Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 540

The Los Angeles clipper failed in Memphis, and the next day, many media have made special reports on it.

What's more, from the Grizzlies' first victory, we went back to game 68.

However, in many special reports, there is a photo is always placed in a very prominent position.

In the photo, the calm link is in sharp contrast to the excited crowd around him.

He didn't hug his teammates or run around the court with his arms up. Instead, he stood cold and pointed to the Grizzlies' empty dome.

Everyone knows what that means. After winning 68 wins in a single season, link is going to start fighting for the title!

"Link is going to make a formal impact on the championship. Are the others ready?"

"In fact, link has been able to win the championship flag. They are the regular season Champions of the Western Conference this year, and they have finally surpassed the Spurs to become the champion of the Southwest Division. There is no doubt that the dome of the FedEx stadium will not be empty the next time link points to that place

"The Grizzlies have made great achievements. The last team to win 68 in the regular season goes back to Celtic in the 71-72 season. In modern basketball, it's a miracle to win 68 games

The world is praising grizzly bears, a situation Memphis has never encountered before.

The Grizzlies won 68, which even overshadowed the playoffs. At this time in the past, most of the media are looking forward to the playoffs.

But this year, through all the basketball media, they are reporting almost all about Grizzlies.

In the jubilation, people found that the Grizzlies Official did not respond too much. In addition to the relevant news published on the official website that night, it remained silent.

They did not decorate the stadium with the number 68, nor did they sell commemorative T-shirts as they did when they won 60.

Grizzly fans are yelling, "take my money and get a T-shirt."

The grizzly bear, however, remained motionless.

The reason is very simple. The Grizzlies still have two games to play. This group of "bandits" are not satisfied with 68 wins.

If you can round it up, isn't it delicious?

68 wins, ranking third in NBA history. Moreover, it was tied for third place with the Celtics in 72 and the Philadelphia 76ers in 67.

Although it's great enough, grizzlies can do even greater.

Become the second team in league history to win 70 games in a single season? Well, that sounds like a lot of bluffing.

Before going to the training center the next day, link had lunch with manager Jeff Austin.

Jeff Austin hasn't been in touch with link for a while because he's busy with the draft. For every manager, the closer it is to summer, the more busy they are.

The players have to deal with all kinds of affairs such as contract renewal and signing.

And summer is the peak of this kind of business.

"Busy with the draft? So you've officially become the manager of the Greeks? " Link sat in the restaurant and joked with his manager.

"To be sure, he has not yet acquired Greek nationality. But no matter which country he will be, I believe he will become a player as good as you. Well, it may be worse than you, but he will certainly become very good

Austin spread out his hands, and since gambling against link, Jeff Austen has become more and more convinced of his vision. So when he first saw the guy under 18 in the Greek Serie B League, Austin decided to help him make his way in the NBA.

"Well, I'm not as fit as he is. Compared with many people, the boy has a natural advantage. By the way, what's his name? " Linck knew why, and wanted to hear Austin's poor accent when she read the name.

"Janis adtokumbo, the boy's name is Janis adtokumbo. Don't worry, link. Next season, you can play him

Jeff Austen chuckled slyly. He could read the name fluently.

Link and Jeff Austin have been very busy recently, so it's impossible for them to take the time to meet in order to talk about a rookie who has not yet entered the league.

Today, Jeff Austin came mainly to deal with link's problem.

Link's contract with Nike will expire in June. Signing a new shoe contract is link's only contract this summer.

Last time the two sides met, Austin had already told link about Nike's offer. Nike is willing to offer hundreds of millions of dollars to keep link!

As a drop - off draft, I'm thankful to get a shoe contract. Link, on the other hand, is about to break the record of the biggest shoe contract for the lost player, and will also issue signature shoes.This time, though, things have changed. It is estimated that Nike did not expect that link could complete such a huge leap in just half a season. From a potential star, directly transformed into a top player in the league.

As a result, Nike has reassessed the value of link.

Like NBA renewal, the shoe industry has its own standards and rules for renewal.

If a player and a brand of shoes contract is about to expire, then other brands can also bid. If the original brand wants to keep the player, it must match the contract of the same size as the offer.

Durant is more famous. At the end of his first contract with Nike, Andrea once offered a high price to rob people. As a result, Nike is willing to spend a lot of money to match.

It turns out that keeping Durant is Nike's most correct decision. Now, Durant's KD series is a very important branch of Nike.

Now Nike has made a similar decision after reassessing link's commercial value.

"You know what? Nike has decided that no matter how much other brands offer you this summer, they will choose to match, unconditionally match! Nike decided to pay the full price and keep you. At first, there was a ceiling on their offer. But now, your price is not capped! "

Austin ate and looked at link with pride. The business contract is the most drawn by the manager. The bigger the link's contract is, the greater the income of Austin will naturally be.

"Well... I'm not surprised. Didn't you say that last time? They've got plans to get my signature shoes ready. But I'm curious. What's the price of my shoe contract this summer? Can you predict it? Jeff. "

Link remembers that last time Austin came to see him, Nike offered between 120 million and 150 million.

So after tossing about half a season, how much will it become?

"Swallow up all the soup in your mouth. I don't want to be sprayed by you. Listen, boy. According to the current situation, your price in the shoe market this summer is close to this number Austin said, comparing three fingers.

"Close to 300 million?" Link shuddered when he said the word "300 million".

How much the hell does it cost!

Austin nodded gently, the latest market said that the value of link's wrong shoes this summer is about 300 million!

When link calmed down, he leaned forward to the back of his chair.

After a superstar like season, now, he finally has a star like price!

Next, with 70 wins, for this superstar season, draw the end. , the fastest update of the webnovel!