.

When Jungwoo was informed that he had passed the exam, he died with joy.

"Very good."

Professor Richard's broad understanding and pride in magic were to be respected. I know how to distinguish between business and business. Jungwoo wants to take a magic class as soon as possible.

'That's a nice guy:

Professor Richards, unlike the beginning, also abandoned preconceptions. When Manna is blessed, the deviation of the level increases depending on her efforts. From now on, if you work hard on magic, you will be a great wizard. Above all, I wanted to prove that magic was superior to martial arts.

Shortly after Jung-woo left the auditorium, lamentations erupted from the mouths of the test takers:

"Why is the exam so difficult!"

The more the examinee did not intend to drop the test, the less positive he was to memorize the previous questions were memorized.

"You're not popular, so you're not just going to quit."

"I'm so sad that I can't study."

Professor Richard's ability to verify has been greatly increased by Jungwoo.

Professor Nam Kyung-soo and Professor Jeong Su-won had to sigh deeply. I'm trying to pick one because I don't have enough people, but what if I raise the difficulty level like this?

Professor Richard, if you do this, the department will be removed.

"If you study a little, you'll know."

A little bit, where is a little bit?

The test question that I just asked could only be solved by those who play at school even in middle school. It was a department full of talent or unpopularity, so it did not apply for talented people. Everyone tried to slip into another field, or join the unwritten or guild.

"The president has warned of a significant reduction in funding!"

"I can't do anything against equity, though." It was the equity of a d*mn man.

So what are we supposed to do?

Professor Nam and Jung had to persuade Professor Richard to the end. There was also a degree of honesty. At this rate, the department was really abolished. Then I'll be out on the street overnight. Professor Richard is very magical, he will be treated wherever he goes, but he has grown. There was a lack of experience in the field, and no courage to do so. It's easy to say. Most people faint with bubbles in their mouths at first sight.

"Huh, did you give a question to a test taker who just left? Have you solved half of it?""You've solved everything without a hitch."

Professor Nam and Professor Chung separately sent a message to Jung-woo and decided to adjust the problem. If you do as Professor Richard says, you will only have two new students left. It's hard to fill the garden, but it's hard to come out like this.

"Wait, so you're saying you've been using the magic of the message?"

"I did."

'What's your answer?' 'He used the whole tone.'

Professor Nam and Professor Chung were convincing. Not everyone can just use a full tone.At least a certain level of ground must be pioneered. I've solved a difficult problem, but I'm not mentally upset.

If there was a unmanned man here, I would have been shocked. Jungwoo didn't move his mouth and opened the whole tone. It is an impossible tactic unless at least the experience reaches two packs. As a wizard, I didn't know the extent of martial arts in detail. In fact, the magic of messaging can be performed by even a lower-level master, so the sound of the message didn't seem great to the wizard.

Unique College is larger than 10 regular universities combined.

Jungwoo got on the bus and got off at the main gate.You didn't have to go to the back gate. Even if I wait, I'm sure it won't come out. If we meet later, we can lie about waiting and ask why we didn't come out.

Gangcheon was standing at the main gate, so I had to wait for about an hour after the test. The wait was surprising because he was more impatient than a hungry pet pig."Energy

I was told that I would come and do it. The pint of the conversation has escaped.

Gangcheon was in a certain atmosphere, not a mind. A disastrous incident that would not happen without Jung-woo took place in the auditorium under test.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"PARK KIHO, I mean him."

As soon as Gangcheon saw the tragedy of the assassination scene, he thought of Jungwoo. Before the test, it's suspicious that a distant man suddenly did it. "What happened?”

"Don't play dumb. It's you."

"Don't frame me without proof."

"Really not? I don't think so."

Jungwoo never admits unless he's sure. You pretend you don't know, you pretend you didn't. If anyone knows that, they have to pay the price accordingly. That's Jungwoo's law.

"I've never seen anything like that in my life."

"It looks like you've been having fun.

"Should I say fun or dirty memories?"After the test, Kangcheon was looking for someone who could compete with him. Park Ki-ho, who had a quarrel just in time, was fighting.The opponent was a haggard with no name, so I thought I'd win. But the confrontation was a little strange. Even before he finished warming up, Park Ki-ho was luring cold pop into the broth. Earlier, a man who crawled up without knowing that he was energetic and couldn't do it, strangely, couldn't dance. But I did manage to win.

The problem is next. The last opponent was an examinee who was not one of the eight civil servants, but continued to be one of the candidates. If you let your guard down, you could have suffered a setback. Normally, Park Ki-ho is able to control himself, but today was a little strange.

"Park Ki-ho's family is still vivid."

Symbols seemed to be in a hurry as if something was being chased, and they sometimes wince and unintentionally spread the streets. Every time the power is lifted, the opponent has been attacking back. Eventually, he bowed to avoid the opponent's kick, and a big accident took place. I shouldn't have bent down. When the tightened nerve muscles were under pressure, they couldn't stand it any longer.-Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

A thunderstorm shaking the auditorium.Everyone was surprised and stopped exactly as they were doing. Eyes gathered. At this time, Park Ki-ho's butt became heavy and dyed like a yellow leaf:

It was a good thing it ended there. One catastrophe has become a flood. The bank that was blocked burst.

- Crunching sound! Crunching soundy!

Like the air of an inflated balloon blowing out.

Park Ki-ho poured out one after another. Everyone's eyes were nailed to a symbol. The explosion in the auditorium was nuclear bomb-like. In addition, the ferocious stench that devastated the surrounding area caused the nose to rot. It's the smell that's been dragging ammonia for 100 years.

"What did you eat for breakfast, I'm glad you finished your exams, and I almost died."

"So, did Park Ki-ho fall off?"

"It's not falling off. It's stuck."

This is unexpected. I definitely controlled it, but it's stuck.

It stimulated Jungwoo's curiosity.


"He's a dirty poison.I think that was poison, poison in excrement. "

Park Ki-ho's counterpart was a very smelly girl. Park Ki-ho was able to win because he abstained from fighting. However, after the match, Park Ki-ho poured out excrement from the large intestine. The test was stopped for half an hour because it was pouring out like hell. In fact, toxic properties have been added to the poo."He couldn't clean it up, so he put on a gas mask and moved it."

"I'm glad you passed the exam."

"What's wrong with me? The rumor will spread. Can you carry your face around? I would have killed myself with a knife in my mouth.

Even if it were a terrible imagination, Gangcheon tasted the chills. Just imagining it makes me want to die. It's like this for others, but I wonder if the person involved will feel the same way. The characteristics are poisonous, so it is probably called Perfection 08 Park Ki-ho.

"That's why you have to use your heart in a good way."

"I can't believe you said that."

Gangcheon had been with Jungwoo for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what he was thinking. I think he's nice, but when I look at the process and the results, he's awful. In particular, I have never seen anyone far away from Jung-woo and Chuck. This man is a walking Nuclear (0400680).

"You're going to get me."

"Let's not force it."

Gangcheon saw the corners of Jungwoo's mouth go up. The meaning of that laugh is clear: that guy was the culprit. Nevertheless, he pretended to be innocent, and he laid an iron plate on his face. The strong are originally said to have a strong pride, but it is scarier because they do not choose the means.

"Tell me the truth.""There's a lot of lying going on. I guess it's a big problem. If you find me, I'm sorry.

That's what a man who didn't even try to hide it in the first place would say.

"You are invincible to be brazen!"

"That's such a harsh thing to say. I'm going to get hurt."

"Upper body, you? I can't believe this is ridiculous.

You're hurting me! This is the kind of man who can never be beaten. In a way, I was relieved by paying a severe price.

"Why did you do that?"

"He used poison." Poison?

If I knew who Jungwoo was, I wouldn't think of using poison.

"That crazy bastard is trying to kill himself."

"I didn't kill him."

"Why didn't you kill him? No! I might be ashamed to death."

It's a video no matter what. Gangcheon is more than adequate to guessing. It is difficult to touch himself, and he must have imposed a ban on poison with the intention of using Jung-woo. Park Ki-ho's disaster was a set order, touching Jung-woo, not anyone else."I-Dok"

Even so, what the hell did you do? The nature of the symbol is not bad either. It was strange that if it had been poisoned, it would have been recognized, but it had never been detected:

"It'll be hard to move around for a while.

"Isn't it over?"

"The end is when I say it's over."

Seeing Jung-woo nonchalantly joking, Gang-cheon got goosebumps: evilness is invincible: perhaps the most invincible. But I don't know how the hell you did it.Poison is hard for anyone to handle. Even more, I've never seen him carry poison with him. Park Ki-ho, who has properties about poison, can be immune on his own.

It's still a mystery.

"How did you do that?"


This 7

What did you just say?

It would have been known that the level of difficulty is higher because it is not compatible with the cardiovascular system ([email protected]), depth (670), and cardiovascular system (6#). For example, kendo-gwon ([email protected]'s master) was found, but the maverick master was rarely found. It must have been hard to find a master in the past, even find in the past. Those who use mind reading in martial arts novels are no different from those who use mind reading.

"Did you know how to play poison?"

What the hell can't he do?

It's hard to cook any leftovers, so I get beaten up every day. When I said I'd learn magic, I laughed a little inside. But on second thought, I get goosebumps. Maybe this guy will be a hemp wizard. How can you beat this guy if you add magic to his terrible martial arts?

You're a cruel.

Gangcheon shuddered with fear. If my small wish to win even once as a friend is shattered, I think I will be beaten unilaterally until the day I die.

"But if you use poison, won't you get it?"

Don't work on modern medicine.

Gangcheon's humble revenge.

I heard that the National Forensic Service is recognized all over the world. In movies and dramas modeled after the Forensic Service, the culprit was found with just one piece of evidence.

"That's a bit of a problem."

Sympathy is the poison of will. It was possible to forgive or detox if one cares about one's heart. The $0-0 poison of the party, which boasted intangible leadership in its previous life, was also addicted to Jung-woo's mind and melted in vain.Park Ki-ho could have been killed in any way he could have been killed.

You're detecting a psychotoxicardium? Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

And there are no cases in history of pooping and commissioning to the National Forensic Service. It's not like the National Forensic Service is a group of people who are too. I won't let you do that.