Returning from the Xianxia World

Chapter 2181

“Wan Fa Zong!” Looking at these young and straight-hearted silhouettes of the stars, some people in the crowd spoke, and the voice was quite dry and spit out three words.

Hearing these three words, suddenly, the entire white jade square is a breath of stagnation, many people are watching these young people, the eyes have awe in color.

On the top of the Nanyuan boundary, if it is not within the Qiwu Pavilion, there are hundreds of them!

Among them, more than 90% of the sects are ranked in the thousands. In addition, there are no realm in the Zongmen. There are none of the remaining ten, of which eight are large in the ranks of thousands, and there are yang in the sect. Re-realm is sitting in the town, but the Zongmen ranking is also three or five hundred, and it is not worth mentioning.

The remaining two need to be highlighted!

First, the Qinglin family, ranked in the top three thousand in the Eastern Region, has been mentioned before, has not been described too much, the second is this 10,000 law, Zongmen ranked tenth, for the real domain The giant Zongmen.

There are three thousand in the east, and the ones that really have the right to speak are the top hundred gates. The ancestral gates that are better than the rankings can only be silent and reconciled. No one cares about their voices.

But the right to speak is only the right to speak. Having the right to speak means that they can sit on the table and talk. It can be said that if they do it, they still can’t actually do something.

In addition to Yuanmen, Tianzhu Academy, Qiwu Pavilion, and the divine glow of the four sides, it is also the top ten giants of Changqing, Wanfa, and so on.

Therefore, in the eyes of the people in the entire East, Wan Fa Zong is definitely a god for them. At this moment, when the people of Wan Fa Zong are present, the whole field is a quiet, no one dares to dare. Minutes.

“Tread!”, “Tread!”, “Tread!”…

These few out of the ordinary, obviously in Wanfa Zong is definitely not the general disciples of the law. The pace is quickly coming to the front of the Shencai government, and then they are both hands-on, expression long, angry I am waiting for the arrival of the noon, and the opening of the government.

The crowds of all around are also silent, no one speaks, and they use God to communicate with their friends, for fear that others will hear.

“Well, Wanfa Zong’s discipline comes, it seems that this time the three counts of the gods are not our share, we can all go home!”

“Heaven knows Why do Wan Fa Zong’s people want to take the month of the opera operator? They didn’t just take it two months ago? How long did it take to get it again? Is it still unruly?”

“There are people who are giants, do not talk about the rules? What is your solution?”



Just when all around the crowd talked about the arrival of these tens of thousands of franchise disciples, these tens of thousands of disciples were also communicating, and then talking and laughing with the voices that only others can hear!

“I heard that the ancestors are going out quickly. I think that after the ancestors have gone out, the first person of the younger generation in the Nanyuan area must be the sect of the sect!” A 10,000-legged disciple opening, said with a smile.

“Almost!” The other tens of thousands of sects of the sects also nodded. They obviously had absolute confidence in the patriarchs of Wanfa Zong. They all said that “the people of Qiwuge are not weak, and the strength is quite The amazing, but the success of the sect of the sect of the sacred sect of our patriarchal sect, the strength of the doubling of the strength?”

“It is inevitable to sweep across the square and invincible, even the division will be inferior to the three points!”

“This time the battle between the three major domains of Tianjiao, the Zongzi will certainly be able to win one of the top ten, and we will also usher in a new peak!”

I also talked about some things about Zongmen!

“Right, have you heard about the Qinglin family yesterday?” A Wanfazong discipline suddenly seemed to think of something, and said with interest, “The Qinglin family ate on this white jade square. A big loss, some people have simply and arrogantly smashed the youth of Qinglin, such as Lin Xiong, and the dozens of Qinglin family Tianjiao, such as Linhe!”

“There was a lot of shock in the Qinglin family last night. The voice of whistling spread all over the place. Hey, don’t know who is so bold? So offending the Qinglin family to death?”

“Should it be those people?” A Wanfazong discipline suddenly turned and looked forward to the law of Xiao Fan and others in the distance, and then Nunu said.

Hearing the words of this 10,000-laws, the other tens of thousands of disciples are turned, looked towards Xiao Fan and others.

And looking at Xiao Fan and others, they were quickly surprised by the stunning colors of Ming Yexue, Xing Qing and other seven women, but several of them are indeed not ordinary Wan Fa Zong, all of which are highly talented and highly determined. The generations are lost, but they have recovered in a short period of time and their eyes are clear.

“The seven women, really one is more than one color, it is really eye-popping!” A Wanfazong discipline suddenly took care of the palm, big said with a smile.

“It’s really amazing!” Another Wanfa Zong’s discipline is also an opening, nodding. “But it’s a pity, because the time is up, the people of Qinglin’s family are almost there!”

“And as long as the people of the Qinglin family arrive, even if the seven women’s skins look good again, then they are amazing, and then coveted, it is a pile of rotten meat!”

“Unfortunately, it is a pity that it is difficult to stay in Hongyan!”

“Actually, we can save their lives!” A Wanfazong discipline opened his mouth and sank a bit and then thoughtfully said, “While they killed the forest bears of the Qinglin family, Linhe and other elders and Tianjiao, But if we open our mouths, we can also sell a face of the Qinglin family, and we must leave them seven!”

“As for the remaining three men, a little boy, and a king, it doesn’t matter, leaving them to the Qinglin family to kill it!”

“Don’t!” A Wanfazong discipline immediately shook his head and said, “This is the Patriarch of the Qinglin family. We are a bit faceless, but the face is not big enough, so in my opinion, we really want The opening also leaves a maximum of two or three people that’s all, if you want to leave all seven of them, it is difficult!”

“Also!” Wanted to leave Ming Yexue, Xing Qing’s seven women’s Wan Fa Zong discrimination are nodding.

“Let’s do it, let’s talk to them!” said the last one, Wanfa Zong, who said something, nodded. “See if they are willing to let the three most amazing women go with us and tell them the pros and cons!”

“I am going to talk to them!” A 10,000 literate disciple Mao Sui recommends himself, and said, then immediately turned and lifted his foot, and went straight to Xiao Fan and others.