Revenge to The Devil

Chapter 83: Failed Divorce Attempt

But it was I who had proposed to get divorced, but I was ashamed to change my mind. "Oh, if he treats me in such a tender way, how could I propose such a silly idea? At the divorce office, there was a woman in her forties, who stared blankly when she saw Jonathan holding me. She stood behind the counter and just stared. Eventually, she spoke to us and said, "Here are the divorce proceedings which you must follow."

"I know!" I said. After answering her, he put me down gently on the seat, then flattened the wrinkles of his coat sleeves as he sat down. I was so relieved to sit down, as I didn't like being carried around.

"Break up?" the lady said in a routine kind of way. We looked at each other in silence.

Didn't it seem like a typical break-up? "Incompatible characters?" she asked.

I shook my head firmly. Although we belong to different worlds, we suited each other.

"Why do you want to get divorced?" she asked.

He turned to me...

It was quiet enough to hear his breathing. I thought to myself, "Was it because he was my enemy? Because he left me in the hospital and prohibit me from seeing him again? Because we were separated for two years? Or because I told him that I loved him thousands of times, but he didn't believe it?"

All the answers were correct. It was because I thought he didn't love me any longer, but it was a matter in the past. The lady checked the time, and coughed saying, "The divorce agreement?"

I could endure the situation because it was the first time I was going to do that.

"An agreement on child custody, division of property, etc. Haven't you prepared for it?"

"Our child..." he glanced at me, said, "We haven't had a child and needn't divide the property. I have asked the lawyer to confirm the effect of my will so that if I have an accidental injury, she will be my successor."

Alas, although I didn't care about the property, his words stirred up my mood. The lady gave me a weird look, which seemed to question, "Why do you want to get divorced from such an excellent man?"

She said helplessly, "Please show me your marriage certificate."

"Marriage certificate," Jonathan turned to me again, a little awkwardly.

"Didn't you bring it?" I whispered to him, it was possible judging from his expression.

He shook his head, "I tore it up in two years ago."

"What? How can you tear up such an important certificate?" I asked.

"Important!" he held my hands and said, "Do you think what's the point of it?"

"Well," he stood up slowly, courteously and respectfully, "Sorry to keep you, I know that it is almost time for you to leave, and I am sure that you are keen to get home." The lady seemed to appreciate that.

"Had he changed his temper in the past two years?" I wondered. I had never seen him being so polite to somebody he didn't know at all.

I was staring at him when he took me back to the car. He moved his body uneasily, "If you are determined to get divorced, we shall come here next Monday."

"Since the certificate has been torn up, it is no different from getting divorced," I said suddenly. There was a huge difference between a torn-up marriage certificate and divorce.

As usual, I always had poor logic.

"You and Shawn…" he started saying.

"We have nothing to do with each other, except the accidental kiss," I told him.

He turned his head to the window. A hint of a smile flashed around the corner of his mouth.

It had been a long time since I had seen such a smile. I had even forgotten the charm of such a heartfelt smile.