Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 1204

The NBA annual awards ceremony in 2019 returns to Barker hangar Exhibition Center in Santa Monica, California.

In the past two years, the award ceremony of jokes has not been very successful.

Despite the low ratings, the fans and the stars are not up to it.

Because it's a little bit of hindsight to present the regular season awards after the championship has been decided.

Last year, even harden didn't bother to join in, which shows how much water the award ceremony is.

But this time it's totally different.

This year's annual awards ceremony has not yet begun to become a high-profile, T.N.T. TV station as usual has been given the right to broadcast. This year, they don't have to worry about low ratings.

Because this year's annual awards ceremony, there is a big suspense - can link do the regular season MVP sanlianzhuang!

Of course, if there are only gimmicks and no protagonists, then this year's annual awards ceremony has nothing to look forward to.

No matter how grand it is, it will be as embarrassing as the previous two years.

After all, who would want to see a movie without a protagonist? Who would want to see a joke and speak for link?

So this year's award ceremony has attracted so much attention. In addition to the biggest suspense, link will attend the award ceremony for the first time!

When link announced that he would attend this year's awards ceremony, the ceremony, which had been half dead, became hot in an instant.

All fans are looking forward to the award ceremony. In addition to the fans, even many NBA stars have announced that they will attend this year's event.

LeBron James, Anthony Davis, Steven curry and even Kobe Bryant have announced that they will be guests at this year's awards ceremony.

In the past two years, because the awards ceremony was not very popular, so these real super brands did not attend.

But this year, thanks to link's relationship, a number of popular monsters have gathered together.

Link's MVP sanlianzhuang, together with so many big brands, the NBA's annual awards ceremony has finally achieved the desired look of a joke.

It can be said that link saved the whole event by himself, just like he saved the NBA dunk contest.

Of course, all this is inseparable from Xiao Hua's efforts in the past two years.

In the past two years, he didn't disgust link any more, and even gave him more freedom.

When link sticks to the bad press, he won't get a fine again.

When link teaches dishonest opponents, he won't be banned.

What's more, it's impossible for Grizzlies to fall behind the sentinel.

In the past, Grizzlies and link were detested villains by the alliance. But now, it's in the hands of the league.

Anyway, it's just licking link.

So this year, in view of the opportunity to be a MVP sanlianzhuang, link agreed to attend the annual award ceremony.

As a result, the annual awards ceremony has reached an all-time high.

This is the appeal of the first person in the league.

Countless stars are struggling to get the chance to enter the scene, some really want to witness link's miracle of winning the MVP trophy for three consecutive years.

And some, just want to rub link's heat.

On the night of the award ceremony, Memphis was full of people. Almost everyone is watching TV at home and watching their heroes perform at the awards ceremony.

And Memphis city at least half of the LED screen, are synchronized live broadcast of this award ceremony.

With link's joining, NBA's annual awards ceremony has really reached the level of the annual event.

And this kind of influence is all made by link himself.

When link won the O'Brien cup two weeks ago, he was destined to be the greatest star of his time.

You don't even need to add the word "one" after the greatest.

Seven years, six champions, two three consecutive titles, two dynasties.

Since Michael Jordan, no player has been able to do such an exaggeration.

Previously, it was said that link ruled the second decade of the 21st century.

But now, it's no exaggeration to say that link is the greatest player in the League since it entered the 21st century!

Look at the other great stars of the 21st century. LeBron James has only one ring and lost to link five times in the finals.

Kevin Durant also has only one ring and has been ruled by link for many years.

Carmelo Anthony now has no ball to play, and the total number of rings is still 0.

Wade, who has just retired, has four rings, but two of them were taken with link.

Vince Carter had four rings, but all four were old and followed by link.Tim Duncan, who has won three championships in five years, has only four rings. Duncan had a chance to wear the championship ring with one hand. Unfortunately, he lost to link in the 13-14 season.

Chris Paul, not to mention the championship, is still looking for a chance to touch the floor, but the Rockets are said to be trying to sell him.

As for Griffin and wall, who were the top two in the same year with link, there was no comparison.

The former has to work hard to get through the first round of the playoffs, while the latter has disappeared for a long time due to injuries.

In the 21st century, Kobe is the only one who can be compared with link.

But in the hard honor, link has also left Kobe too much.

Kobe has five championships and link has six. And Kobe's five championships, the span between the first three and the last two is too long. Therefore, it is not to say that it has ruled an era.

But link's two three consecutive titles are only one year apart, which is definitely the ruling power.

Link has five MVPs and may even get a sixth tonight, while Kobe has only one.

There are only two fmvp Kobe and three times the number of link.

So Kobe is just the closest to link.

That's the result of the great stars of the 21st century, compared with link.

Two dynasties, which many people dare not imagine at all, seems to be the prerogative of "God".

But this summer, link made it a reality!

Therefore, people also regard him as the God of this era.

Now, it's really Michael Jordan on top of link's head.

No one has ever been so close to Jordan, not just in honor, but in power!

In those days, all teams would be scared to see Jordan. As if right now, the Grizzlies are the most dangerous team in the league.

Back then, Jordan's presence was directly linked to the league's earnings. When he retired, League ratings plummeted. As soon as he came back, there was an NBA boom all over the world.

It's like now, as long as there's no link, no one's watching the awards ceremony.

At that time, Jordan's sales of jerseys and shoes were beyond the reach of others. As if now, link has been the number one player in the Jersey sales list for six consecutive years.

His link series shoes have been favored by more and more stars and fans.

Nike even intends to create a brand directly for link like Jordan!

From hard honor to influence, link is the closest man to Jordan.

To what extent? Close to the extent that most people think he can surpass Jordan!

In the past, when people asked whether a certain player would surpass Jordan, the response was often only ridicule.

But link is different. When people ask whether link will surpass Jordan, everyone will seriously start to think.

The establishment of this second Dynasty completely changed the historical position of link.

If we say before, link is still with Kobe, Duncan and their same class of stars. So now, he's become the only player next to Jordan.

In most people's eyes, link is already successful, his career has no regrets.

But link doesn't want to give up. His goal is not to be the greatest in the 21st century, but the greatest in history!

If he can achieve the four consecutive world shaking titles and further expand his influence...

link believes that surpassing Jordan is no longer just empty talk.

Of course, MVP sanlianzhuang is also a matter that can expand its influence. Most of all, it's something that even Jordan didn't do.

In NBA history, there are only three people who can achieve MVP sanlianzhuang.

Among them, Russell and "Zhang 20000" are all done in ancient times, which do not have much reference value.

In the history of modern basketball, only "forcing king" Larry Bird can win MVP for three consecutive years.

After that, the three company MVP became a legend.

However, today, at the award ceremony, another legend is about to be broken by link.

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