Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 1202

Make complaints about the annual awards ceremony, but fans were tucking away.

But the fans didn't blame link, they all threw the pot at the head of the joke.

As everyone can see, jokes and link don't deal with each other. Moreover, the joke in the finals to deliberately extend the operation of the series, is also really disgusting.

This kind of thing can't even be seen by fans, and the persecuted link is naturally unacceptable.

Therefore, it is reasonable for him not to give a joke face.

What's more, link's little daughter is just born and needs company.

If there are two reasons to blame link for not participating, it's really unreasonable.

In contrast to jokes, he made such an award ceremony, in addition to the appearance of gorgeous, fart useless.

The championship and fmvp have come out, what's the best rookie, the best sixth person, suddenly become chicken ribs.

And it's not just link who doesn't show up.

James, Durant and curry were also absent.

This shows that real superstars despise the heat of the award ceremony. It's not like the Oscars and the awards ceremony in football, where all the big names are competing.

The NBA ceremony is in an embarrassing situation where a big brand disdains the ceremony and the person who goes is not the biggest one.

And with this first time, the absence of big names will certainly continue to happen.

The annual award ceremony of jokes is quite different from what he expected.

But anyway, the 16-17 season ended safely. Although it's not perfect in a joke, this season is not without success.

Link and Grizzlies became the biggest winners of the season, and the NBA also gained the most terrible human monster after Jordan.

Championship, fmvp, double burst, best defensive player, MVP, awards and League records of all sizes...

there is no doubt that link is strong and everyone's eyes are on him.

Even in the off-season, people still want to see the news about link.

However, link did not show up after the ceremony.

This summer, he also deliberately asked Jeff Austen not to arrange too many business activities for himself.

All in all, link has only one focus this summer - family.

Link stayed in Memphis for a long time. Every day, in addition to his wife and daughter, he carefully took care of the two most important women in his life.

In the middle of the season, link didn't have much time to take care of Rachel. While Rachel was in labor, link had to prepare for the playoffs.

So link now wants to make up as much as possible.

Make up for the time in the season when she couldn't be with Rachel.

After Rachel's recovery was almost complete, link took his daughter and wife to officially start his summer vacation.

Even so, it's just taking my daughter to the nearby parks and zoos.

The links haven't been able to make a long trip this summer, so they haven't gone anywhere this year, so they stayed in Memphis.

After entering August, the annual link training camp finally came late.

This year, link's training camp started late, but as always, invited a number of stars to participate.

In addition to some old faces, there are new faces, such as Janis adtokumbo, Anthony Davis and Derek Ross.

Adetuo Kunbo is link's little fan brother, this season also became the quasi first-line star, was invited is not surprising.

Anthony Davis was invited by link after he was a teammate with Corzine last season because of his relationship and recommendation.

But rose's arrival was unexpected.

In fact, even link didn't want to invite rose in the first place.

Before all, link and Rose had little personal contact. The two, one in the East and the other in the west, met for very little time. What's more, the peak times are just staggered.

Although they were not hostile to each other, they were not friends.

Link was accidentally called by Ross a week before the start of the camp, when he had just joined the Cavaliers at a low price of 210 million years.

It's hard to imagine that the player with these two halos started to get a contract with a base salary before he was 30 years old...

Ross made a recommendation call to link very sincerely. During the call, he heard that Ross was very eager for this training opportunity.

Ross has heard of the idea that players can be transformed after they come out of link training camp.

Therefore, he wanted to try again when he was most desperate!

Last summer, when he learned that he had been traded by bulls, Rose had already collapsed once.Last season in the Knicks did not play the expected results, which is to let Rose's career to the lowest point.

But he still doesn't want to give up, he still wants to rush.

So, he chose to go to link training camp to participate in training, hoping to get back to his state.

Link agreed. He had no reason not to.

Although the Cavaliers are likely to be the Grizzlies' biggest opponent next season, Ross is already a Cavaliers player.

But what about that? If link can really help the rose bloom again, he will have a great sense of accomplishment.

Of course, the premise is that link is confident that he can still beat the Cavaliers when Ross blooms.

After all, Kelly Owen has left Cleveland to become a Celtic as it was in history.

This undoubtedly makes the Cavaliers' strength greatly reduced.

So, link is not afraid to lift a stone and hit himself in the foot.

As the first person in the league, if you don't have this kind of self-confidence, it's a shame.

The training camp is in full swing in Memphis. As for why we still choose Memphis to start camp, the reason is very simple - link can go home immediately after training every day.

This year, link will hardly stay in the training hall at night.

At four o'clock every afternoon, he would finish training on time and rush home.

As a father, life is really different.

In the past, link was alone, and it didn't matter how many times he was trained. At the end of the training, I can hang out with Randolph and them.

But now there is a home, the child is still so small, it is impossible to say that there is no care.

Even so, September is fast approaching. NBA pre-season training camp is about to start, followed by the pre-season, and then another round of long regular season, the playoffs...

link feels that this summer is particularly fast, he has not enjoyed this simple family life, and he has to prepare for the new season.

"I really want to never start the game and stay by your side forever." The day before the start of pre-season training camp, link sat on the sofa, looking at his wife and children in his arms.

"Well, then announce your retirement. In this way, you can accompany us every day. " Rachel and link have a joke.

"In fact... I'm already planning to retire." Little did he know, but link answered solemnly.

With a shocked look on Rachel's face, link said his plan to retire with three more championships.

If someone else said that, it would be nonsense.

Three more championships and retirement? Most people are so poor that they can't even win a championship!

If I win three more championships, I will retire, which is equivalent to retiring when I am too old to play.

But that's not the case with link.

"Really? If everything goes well, you will only be 32 years old in three years. You are not old enough to retire. "

"Indeed, 32 is not old enough to retire. But if I can do it, staying in the NBA will not be more challenging for me. It's better to do other things in a different way. Of course, I can accompany you

Link is very serious and doesn't look like a joke.

Surpass Jordan to create an unprecedented four consecutive titles and seven Championships.

That's link's only goal now.

As long as this goal is achieved, link thinks, it's time for the game to end.

"Three years? Well... It's a long time. "

"It's not long. It's gone in a blink of an eye. Really, in the blink of an eye. "

Link said, his eyes through the window to the lake in the backyard reflecting the moonlight.

From the blue team to the fourth championship, from the unknown to the first person in the League... All this seems to be just a blink of an eye.

Three years, maybe it will be faster than you think. , the fastest update of the webnovel!