Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 1220

The announcement of link's retirement has made the new season, which has attracted much attention, become more popular.

Because if link doesn't change his mind, next season will be the last year for fans to watch link.

No one is willing to miss link's last season. Of course, the fans of other championship teams don't want to miss the last chance to beat link.

When link went to the FedEx stadium for training the next morning, he found that there were still a large number of fans and reporters gathered at the gate of the stadium.

So, very rarely, he stopped and walked to the crowd gathered outside the stadium.

When the fans saw link, they became very excited. The cameras in the hands of the reporters flashed suddenly. In the early morning, there was a commotion outside the FedEx stadium.

"Link, stay. We can't bear you!"

"Yes, a few more years. We all know you can do it!"

"Don't go, link. We need you!"

Fans gathered around link, and security personnel inside the FedEx stadium had to rush out.

But link stopped the security guards from trying to separate the crowd. He stood in the middle of the crowd and motioned for all the fans to be quiet and listen to him.

"If you really love me, let me live the life I want. Don't worry, I won't leave you any regrets in the last season. So, let's go. We'll get together again on race day

Link said that and left the crowd.

The fans were stunned and, after a few minutes, voluntarily dispersed.

If he wants to, he should support himself.

Link has done enough for Memphis, forcing him to stay is really selfish.

After all, link is not anyone's personal property.

The security personnel looked at the scattered fans and looked at each other one by one.

Last night, they had been here with their trumpets all night, and it didn't work at all.

Link is good. In a few words, he'll get rid of the crowd.

This is probably link's influence and charm.

All Memphis respect link and are willing to listen to him.

Link walked into the stadium, and many of the coaching staff looked at him in shock.

When he stepped into the training hall, Conley and Gasol immediately came up.

"Are you serious? Are you really retiring after this season? Tell me, link, you must be playing with that group of journalists, right? " Gasol's tone was very anxious.

Not only journalists and fans, but also their old partners, are not ready to accept link's retirement.

"I'm sorry to tell you so late, man. I just don't want to cause unnecessary trouble. But it's true. This is my last season

Link looked at the training hall, where many people had come and gone.

Unexpectedly, now it's your turn.

Facts have proved that link is right to choose this time to announce his retirement.

Because Ding Weidi and they all texted yesterday that if they had known this was link's last season, they would not have left.

But obviously, they won't get those big contracts.

Link doesn't think retirement is a farewell. After all, people can gather outside the basketball court.

On the whole, link doesn't want to make retirement too sad.

Therefore, his mouth always said everything lightly.

But in fact, link never gave up.

"Well, I didn't expect you to leave earlier than all of us. In that case, we can't lose in the new season. Link's last season, must draw the most perfect period Conley had held back a lot of words to say, but when he saw that link had made up his mind, he did not want to persuade him any more.

One of linck's characteristics over the years is Conley's favorite, that is tolerance.

That's right. Link is a "no evil can't forgive" asshole. He won't let go of any bluster reporter, and he won't show mercy to any opponent.

At first glance, link and tolerance can't get together.

However, you've never heard of link turning against a teammate for leaving.

You've never heard of link having a problem with a teammate.

This is his tolerant side.

Durant left the thunder, making Westbrook and Durant fight for a period of time in the cold war.

Ray Allen went to the heat, and kg and pierce have not had a good relationship with him until now.

But every time grizzly has someone to go, link won't stop him. On the contrary, he is very supportive of his teammates to develop what is likely to be better.

The Grizzlies' dressing room atmosphere is so good, because everyone has no shortcomings?

No, it's because link accepts everyone's shortcomings and squeezes them all together.All this Conley learned from link.

Now that link has his own choice, Conley won't stop him.

Everyone has the right to choose their own life, including link.

"Don't go. I really hate you." Just then, there was a numb sound behind link.

The next second, a pair of big arms wrapped around link from behind.

Link felt a soft lump of fat stuck to his back, which made him feel like vomiting.

"Nikolay, why are you fat again?" No need to look back. Link knows it's jockey.

The whole Grizzlies can't find another one that is fatter than jockey!

As the boss, PELA is not fat, the general manager Chris Wallace is not fat, and the head coach and assistant coach Joel and Schneider are not.

Yokic is the only fat guy in the FedEx stadium!

"Well, I can't say anything else. Don't worry. I've given up coke a week in advance. Well, I actually stole a bottle yesterday. But I promise I won't touch a coke from today on. "

Jockey let go of link and saluted him with a look of "don't worry, I promise not to drink.".

Link turned his mouth and gave the Grizzlies to this chubby. He was a little worried...

seeing that other people in the training hall were waiting for him, link did not continue to chat.

He clapped his hands and focused everyone's eyes on him.

"I know it's a bit sudden for everyone, but I don't want it to affect our preparation. Listen, I'm not asking you to be the foil of the retired tour, I'm asking you to help me win the championship! So, cheer up. It doesn't matter if I retire next season, it's important that we win

Link finished and looked at the fake Championship flag hanging on the wall of the FedEx training ground.

"Look, look around. These are all the rivers and mountains I fought in those years! And this is the only purpose for us to gather here! So come on, guys! The road of four consecutive titles begins today

"Roar!" All the people roared back to link, including Howard, Ross, Jamie green and Morris brothers five new recruits.

It seems that they are still very quick to integrate into this champion team.

But after a tour of the training ground, link found something missing.

So, after the training started, link got close to Joel.

"Where's Dillon?" Link refers to Dillon, is the Grizzlies in 17 selected two round rookie, Dillon Brooks.

Last season, because of injury, Dillon Brooks only played 18 games and then lost the season.

He has only played 18 games, and he is only a second round show. So, unless he is a loyal Grizzlies fan, there are not many people who know this guy who has no sense of existence.

However, link was impressed by Dillon Brooks, because the performance of the second round show was beyond link's expectation.

During rookie season, Dillon Brooks averaged 9.8 points per game. Moreover, the three-point shooting rate is 35.6%.

It's not too much to be able to adapt to the NBA three-point line in the rookie season. Moreover, the average score is close to double digits, which is very rare for a second round show.

In addition to scoring points, Brooks is also very hard on the defensive side. His one-on-one defensive footwork is so good that he can hardly be easily passed by the top singles. And the body is very tough, although the arm is not enough, but the fight is very fierce.

As a "passer-by", link has no impression on this young man. But in Dillon Brooks, link sees the full potential.

Indeed, he may not be a star player. But in link's view, he is definitely an excellent front and back swing man, a very valuable 3D player.

So, link has been looking forward to this young man's comeback. He wanted to see where that guy would grow.

"Dillon? He just went to change his clothes

"Change clothes? He's late? How can I change now One of the surprised Dickens was that he took Brooklyn seriously in training.

"No, he came very early, and the training suit was wet through. So, I just went to the dressing room to get ready for a new training suit "It looks like we've got a new stadium mouse." , the fastest update of the webnovel!