Returning from the Xianxia World

Chapter 2210

Just a quarter of an hour after the arrival of Shangguan Fengyan, the Shenzhou is shining in the distant sky, the horses and horses are rushing, and the momentum is like a rainbow. Then 20~30 10,000-day true disciple walks out of it, and then defends behind Shangguanfengyan. .

Coupled with the flowers, Han Xian, Chen Qian, Ye Sisi and other major arrogance, and the subsequent arrival of some of the unique Tianjiao, the number of young Tianjiao in the sky is close to a hundred people, can be described as a hundred flowers. Stars are lingering.

“I really don’t know when I will be with them. From then on, I will stand in the sky and look at the four sides!” Looking at the great arrogance in the sky, there are teenagers on the ground, and the eyes are full of envy, muttering to himself, “The husband, If so!”

“I am not weaker than the other three major territories in the Nanyuan realm!” Someone looked at the Tianyao of the Nanyuan area in the hundreds of Tianjiao, especially Shangguan Fengyan, and said with excitement, “This time the three major fields of Tianjiao battle, say nothing. It will not be as bleak as ever. There is Shangguan Fengyan, and among the top ten, there must be one of our Nanyuan boundaries!”

“It’s a pity that the Qinglin family!” Some people shook their heads and sighed. “Lin Xiao of the Qinglin family is also a very promising seed. The two treasures, the two major laws, and the words of the heavenly capital are more than Shangguan Fengyan. Strong!”

“But it is a pity that the Qinglin family made their own deaths, and they actually swindled the taboos of the evil scorpion guns, which led to the destruction of the entire Qinglin family. The whole family went up and down and there was no living thing!”

“If not, there will be a place in the sky today for the Qinglin family’s Tianjiao!”

“Unfortunately, it’s a pity!”


Just on the ground, there was a change in waiting for the Tianxiang Island to open, and they changed into conversations with each other and whispered!

“曦Princess, Wei Princess!” Shangguan Fengyan suddenly folded from the sky, and then slowly walked toward Xiao Fan and others on the ground, but did not look at Xiao Fan, just looked towards towards Nan Wei and Yan , nodded and said.

When Shangguan Fengyan moved, suddenly everyone else in the sky moved. The 20~30 10,000-day true disciple was the first time to catch up, and landed down with Shangguanfengyan. To Xiao Fan and others.

After making a shadow, Han Xian, Chen Qian, Ye Sisi and others looked at Xiao Fan and others on the ground, and then they flashed a faint color on their faces. They also fell and came to Xiao Fan and others again. .

Once again, Xiao Fan became the focus of the crowd.

“Shangguan Zongzi!” For Shangguan Fengyan, Nanwei picked up his eyebrows, but he raised his hand and said.

Nan Wei and Shangguan Fengyan did not have much friendship, and they only followed each other’s father master on several occasions. They had a few faces, but they couldn’t talk about it.

Therefore, although he was jealous of Shangguan Fengyan, Nanwei did not think that Shangguan Fengyan would deliberately come down and visit him.

The cockroaches on the side are still not talking, but the pale face is nodded to Shangguanfengyan, and then they still stand there, and the body wants to calm down, but it can’t be done.

“Is Princess a different body?” Shangguan Fengyan noticed the paleness and trembling of the cockroach, and suddenly looked towards 潋曦, said the opening.

And everyone is watching it, because now, many people have noticed the strangeness of the cockroach, but in view of the special identity of 潋曦, no one dares to worry about the previous concerns, they just stand there. , amazed.

“I, nothing!” From the time I came to Tianxiang Lake, I finally opened my mouth, and the voice was very hoarse. “The Shangguan sect does not need to worry!”

“If there is any need for 曦Princess, even though it is open!” Shangguan Fengyan glanced at it and did not continue to ask, but nodded.

“Many thanks Shangguan Zongzi!” He opened his mouth, his voice was more hoar, and then he stopped saying a word after the voice fell.

Shangguan Fengyan looked at him again, and this finally regained his gaze. Obviously, he was puzzled by the obvious abnormality of the cockroach.

However, Wanfa Zong and Tianzhu Academy once had old grievances. It is said that Wan Fanzong suddenly moved from the Dongyuan boundary to the Nanyuan boundary.

At this moment, Shangguanyan is only a set of hackers. Keeping the number of rituals that’s all, he doesn’t really care about anything, and he doesn’t even care.

And Nan Wei is not familiar, and he is only polite, and the reason why Shangguanfeng suddenly fell from the sky to here is obvious.

It is for Xiao Fan!

Just now Xiao Fan slammed three negative realm and hundreds of Celestial Realm people. Shangguan Fengyan came to the interest after hearing about it, deliberately lowered and wanted to have a moment with Xiao Fan.

Because the person who can do this step is at least better than the flowers, the cold fairy is still on the front line, almost close to himself, and in the Nanyuan boundary, such young people are absolutely rare and rare. .

Today, I met someone who has never seen it. Shangguan Fengyan is quite interested in Xiao Fan.

“There are two or three hours away from Tianxiang Island. The time is still very abundant. It is rare to meet the opponent. I wonder if you are interested in simply discussing it?” Shangguan Fengyan looked toward towards Xiao Fan, and said that it was very direct.

Everyone’s eyes are also look towards towards Xiao Fan.

“No interest!” Xiao Fan opened his eyes and looked towards Shangguan Fengyan. He was very calm and shook his head.

“Just discuss it, until the end, will not delay you into the Tianxiang Island!” Shangguan Fengyan said again, and raised his hand to Xiao Fan for a ceremony, the foot is a step forward.

“You still go back!” But Xiao Fan still shook his head, not moving at all, and said calmly, “I really have no interest in learning from you!”

Xiao Fan said this, suddenly between, all around again a silence.

Everyone is once again looking at Xiao Fan like a ghostly look, if you are watching a monster!

This person, first of all, the relationship between Minqing and Qiwuge, and the rejection of the goodwill of Qiwuge, has already been offended by the Seven Wuge, now what is the character of Shangguanfeng Rock? How many people want to compete with Shangguan Fengyan is not that chance, and he actually refused the invitation of Shangguan Fengyan again?

Even Shangguan Fengyan is already a gift, and Lieutenant Li Xian, once again invited to play against it. If it is for a personal change, then even if it disagrees and must agree.

Because if you refuse again at this time, then you will never give Wan Fa Zong a face!

As a result, he still dared to refuse, and refused to fight?

Then he knows that he is actually offending Wan Fa Zong?

Continuously offending Qiwuge, Wanfazong, how big is this person’s courage?