Returning from the Xianxia World

Chapter 2179

“Who is the one who dares to hurt our Qinglin family?” is headed by an extremely burly body, full of white hair, like a Fengrui steel needle, the whole person looks like a mad bear, the old man, his mouth Roaring, almost instantly reached the crowd.

“It is the mad bear of the Qinglin family!” Looking at this old man, some people suddenly spoke in the crowd, saying low, expression is taboo.

“Dare to hurt our Qinglin family, and die!” The other leaders of the Qinglin family, who followed the lead, followed suit, and then they were roaring, their voices shook, and their bodies were murderous.

“Kill!” There are also soldiers of the Qinglin family, the number is about a thousand, the strength is also the largest Celestial Realm world, there are many negative realm, at the moment they are also Qi Qi, deafening, chilling.

“old man Lin Xiong, dare to hurt old man grandson, you are going to die!” Lin Xiong, who first arrived in the field, directly locked his eyes on Xiao Fan and others, and then he couldn’t help but say that he was stepping out and raising. The big fan-like hand, with the tearing of the terrifying wind, smashed down to Xiao Fan and others.

Lin Xiong, the first person under the Yang Yang realm under the Qinglin family.

And as the name suggests, it is like a bear tyrant. It is even more crazy to fight. The nickname is a mad bear. Many people who have a positive realm see that he is extremely troublesome and unwilling to fight against it.

The Qinglin family came to Guangming City. In fact, there are other things. It is only an accident with Xiao Fan and others. Lin Xiong is the person who led the team. Lin He is also his grandson. He suddenly heard that his grandson was being Seriously wounded, he immediately fell into violent, first to kill, to avenge his grandson.


Looking at the face of Lin Xiong, Xiao Fan and others, among the crowd, the former wise old man and the pity of the eyes are shaking their heads and saying that the sound is a pity.

In their view, Xiao Fan and others are in the Celestial Realm world. There is no such thing as a real realm, and Lin Xiong is the peak of the real realm. Such a huge realm gap is a slap in the face. !


In the next second, they all slammed. If they were struck by lightning, the whole person would be on the spot, and the mouth was already lost in speech.

Because Xiao Fan suddenly appeared in front of the forest bear out of thin air, the scorpion was dark, expressionless, and then just raised his hand, he directly buckled the neck of Lin Xiong and raised his whole person.

All the attacks of Lin Xiong also disappeared in an instant, turning into countless star points, completely collapsed in the air, and can no longer be seen.

But this is just the beginning!

Xiao Fan, who directly buckled Lin’s neck, did not have any extra words. His hands suddenly shook his palms, and Lin’s neck was crushed by Xiao Fan.

And Lin Xiong only had time to send a horrified, unbelievable word before dying, and then the whole person completely broke down in the palm of Xiao Fan, turned into a blood mist, completely killed on the spot.

“You…!” The other Qinglin family parents also screamed, screaming in the mouth, but they stopped abruptly, and their eyes were full of gloom.

Just like slaughtering chickens, they immediately kill the strongest of them, Lin Xiong. This is where the rootless Buping is, and where is the cultivator of the Celestial Realm world?

This is clearly a tiger that eats people!

“Retire!”, “Retire!”, “Retire!”…

Some of the Qinglin family’s elders suddenly realized that they suddenly woke up, and then they screamed in the mouth, and the body shape was too busy to retreat toward the rear.

Not good, today is kicking the iron plate!

It’s important to escape!

As for the next talk with Xiao Fan and others, or the Qinglin family continues to encircle Xiao Fan and others, it is not important, it is important to save their lives.


I haven’t waited for them to escape two steps, Xiao Fan took a shot, just like the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves, swept to all of them, and under the hands of Xiao Fan, they all The human body is like a forest bear. It collapses on the spot and turns into a cloudy color fog that pervades the square.

The elders of the Qinglin family are completely destroyed!

Looking at all of this, all around the crowd are caught in the deepest and deepest silence and solitude, everyone is solidified like a stone, for a long time can not move.

They all thought that Xiao Fan and others had injured young people in the Qinglin family such as Linhe. The parents of Qinglin are now killed, and Xiao Fan and others will die.

But who would have thought that in front of Xiao Fan, the elders of the Qinglin family would be killed by the ants on the spot, and the whole process would be a few breaths of time, or even shorter.

Such a drastic change, if you have not witnessed it, witnessing it yourself is simply unbelievable!

The wise old man and the pity man have already been completely stupid at this time, and they are sluggish and can’t say anything.

“I am the most annoying flea!”

Ultimate Demon Knife squinted at them both, and with a glimpse of it, a black knives flew out of Ultimate Demon Knife, almost instantly across the heads of both of them.

“噗通!”, “噗通!”

The wise old man and the man with mercy eyes are frozen and horrified, fearful, unbelievable, and the head of the head flutters, and the headless body crashes to the ground, and has lost all breath and died.

“You, you, you…!” At this moment, watching Xiao Fan, who has been slaughtered by Qinglin’s parents, a young Lin family’s Tianjiao struggled straight up, his body trembled, his face was pale, and his mouth was suddenly pointed. Cried, “You this…!”

However, his words stopped short and could not be heard anymore, because Xiao Fan raised his hand again and swept over them, and they all smothered the Qinglin family. .

“Our Qinglin family will never let you go, absolutely not…!” Linhe made the last scream, and the voice could no longer be heard, because his whole person had been photographed by Xiao Fan. Broken, dead bones, go down with the elders of the Qinglin family.

In the field, there are still thousands of Qinglin family soldiers left!

“Escape!” Thousands of Qinglin family soldiers at the moment, there are courage and Xiao Fan and others as enemies? Every one of them is screaming and screaming, like a stray dog.

“Hey!” But Ming Yexue was impatient at this time, and a very incomparable sword glow suddenly flashed through the scene, then disappeared instantly, and calmed down, as if it had never appeared before.

But in the field, where are the bodies of the thousands of Qinglin family soldiers?

Some are just the broken bones of the earth that’s all!

(PS: I’m going to leave my relatives today, I really can’t get away from it, one more, tomorrow’s make up, three more!)