Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 1222

NBA preseason officially started, although it is only a pre-season game, but also enough to let the fans who have been suffocating all summer feast their eyes.

After all, there has been a huge turnover in the teams this summer. The fans can't wait to see what kind of performance this brand new team will do.

The Grizzlies' five preseason opponents are not strong: Hornets, thunder and spurs.

As for the other two teams, one is the Japanese league team, the other is the European League team, it is not a threat.

Although link has shown that he only plays 15 minutes a game at most and may not even play directly.

However, in the new season's player strength ranking, link is still in the first place, ahead of Leonard, James, Durant, curry and adtokumbo.

Even though, he hardly plays in pre-season.

The Grizzlies confirmed that they still have the strength to attack the fourth consecutive championship, but it is still a difficult road.

However, link in the pre-season after a dynamic, but caused the fans infinite reverie.

"The warm-up is over. Now we have to be serious."

Still warm-up on the strength of the fourth ranking, serious also got? , the fastest update of the webnovel!