Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 468

San Antonio Spurs, they have maintained a strong competitiveness in the League for more than ten years. But in the Spurs, they are also witnessing too many moments called "miracles.".

In the 2003-04 playoffs, the Lakers and the Spurs are at King Mountain. The Spurs were 73-72 ahead after Duncan hit the ball against Shaquille O'Neal.

With 0.4 seconds left, it seems that the Spurs' victory is a certainty. However, Derek Fisher, a still young Lakers point guard, came out of the free throw line, turned and leaned back to throw his shot at the guard post. All the Spurs and the home audience, including some of the Lakers, were numb.

0.4 seconds is enough to kill a shot, and 0.4 seconds is enough to make heaven a hell. This moment made the Lakers, but the Spurs were gloomy.

December 29, 2004, it is a day that many fans and players are destined to never forget. That day, countless Houston fans turned off the TV ahead of time, because the Rockets were so far behind the spurs that the game was almost rubbish time.

At the end of the game, Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady scored 15 points to reverse the game. Well, 13 of them came from the last 35 seconds, from Tracy McGrady.

On February 10, 2007, magic played the Spurs at home. Former super center Dwight Howard and Tim Duncan were close to each other.

8 seconds before the end, spurs and magic draw. In the final attack, 21-year-old Howard left Duncan to pursue defense, straight into the basket, in the air to catch the ball directly into the basket, 106-104. With this record 0.8 seconds of air contact, the magic team won the final victory. Once again, the San Antonio Spurs have witnessed other people's miracles.

Today, it's January 11, 2013. San Antonio Spurs away game against the Memphis Grizzlies, the final 12 seconds, the Spurs are still 2 points ahead. And most importantly, the Grizzlies' leading forward was blocked in the last attack and suffered from leg cramps due to extreme fatigue.

It seems that the Spurs are close to winning. They only need to defend the other side's three points, can guarantee the victory. Even, they can let each other score a 2. Because if the game drags into overtime, the victory rate will still belong to the Spurs.

In the opponent's three-point shooting rate of the player's calf cramps, to prevent the other side of a three-point ball.

Well, it sounds quite simple.

But the San Antonio Spurs are often forced to witness what is called a "miracle" moment.

Stevens looks at link, then draws and writes on the tactical board with a marker.

Instead of sitting on the bench, link stood next to Stevens, moving his cramped right leg.

Tim Duncan walked straight up to the Grizzlies' bench and got into the middle of the Grizzlies as if he were all right.

Stevens raised his head, met Duncan's eyes, and then there was an awkward silence.

"Tim, you're in the wrong place." Stevens pointed to the other side, and then more than a dozen pairs of eyes were fixed on the unimportant number 21.

"Oh," Duncan scratched his head. "I'm a little dizzy."

Link almost didn't get cramps again by Duncan. He just knocked him down and got cramps. This time, he was almost laughed at!

Link has seen the sand carving operation of eavesdropping tactics by other players on the Internet many times. Unexpectedly, he has experienced it in person...

it has to be said that Duncan's image has been completely subverted in link's mind after entering the league.

Before, he thought Duncan was a serious silent man. Now it looks like it's just a sand sculpture of a very old age.

Fortunately, Duncan just heard nothing, because Stevens's tactics were set before Duncan came.

"Link, is that really OK?" Seeing that the pause was almost over, Stevens stood up from the bench and looked into link's eyes.

"I've got 41 points already, Brad. I don't mind taking two more. Do you believe me? "

"Of course, link, you are the player I believe in most." When Stevens finished answering, the electronic beep broke the short silence. Link stepped into the court with a tired smile.

"The last 12 seconds, wait, link is still on the court, and he wants to finish the game! Although he just had a calf cramp, link was still standing on the court! The king of Tennessee is still guarding his territory Hubie bronton was excited. The Grizzlies' home unbeaten record? As everyone knows, the record will be broken sooner or later.

But, no one wants to be today, no one wants to lose to the Spurs!


After seeing link on the field, the whole crowd stood up and yelled. Popovich felt his scalp numb, and that guy could still stand up!

But it doesn't matter, just link's layup, has proved that he can't finish the attack efficiently any more. This time, Leonard is sure to stop him!In the cheers of the fans, Conley controlled the ball and consumed time. Link stands on the right corner of the bull. Leonard and link are so close that they can twist their heads and kiss each other.

Link felt the whole stadium shaking, but he was not nervous, he was excited.

He likes the feeling that some people are born for this moment!

In the last eight seconds, Conley starts to move and link starts to run. According to Stevens's tactics, the black and white bears will cover link and Conley respectively to create confusion and then hand over the ball.

But just then, the accident happened. Frenchman Tony Parker scored 30 points today and didn't want his own victory night to be ruined. As a result, Parker calmly took out Conley's hand as soon as he started.

"Bad!" Conley felt that the basketball was out of control. The next second, the basketball flew to the sideline and he got rid of it!

Parker jumped at the ball and he almost got the basketball. But in the end, Parker just touched the basketball with his fingertips and poked it out of the sideline.

The outside ball is still the Grizzlies' right, but everything is in a mess.

It's only 3.2 seconds left, and the tactics Stevens has just set out are nonsense! Because just now, he didn't set up a touchline at all.

Stevens prepared two plans, one for link to catch the ball, and the other for Conley to win the ball.

But there's no side line!

The ball is knocked out, such an accident, nobody can think of!

Popovich is still frowning, but the rest of the Spurs' bench is already celebrating ahead of time. No tactical layout, grizzlies rely on the tired state, want to edge line ball 3.2 seconds to kill?

Wishful thinking!

While Conley was still blaming himself, link quickly gathered everyone together and whispered a few words. After that, everyone dispersed and continued to play!

"What did he say to them?" Asked Elston Turner anxiously.

"Only God knows!" Stevens's hands are full of sweat. Now, it's up to link!

It's very valuable that he can gather people together to discuss countermeasures at the critical moment without being scared and silly.

Can he do more? Stevens believes that boy can do it!

Pau Gasol goes out of bounds, and then he serves the side line. The Grizzlies are not scattered, it seems, is to do a series of no ball cover.

Leonard grabbed link's shirt, and link kept taking Leonard's hand off his body, repeatedly. The war actually started before we got the basketball.

The referee whistled and link rushed out. The tactics he had just discussed were simple, "cover me, pass the ball to me!"

As for what to do after catching the ball? Link has no time to think about it.

Link took the cover of his teammates to get a pass from Pau Gasol. The reason why he chose Pau Gasol was to see his vision and passing skills. He could ensure that the ball could be passed under any circumstances.

Link's physical strength has been completely exhausted, so the speed is not fast, just received the ball, Leonard forced to come up.

So link began to dribble along the arc outside the three-point line, looking for ways to get out of defense. Looking at the timer on the backboard, link suddenly leans back in the run!

Dribble in the shot, this is link last summer's hard work of technical action. This season, he has hit the dribble and shot directly.

But this time, it's significant.

Leonard didn't take off the first time. Link's shot was too sudden! Even if Leonard reacts quickly, it will take time.

In addition, link's body is slightly backward, so Leonard is more difficult to interfere with the ball!

"Can the king of Tennessee finish the last blow if he shoots directly out of the three-point line!" Hubie Brown roared heartrendingly. At 80, he felt his blood vessels burning as if he were young.

The red light of the backboard is shining on the basketball, Popovich stares at the last "bullet" played by link, and can't help covering his heart.

"Beep ~ ~ ~"


The buzzer and the net roll sound at the same time, basketball hit!

"Nest grass!" And Randolph went and yelled at him.

"What the hell you have! Tough, link, God, you did it Igordala opened his arms incoherently, never so crazy in his career.

In the stands, the fans turned a thousand waves. Even Grizzlies jumped into the court without a tie.

And what about link? He ran to the midfield line, his hands around his chest, his face calm and calm, and the frenzy of the whole court formed a sharp contrast.

It's like, he knew this was going to happen.

The Grizzlies' players raised link up, and the MVP cheers never stopped in the stands. Link in all the cheers and crowds, ascended the throne!San Antonio Spurs? Who cares about them!

"Now, he's the real king of Tennessee!" Herbie Brown said it without saying a word. The crazy game made him lose his voice completely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!