Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 1206

At the end of the award ceremony, Lin kexu won the third consecutive championship for the second time, and achieved the achievement of MVP sanlianzhuang.

The most high-profile award ceremony in history ended with link's legendary Cup winning.

After link won the MVP for three years in a row, the discussion among fans about who is better between link and Jordan is becoming more and more intense.

"For 17 years, Jordan was very proud to say that six Championships are the most difficult, and no record that link has broken is as difficult as six. But now, link also has six rings on his hand. One of Michael's proudest points has been equaled by link! But Michael can't catch up with what link has done

"MVP of three companies, even Michael can't reach such a thing! I think link may have been greater than Michael

"Link is close to Jordan in hard honor and influence. If you go to China, go to every place in Asia, kids who like basketball will regard link as an idol! Even in the United States, in Europe, link has become a legend in the eyes of the younger generation of players! His influence is everywhere. "

"The ratings of games with link are much higher than those without link, which is the proof of link's influence."

Fans have begun to take the initiative to push link to Jordan's position, Jordan can not hide at this time.

When he had three points with arenas and linkby, he knew that link was not a good boy.

I just didn't expect that one day he would really threaten his own position.

But now Mr. Joe is not so paranoid, he has rarely pretended to force. Most of the time, he also gives positive comments to young players.

He knows that history is used to be broken by later generations. It will be sooner or later that he is surpassed.

I just didn't expect it to be so early.

So instead of responding with pride, Jordan is ready to face link.

"If link can do it, he can try. If link can win four consecutive titles next season, I will hand him the O'Brien cup! He's a great player, but it's not necessarily better than me

In an interview with reporters, Jordan also put down his cruel words.

Link surpasses Jordan this topic to be discussed for so many years, two people finally started to fight!

Jordan is also looking forward to the next season, so many years have passed, after continuing AI and Kobe, finally came a seed!

Of course, this is the closest Jordan has been surpassed.

As an old gambler, such a "gamble" is really exciting for Jordan.

Whether he wins or loses, he will enjoy the process.

After Jordan's words, fans began to refresh link's social media crazily, waiting for his response.

But now link is not in the mood to respond to Jordan, this summer, for Grizzlies and link are indeed a test.

Since returning from the annual awards ceremony, link has been bothered by the trivia of this summer.

At this time, link is at home in Memphis, the youngest daughter is playing in the yard, and Rachel is squeezing juice for them.

Link looked at the happy family and couldn't help smiling.

Three years is really fast. No, two years have passed.

Link still remembers the summer in 2017 when the Grizzlies regained the title. Lin Ling was just a baby in his infancy.

Now? She can run all over the yard.

Over the years, link has become more and more homesick. At the thought of his wife and daughter waiting for him, he didn't want to go anywhere.

At that time, he had been looking forward to the day three years later when he would retire with great success and then spend a lot of time with his family.

But now, at this point, link finds that things are not so simple.

He loves his family, but basketball, Memphis Grizzlies and the court... Is it so easy to say goodbye?

After next season, link's career will be ten years!

He joined Memphis and fought for his dream, turning Grizzlies from a "country team" to the strongest team in the league. It will be the past ten years!

Ten years, even in terms of a person's life, is not short.

This brilliant decade, where there is so easy to say let go, let go.

At this point, link found that he was also very reluctant to give up the basketball court.

The word "retirement" is really on the lips, but some of them can't be said.

"Link, why are you still standing in a daze? Aren't you going to talk about renewal today? " At this time, Rachel waved in front of link's eyes, which brought his thoughts back.

Link signed 93 million top salaries for five years with Grizzlies in the summer of 14, which just expired this summer.

So, he's going to the FedEx Stadium today to talk to Grizzlies about renewing his contract.Of course, PELA and they don't know that link wants to play another year and retire. Link has never told anyone about it.

But now, even if you don't want to say it. In order for the Grizzlies to be introduced smoothly, link must inform them of the situation in advance, so that they have time to prepare for the next step.

"Nothing, just thinking... How time flies. As if Lin Ling was born, it was just yesterday... "Link waved his hand and didn't say his worries.

"Are you reluctant to retire?" Rachel comes up to link. She can see through link's mind.

From the development of the League all the way to now, if there is no extreme love for basketball, link can not stick to it.

Rachel is also a basketball lover, so she can feel the passion.

It's not easy to say goodbye to something you love?

What's more, it's not just basketball for link.

His teammates, his fans, his glory!

None of these things in link's career can be summed up by the word "Basketball".

"It doesn't matter if you want to play a few more years. Anyway, we can always be together." Rachel hands link the juice and signals him to finish.

"I see. I've made up my mind, Rachel. Well, I'm out. " Link drank the juice out of his glass in one breath and began to smile again.

"Well, go ahead and eat when you come back." With that, Rachel kisses link gently.

Although they have children, Rachel and link still have a sweet life.

At this time, link's little daughter also ran over.

"Is Dad going out again? How many days will you come back this time? I'll think about you, Dad. Come on

Link often travels far away for days. After a long time, I would go out and see Lin klin.

"Don't worry. I'll be back soon." Link touched his daughter's head and looked at the two ladies in front of him. His idea was more firm.

In the afternoon, link arrived at Robert Pera's office on time.

In Pera's office, there are now pictures of link!

All kinds of classic pictures of link on the basketball court are magnified by Pella in the office.

The Grizzlies have a big contract extension this summer, but they have to keep link in the first place.

It's worth the extra salary space for link. Think about link before you think about the others.

Previously, Jeff Austin told link that Grizzlies had a four-year contract worth about $200 million.

PELA didn't even talk to Austin. It's the top salary. It's no nonsense.

This means that link's annual salary is about 50 million a year!

The salary of players in this era is really exaggerated. In 14 years, link only got 90 million yuan in five years.

In addition, the right to veto trade, player options, and so on are included. They are all standard.

Four years later, link will be 36. At that time, he was worth 50 million. Pera can't guarantee it.

Few teams will offer super top salary to players of this age group. Most players who sign super top salary at this age will eventually become poison contracts.

Paul, who the Rockets are eager to sell, is an example.

But link is different from Paul. He has a veto over the deal. Even if grizzly really wants to deal with this poison contract, he will have to nod his head.

So from a businessman's point of view, Pella's contract can be described as a mental handicap.

But PELA doesn't care. Even if link does not do anything with 50 million yuan, he will.

Even if link doesn't work in the future, it's not worth 5000. In case of years, he won't trade him out.

Link is the greatest player in the history of the Grizzlies. He just wants to give him enough respect and doesn't think about so many interests.

Nowitzki and Kobe had the treatment, PELA also want to let link enjoy!

However, PELA has not formally said her conditions to link, but link has taken the lead in offering her own conditions.

And this condition, let everybody present be startled.

"Robert, I want to retire after next season. So let's just sign a one-year contract. "

Just when Rachel and linling say goodbye to link, link has made a decision.

He will enjoy the next season, and then, no longer separated from them.

Link said his decision with a smile, but everyone in the office was stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!