Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 691

Bill Simmons was really scared. He didn't count it out. Link would actually take part in the slam dunk contest!

In the beginning, he called link a soft egg because of this. As a child with his father to the scene to watch the ashes of fans, Simmons is really too familiar with the NBA. He believes that nowadays, it is impossible for a famous star to take risks in the slam dunk contest.

However, link's decision surprised Simmons.

What level of star is link? Before the half of the season, link has accumulated a lot of honors.

The top 50 stars in the new season, the league's longest opening streak, player of the third week, player of the month, and the fifth player in history to win three double figures in the Christmas War...

you know, even half of the regular season of this season has not been finished, and link's Honors can be listed. If we wait until the end of the season to count, link's honor will certainly be much more than now.

It's such a successful guy who actually chooses to participate in the slam dunk contest!

Link's courage is beyond bill Simmons's imagination.

Now, Bill Simmons has to seriously consider the question, "what if link really wins in the slam dunk contest? Do you really want to wear women's clothes? "

Simmons is also one of the most outstanding sports columnists in the United States and even the world. It would be a shame to wear women's clothes in full view of the public!

Simmons now just wants to slap himself. He said the bet on women's clothes.

I was happy for a while, but I didn't expect to get into such a big trouble.

But when he calmed down, Simmons found that things had changed!

Let alone whether link can win or not, even if link wins, Simmons still has a chance to cheat.

Last season, the rules of the slam dunk competition were changed. The number of participants has increased from 4 to 6. However, the competition is no longer based on individuals, but a team confrontation system with three players as a team and Division League as a unit.

After the dunk of two teams of players, it is not the individual score, but the team with higher total score of three players wins.

In other words, last season's dunk competition is no dunk king. In the end, it was the Eastern Star team that won the game, not someone else.

Simmons found the cut and was ready to drill the point. This year's all star, even if link wins, it's a victory for the western team, not for link himself.

Link is not the dunk king, this is the reason Simmons refused to wear women's clothes after a month and a half!

Simmons laughed and lamented his amazing high intelligence.

You want to screw me? You link is too young! Simmons blackened the old Isaiah Thomas for so many years, Thomas had no way to deal with him.

How can a young Chinese player beat Simmons.

But as the saying goes, plans can't keep up with the changes.

The day after Simmons had a bad idea, the league officials released the news again.

"The NBA all star single event will cancel the East-West confrontation system and return to the previous individual system. This year, only four people will take part in the slam dunk contest, and each person will only represent himself

Simmons watched the news on his mobile phone and couldn't help shaking.

This is for fun! What about me!?

The new system has only been implemented for a year. How can we change it!

A cruel fact is that the League really changed the competition system again because link wanted to participate in the dunk contest.

Last season, why did the League change the slam dunk contest and other individual events into the East West confrontation system? It's just because there are no big stars to participate in, so we can't find any exciting points, so we can only innovate in the rules.

Since there are no stars in the slam dunk contest, we should change the competition system of "individual first" to "team first".

In this way, can not cover up the lack of star flavor this defect?

But now that link has announced his participation in the dunk contest, suddenly there are stars in the dunk contest. There is no doubt that the "team first" competition system is not in the best interests.

People came to see link win the championship, not to see link dragging two unknown teammates to win the championship. What people want to see is link brutalizing the other three challengers, or three challengers who turn him over.

There is no doubt that only the traditional rules of dunk competition can stimulate the commercial value of link.

Therefore, the league made a special trip to modify the dunk competition system for link to maximize the interests.

For such a change, fans have clapped their hands. Simmons, alone, suddenly felt desperate.

The league has paved the way for link, and what link has to do is to win the championship under the expectation of all.

Bill Simmons's excuse for himself was not immediately applicable. Besides, he has no other excuse to look for.

As link said in an interview at Toyota Center yesterday, "you have nowhere to run, asshole!"Simmons is still trying to figure it out. He believes there must be a way. But silently, Simmons has already ordered several sets of women's clothes...

well, be prepared.

Link is going to take part in the slam dunk contest, which makes all the fans very excited.

Fans who like link are eager to see him perform in the slam dunk contest. And fans who hate link have a chance to see a superstar overturn in a slam dunk contest.

No matter for which group, this year's slam dunk contest is worth seeing because of link's participation.

This may be the first time in history that the league has just released one person who participated in a slam dunk contest to make it a high-profile event.

As the matter continues to ferment, a hot topic has also been involved.

"In the history of NBA, there are many players who have participated in the three-point competition and the slam dunk competition at the same time, but no player has ever been able to win both the three-point competition and the slam dunk contest at the same time. Can link make history again in a month and a half? "

As soon as this topic was raised, it aroused extensive discussion.

In NBA history, there are many people who have participated in the slam dunk contest and the three-point competition at the same time, but they usually dominate only one of them.

For example, Ray Allen took part in the three-point ball competition five times in 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006 and 2011, and won the championship of the three-point competition in 2001. He gives the impression that he is a three-point shooter, and it's okay to take part in the three-point competition.

But in fact, the first single challenge Ray Allen took part in when he was young was the slam dunk contest. However, he was invited to participate in the first round in 1997, but he regretted to be out of the competition and never participated in it again.

Another example is Brent Barry, who created the legend of "white can fly", who won the slam dunk championship with a free throw line jump in 1996, becoming the first white player to complete such a difficult action in the slam dunk contest. In 2003, Barry also strongly entered the final of the three-point competition, which was very close to winning the double title. However, Barry regretted to withdraw from the championship competition with 17 points in the final, and unfortunately failed to make history.

Link's good brother Paul George has also tried the three-point competition and the slam dunk competition in recent years, but he has not achieved any decent results in either event.

The only person in NBA history who can be "number one" in two events is "old rascal" Michael Jordan.

Jordan once won the all star slam dunk championship in 1987 and 1988. He was absolutely dominant in the slam dunk contest, and set a record of "No.1 in the league" in the three-point ball competition in 1990.

In that year's three-point competition, Jordan only got 5 points, which is the lowest score record in the all star three-point game so far. The two time slam dunk championship and the penultimate record in the three-point competition are all Jordan can do.

It can be seen that it is not easy to dominate the two events at the same time. Every athlete has his own specialty, but few athletes can really master everything.

Link has won a three-point contest before, but also broke the three-point competition score record. This time, if link won the slam dunk contest again, it would be an impossible record to be broken.

Now, fans around the world are waiting for link to perform at the slam dunk contest in a month and a half. Since 2000, the slam dunk competition has never received so much attention.

Before the game started, the dunk contest was saved by link. , the fastest update of the webnovel!