Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 1079

The fans in the FedEx stadium were suffocating, and for them, it was a great game. But it was also a thrilling game.

At this time, on the court, 13 bearded guard in red shirt is dribbling.

He put up a screen and got rid of Tony Allen, who was defending him.

Tony Allen has not played in such a moment for a long time, and now 34 year old Tony Allen is no longer the defensive devil who was able to fight the opponent's number one scorer.

With the growth of age, Tony Allen's ability of lateral movement speed and physical confrontation is declining. His strength can no longer be compared with that of that year.

As a result, his chances of playing this season are limited. He is now in the team and old Zach, more is to play the role of a dressing room leader.

But today, the grizzly bear is really forced to have no way. After Wade and Richardson, Joel sent Tony Allen up to make a mission.

But it's clear that "Mr. Tony" is no longer what he was.

Hadden broke through Tony Allen, facing Harrell who came up from the supplement defense, bearded suddenly took a step back jump shot!

Everyone held their breath and prayed in their hearts.

But it's a pity that basketball still makes it to the net!

"28th! At the end of the half-time game, the Rockets' last attack, James Harden blew down the game's personal 28th point! My God, I'll bet no player can play this kind of efficiency in the Grizzlies defense! At 28 at half-time, James Harden made a big problem for the Grizzlies

The moment the ball went in, Hubie Brown couldn't help shouting.

Harden is so helpful today that he's fighting Grizzlies almost on his own.

At this point, only 18 seconds left from the end of the second quarter, the Grizzlies are only 3 points ahead.

Next, link!

The whole second, almost all became a stage for link and harden to show their offensive skills.

The two men did not give in to each other, and the fight was inseparable. The reason why this game is great is that the grizzly fans are lucky to witness the performance of two abnormal scorers in the league.

But it was because the Grizzlies had no way to open the score.

This whole section, basically in the Rockets can not level the score, grizzlies can not open the score in the seesaw battle.

For now, the rhythm will continue in the second half.

Soon, the Grizzlies began to make their last attack before half-time.

There is no doubt that link is the end of the attack. He spent time holding the ball two paces away from the three-point line, and the company commander Corey brewer adjusted his position in small strides and was ready to defend.

Link looks at the timer. When the time turns to "5", he speeds up and starts without calling cover!

When he reached the free throw line, link suddenly stopped to pull up and shot against brewer! In the air, link's body also has a back.

It's a very difficult goal. If someone else did it, it would be useless.

But if it's link who throws it, it's not necessarily.

At the same time, the basketball that link throws into the net.

Link hit the whistle in singles, and he succeeded in scoring again!

"Wonderful, the second quarter of the game is a wonderful fight! Harden and link give everything they have, and as fans, we have a feast for the eyes

After the goal, link looked at the scene of the big screen, just after that goal, he also blew down 25 points in this game.

He scored three points less than Haden, but had three more assists.

After half-time, link had already delivered 8 assists. As he continued to score, he did not forget his teammates in the open space.

It can be said that link and Haden both produced quite gorgeous half-time data.

Although link made that shot, harden wasn't too upset.

As far as the first half is concerned, the rockets at least played a fifty five with the Grizzlies.

That made harden confident.

He thought he was enough to take link off the throne!

Yeah, link had a 63 point boom over the Rockets. But now harden is also stronger, he firmly believes that he can win the final victory today!

Data can't lie. Playing with the most efficient way in data analysis will not fail!

Green's speech on social media was also found at half-time.

Including link.

So in the second half of the game before the start of five minutes, everyone was surprised to see link in Green's dynamic response.

"It's a real top star game. There's no room for you to interrupt. Three single stars."

Link even has time to have a fight with green after the fierce competition, which makes the fans enjoy talking about it.It seems that link doesn't want to lose in basketball and verbal battle today.

However, some people questioned, "is it really safe for link not to focus on the game now?"

Link doesn't feel like he's not focusing on the game by returning a message. He's just really fed up with Green's chatter.

But now, he really has no way out.

Whatever Hadden plays today, link has to win!

If Hadden shows divine performance, then link will have to be supernatural.

In the second half, the fight between the two sides continued. In the third quarter, Hadden continued his excellent offensive state, and the Rockets also broke out a Ryan Anderson.

Anderson has played a key role in several of the Rockets' tough games this season.

Among them, the Rockets won the warriors last time, and Ryan Anderson is the most scoring player of the Rockets.

His three-point touch is a huge threat.

In the first half of today's game, Ryan Anderson did little but follow the turn back. The only memory he has left is that shot that Harrell bled.

But in the second half, Anderson immediately changed his face!

When harden dodged link again and made a breakthrough, Anderson immediately pulled out of the three-point line.

At the same time, the Grizzlies defense overall contraction, Haden easily found Anderson.

At the beginning of the second half, Anderson hit three points, reducing the difference to only two points!

"James Harden is starting to show his versatility. He's not only able to score on his own, he's going to bring his teammates in as well."

Under this, all rocket players have become bloodthirsty beasts. They are only two points away from the draw, they are only the last step to turn the situation around!

However, link quickly used a beautiful assist to let the Grizzlies score again, breaking the illusion of the Rockets equalizing and anti surpassing.

This time, after Harrell had set up a screen for himself, link kept his eyes fixed on the long haired Fauvist forward.

But the next second, link passed the ball to the opposite side of the court.

There, Wade just went through Gasol's no ball cover to cut into the box.

Link and Wade's cross cut cooperation, this season has shown countless times.

Link's eye fake action confused the Rockets players, and when they responded, Wade had already made the layup.

Once again, the Grizzlies responded immediately after the Rockets scored.

Link received another assist, in all-round, he did not lose this season's data exaggeration harden!

But Hubie Brown couldn't laugh. Although the Grizzlies scored, the gap was still narrowing.

After all, the Rockets scored three points!

As soon as they went, the Rockets were close to one point.

Now, the difference between the two sides is only four points!

Link also found this problem, but if forced to throw the three-point shot, the effect will not be very good.

He doesn't believe the Rockets can make a string of three points.

As a result, Ryan Anderson scored outside the three-point line again.

This time, Harrell has been very careful. When Haden broke through, he didn't even shrink.

However, Anderson was stunned to receive the ball against the defense of Harrell!

Once the "anti-aircraft turret" is launched, its penetrating force is very strong.

There's only one point left. The grizzly bear looks shaky!

"Ha ha ha ha, now link's skin is blowing up!"

"Green is right. The Grizzlies are going to lose. They're playing hard now."

"25 wins in a row? Dream

Warriors fans are happier than Houston fans. Is there anything better in the world than watching the Grizzlies lose?

Harden and Anderson clapped their hands, and now there is only a little difference left. The Rockets will surpass the score this time!

The next round is crucial for the Grizzlies.

Whether they will lose the lead that has maintained more than two quarters depends on this round!

The Rockets are also very careful this time. They deliberately use Hadden to defend Conley and Beverly to defend Wade.

The aim is that Ariza and Beverly will be able to go to the team when link is ready to break through!

Wade's three-point threat is lower than Conley, therefore, now use Beverly to defend Wade, will facilitate Beverly to escape later.

Link, who hasn't seen a clue yet, motioned for everyone to pull back and sit in the middle distance with his back.

In the moment of link's back holding the ball, Beverly firmly wrapped it up!

Indeed, in the last game, link performed a magic performance with a broken crotch.

But Beverly is not Randall. He won't let link wear his crotch foolishly.Link is in the bag, the Rockets are determined to guard against this round. As long as they can prevent this attack, they will have a chance to surpass!

In the bag, Beverly suddenly cut the ball. Fortunately, link was quick enough to dodge and keep the ball.

But link knows that it may be hard for him to dodge for a second time in a row. It's a very dangerous thing to continue to get stuck in the bag.

Link decided to make a quick decision. He suddenly turned back and raised the basketball, as if to turn over and jump shot against two people!

Radical Beverly jumped to block, but found that this is just a fake action!

But it doesn't matter, and Ariza!

Link swung Beverly away and turned to the other side to shoot. Of course, Ariza quickly blocked up and gave no chance at all!

But this time, link's shooting action is aggressive. His body is very exaggerated forward, just to let Ariza hit himself.

It's just using rules. Who can't!

"Bad!" Ariza knew that fouls were inevitable, so he pulled link's left forearm in the air, hoping to force link to deform.

If it is inevitable to let the other side on the free throw line, try to avoid making the other side reach 2 + 1.

However, he grabbed the basketball with his left hand and was held by Tork in the air.

"Doodle, doodle!" The referee whistled.


Link made a successful one handed shot under the double team, and there was a penalty!

"How could that be possible!"!? What kind of goal is this? " Hubie brin stood up and created a 2 + 1 in a double bag. Hubie Brown couldn't even think about it!

You can't see it in harden, you can't see it in Curie. It's impossible to see it in any other player!

Because this is an inefficient shot choice, is in today's general trend has been cast aside.

However, in link, no offense is inefficient!

Even harden's eyes widened, and it was difficult to move under a double bag. But link not only made a move, but also scored the ball!

In an instant, the difference was opened to three points. If link adds penalty to hit, then the difference will be expanded to 4 points!

From 1 to 4, link used only one hand!

After the goal, link vigorously waved his arms and roared. The fans had not seen him so passionate for a long time.

Maybe link himself has not experienced such a exciting moment for a long time!

Green, who was watching the game, also swallowed his mouth. It was just an excessive shot! Even Durant may not be able to score in that situation, let alone make 2 + 1.

Before standing on the free throw line, link looked at Hadden in the distance and shook his finger at him.

"As long as I'm here, you'll never want to surpass the score, ever!"

Then, link plus penalty hit, hit three points!

The Rockets are now close to equalizing the score and need to cross the fort of link.

But the height of this fortress is beyond rocket's imagination. , the fastest update of the webnovel!