Revenge to The Devil

Chapter 77: Falling Soul

I didn't reach out my hands, because I was too exhausted to talk to Shawn. "Please tell him that I have come back," I said. She walked towards the veranda and called. I didn't pay attention to what she said to Shawn, because I noticed that she looked down the stairs through the window.

I crept out to the balcony, watching the direction of her eyesight. Jonathan's car was parked downstairs. Several bodyguards stood looking around vigilantly, not far from the car. He leaned half against the car and smoked quietly. His beige shirt was noticeable in the darkness, beside the dazzling neon lights and busy streets. "Why hadn't he left?" I wondered. Hesitation was not his style. Then I thought, "Was he waiting for me?"

He seemed not too cold-hearted, he may agree to get a divorce. In a flash, I wanted to rush to talk to him impulsively and say, "Let us start over?"

Then I sneered, "No! Not at all!"

I tripped over the same stone twice, the first time was ignorant, the second was just stupid. If there was a third, it would be ridiculous!

I had survived the most suffering over the last two years of my life. But I could play the Butterfly with a smile, and I could confront him proudly. It was unnecessary to arouse love and hatred in my heart.

It was uncertain who would win and who would be hurt! Carrying a nightgown from the closet, I went into the bathroom.

I lay in the spacious bath, allowing the water to immerse my body slowly, including the very skin where he had kissed me. It erased the marks which swore his love and lust. Not knowing when, I enjoyed the feeling of indulging myself in the water, wrapped in warmth and total relaxation.

Until the water and my heart became cold, I could not feel his penetrating smell. Once I had put on my nightgown, I saw that Irene was still standing on the veranda, she frowned slightly and showed concern on her exquisite face.

"What are you watching?" I said in a cold tone, perhaps due to the coldness of the water.

"Nothing...…" she replied. After hesitating for thirty seconds, she recovered and left the veranda awkwardly.

"Desiree, is it true that Jonathan Li is your father?" she asked.

"Yes!" I lay on the bed, hugging the duvet, and picked up the script to read again.

"It is unbelievable that he has a daughter of your age," she said.

I turned my eyes to look at her face. In my memory, she was not only pretty but also graceful, bearing a decisive and rational charm. Out of expectation, when facing Jonathan, such a woman would reveal only a blank expression.

To save the falling soul, I kindly reminded her, "He is older than he looks."

"I know," she said as she came to the veranda, looking down the stairs, "I knew it already."

I clenched my teeth. As I was about to rush to drive him away, the hotel's phone rang.

Irene answered it quickly, saying in a trembling voice, "Hello."

"... "

Taking the phone, I told him politely, " Please don't keep calling me."

On the other side of the phone, there was no answer, but trembling breathing. There was one person, only one. I could tell who it was by the faint breath, without any words.

"What's wrong?" I lowered my voice and put the phone close to me.

After a moment of silence, a low voice came through the phone, "I won't get divorced from you, never."

I hang up and ran to the veranda, seeing that his car had disappeared without a trace.

"Irene!" I said, as she was looking at me, "Help me contact a lawyer tomorrow, I want the best one."

She shunned me and said, "If you plan to accuse Jonathan Li, it's better to save your energy. No lawyer would dare go up against him."

"I don't want to sue him," I said. Because of the sharp ache, I felt in my ankle, I sat on the bed.

If any lawyer dared to sue him, he must have been tired of his life.

Of course, I wouldn't spread the news all over the world, but I just wanted to make my point.

I massaged my ankle, saying casually, "I just want to consult with someone who has common sense about the law."

"Well, I have a friend who is a reputable lawyer. I'll make an appointment with him tomorrow," said Irene.

"Thank you!" I gasped and looked down at my feet and said nothing else.

I just knew Irene, I thought that even though she was young, she did excellent work. She was sensible and scrupulous and could resolve any matter easily. But I was curious as to why she was willing to do that for me, a nameless pianist and actress.

"What benefits did she get from Shawn?" I thought.

As I was thinking, the groaning and panting were resounding in my ears and the sensual scene flashed through my brain. I shook my head hard, but the picture was rooted in my mind.