Reverse Growth Superstar

Chapter 1009

Linklink opened it, and a big golden title came into view.

"Memphis Grizzlies created their golden age!"

It's a very exaggerated title, but link likes it very much.

This exaggerated title is just in line with their exaggerated achievements.

Link probably took a look at the content, which made him somewhat disbelief that it was an article written by bill Simmons.

"For three consecutive titles, Memphis grizzly bears established a dynasty. Until now, there are many people who don't want to accept the fact that Memphis Grizzlies, a down and out team from Vancouver, have dominated the league. But whether you accept it or not, this is the era of grizzly bears! "

"The championship has never changed hands since 2012. They broke up the incredible heat three giants, beat the invincible youth thunder and the old spurs. Now, they've killed two more powerful opponents, the warrior and the knight. In other words, Memphis Grizzlies have no rivals in the League! "

"Let's talk about link, the key to the establishment of the Grizzlies' dynasty. If I list all the honors he has won this season, you may be dazzled! The best player of six months in a single season, three MVP, all star ticket winner, double burst, best defensive player... These are just hard honors, and link has a bunch of incredible records

"The player who won 20 points and triple doubles in the first half, the player with the highest number of triple doubles in NBA history (10 times), the highest score record of NBA overtime (17 points), and the whole article of bill Simmons in history praised link and Grizzlies. Link is really not used to it.

Simmons has turned black and pink since he shaved his head.

As for news from other platforms, the headlines are also exaggerated.

"For three consecutive titles, the Grizzlies are among the best teams in history."

"The spring of the small ball Market, the first dynasty established by the small ball city team in NBA history was born!"

"Jordan? Can rink make an impact on the second dynasty? "

"It's a pity that LeBron has failed for three years in a row, and he will be the most dazzling background board under the link Dynasty."

Link looked around and found that this time, no media jumped out to be a clown.

Almost all the news is about the Grizzlies and themselves.

Link can't help but smile, in front of a dynasty team, even the media who have always been venomous are so humble.

Just then, link heard the stairs.

Looking around, Rachel walks down from the second floor bedroom in her white T-shirt.


"What are you doing? When did you get up? "

"I didn't wake up long ago. Come on, I've made breakfast. Drinking a cup of hot milk can relieve your stomach discomfort

"My God, the best basketball player in the world is making me breakfast."

"Well, only you have such treatment."

Said link, putting the toast and milk on the table.

But Rachel goes straight to link and pours into his arms.

"It's nice, this quiet morning... I really want to be like this every day in the future."

"Yes, Rachel."

"Is it? You'll be busy again in a week

"No, I can stay with you longer this time. Hey, let's go to Europe this summer. How about Italy? "

Rachel looks at link and feels a little weird. "Are you talking about tourism? Not your summer basketball camp? "

"I'll talk about that when I get back." After winning the championship, link has a very important task this summer.

If this task is completed, the golden age of our own will be truly complete...

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