Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 676

On the night of December 13, NBA officials finally released the results of the first round voting for the 2014 all star game.

The result of this vote was both unexpected and reasonable.

With 609000 votes, link became the first round of all star voting this year!

Behind him was heat superstar James, who won 607000 tickets. Durant, the youngest scoring king with 605000 votes, and Kobe Bryant, who won 602000 votes.

It's unexpected because it's hard to imagine that in this era, James and Kobe are not at the top of the voting list.

And it's reasonable that link is really the best player of the season so far, none of them.

20-0, the Grizzlies' record is not comparable to any other team. At the same time, link's performance is as good as ever. Excellent record and strong personal performance, let link surpass James and Kobe, the two popular monsters, his career for the first time was voted to the top of the all star voting position!

Although the vote continues, link is likely to be overtaken by the latter. But even if it's just one round of voting, it's amazing. After all, it's superstar athletes who compete with link.

It's not easy to stand out among the superstars.

Link felt extremely proud. Once, Grant Hill was also a favorite in the eyes of fans. In his first year in the league, he was voted the All Star Ticket winner by fans.

Even in the seasons when he was injured and couldn't play, the All-Star ticket winner belonged to hill. This shows how much fans love players like hill.

Elegant and powerful. It's both violent and elegant.

Now, link has really taken over hill's mantle. He not only inherited Hill's style of playing, but also gained the popularity of hiring Grant Hill.

Linkburn believes that with his excellent performance this season, there should be no controversy about becoming the ticket king.

make complaints about it. Second days ago, before the start of the match against the thunder team, Linke still saw many comments on Tucao.

"Kobe and James are great players who have to come after link? If you accept this result, you must not be a pure basketball fan

"This year, both Weibo and wechat in China have opened voting channels. As a result, link took the dividend from the Chinese market. Lin Shuhao, who averaged 12.5 points and 4.1 assists per game, was ranked fifth only after link, James, Durant and Kobe. It can be seen that the voting of Chinese fans is crazy

"Link is the All Star Ticket winner? Please, give me a break. I can't accept that for the moment. "

The more famous a player is, there are as many people who hate him as they like him. This is true of any superstar, including Jordan, Kobe and James.

There are as many people who hate Kobe as they like him. Kobe and Celtics fans don't like him. There are a lot of people in the world who hate James, even though he is one of the strongest players in the game.

Every fan has his own hero image in his heart. It is very difficult for a star to satisfy all fans' fantasy of hero. Therefore, even if link made a 20-0 record, he was still doomed to be sprayed.

Among them, the most vigorous black link is Bill Simmons.

Although the last time with link, Simmons overturned. But with the character of Simmons, he never stops. He also said that until link won the slam dunk championship, he was very keen to compete with link to the end.

Bill Simmons is such a straightforward person, not only against link, great players like Carter and Jabbar, but also Simons.

He even did not mind in his own book Black his hate star, the reason is simple and crude, not because the other side did something wrong, but because, "this is my book, I think the black who black."

"If link doesn't have a yellow skin and can't speak fluent Chinese, can you guess he can make the top five? The Grizzlies have won 20 games in a row, but that doesn't mean that link is the best superstar in the world. He is short of some superstar genes. I mean, no superstar can rule the League completely with a championship

Link is speechless, Bill Simmons. The goods are black and black. However, as a loyal reader of the history of basketball, link is also well prepared to be Simmons Hei.

Simmons is a very subjective guy. He never wants to be neutral or objective. For him, like is like, hate is hate.

Besides Bill Simmons, Kevin Durant is also eyeing link today.

Looking at former underdog link to become the king of votes, and Durant is only in the third place, this black guy certainly won't be convinced.Thunder was avenged by Grizzlies in the Western Conference finals last season. It's not until now in December that Durant has the chance to get a city back.

Durant had wanted to make a good performance in front of link, but now it happened to meet the all star vote. As a result, Durant is more irritable today and tonight.

Before the game began, Durant said in an interview, "the Grizzlies' 20-0 record is great, but after today's game, it will be history."

Durant said, "don't stand up to that player. I have to apologize to James and Anthony first, because I have to say Kevin Durant is the best scorer in the league "

as a result, the thunder team really stormed out at the FedEx Stadium tonight.

Thunder has a strong strength, this season to now the record is 16-4, very good.

Today, Durant and Westbrook also put forward nearly perfect personal performance.

Westbrook stopped today, hitting 27 points, 6 rebounds and 9 assists with a shooting rate of 58.3%. Today, ninja turtles are invincible.

Durant is not to be outdone, he still got 28 points, 5 rebounds and 3 assists under the tight defense of link. Moreover, the hit rate is as high as 50%.

Durant today's feel is very magical, a lot of times, link did not lose the position, but Durant is able to resist the interference of link goal.

Relying on the two young frenzied play, this season's Grizzlies lost home early. At the same time, the longest opening streak in league history is still at 20 consecutive wins.

116 to 108, Grizzlies and link suffered a painful defeat!

Thunder scored 9.8 points per 100 rounds last season, higher than the heat's 8.6 points. They have 19 net wins, 20 + points, more than double the heat! Thunder's real loss is the performance at the critical moment. They only won 2-7 in the game with a difference of less than 3 points. Last season's playoffs, thunder on many occasions in the critical moment rollover.

It's rare for the thunder to lose the game early. Today, they have grasped the opportunity in a down-to-earth manner.

Link today blasted down 26 points, 7 rebounds, 9 assists, the performance is not bad. But unfortunately, thunder is a better player.

Durant was so excited after winning that he almost rushed to link and roared. From the summer till the end of the year, Durant dreamed of winning over link. Now it's come true. Can't you be excited?

Link is also very disappointed with the loss of the game, Oklahoma thunder is more difficult to deal with than before. This game let link realize that he has not really ruled the league. Durant and Westbrook, such a super combination, can still cause Grizzlies trouble.

In sharp contrast to link's mood, it was Bill Simmons. Before the game, he said Durant was the one who could beat link. This time, he won.

"What did I say? Link is a semi superstar. Whenever he met a decent opponent, he was dumb. Believe me, when his good fortune disappears, when the Grizzlies' aura fades, they will become less magical. After the second round of all star voting results come out, link will definitely fall from the first place! unconvinced? Let's see what Kobe Bryant will do to link in the next game

Bill Simmons was so proud that he managed to pull back a game today.

And link found that this All-Star ticket winner is not very easy to be. , the fastest update of the webnovel!