Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 91: rain

Bai Qingyang also came to the meeting in the inner hall of Liangyi this time.

Bai Qingyang: "Your Majesty, Yeludeira denies the arson."

Zhou Huaijin nodded: "They don\'t seem to be lying."

"I see." Li Zichou didn\'t say anything, but asked symbolically, "Have you found Prince Yu?"

Xie Zhi: "Forgive me for your incompetence, I have not been able to find it."

Li Zichou looked at Xie Zhi\'s haggard face and thought that she must not have had a good rest.

Although Yang Dejin sent a letter to her, it was only to report her safety, with a few words, Yang Dejin didn\'t say where she was or when she would go back.

Of course, Yang Dejin is sleeping dimly in Li Zichou\'s palace at the moment.

Although I felt a little sorry for Xie Zhi, Li Zichou still ordered: "Send more people, we must find Prince Yu."

After a pause, Li Zifu seemed to feel that his appearance was not enough, and he added: "To live is to see people, and to die is to see corpses."

Xie Zhi got up: "I would like to obey the holy order." After saying that, he backed out.

Li Zichou asked Pei Yu again: "Pei Shaoqing, are you sure that the fire in the Prince\'s Mansion did not cause any casualties?"

Pei Yu accepted the investigation on the fire in the Prince\'s Mansion. He had already been to Yang Dejin\'s house.

Pei Yu: "Yes, no one in the Prince\'s Mansion was injured or died, and no important items were missing. As for the cause of the fire, I am still investigating."

Bai Qingyang pinched his chin: "This fire is so strange, Prince Yu is still missing, it seems to be to divert our attention..."

Li Zichou secretly gasped, and said to Zhou Huaijin, "It\'s nothing, let\'s just take a step and look at the grassland people." Bai Qingyang, that\'s too sharp!

Zhou Huaijin: "The minister takes orders."

Li Zichou stood up: "That\'s how it is, Sanchao!" As soon as he finished speaking, he had disappeared at the gate of the hall.

The rest of the people were stunned for a moment: Why did the emperor walk so fast?

Bai Qingyang didn\'t catch up with her, but walked to the corridor, wondering to himself: Why is she walking so fast? It was as if something was chasing her from behind.

Forget it, I just have something to tell Meng Shike.

Li Zichou was indeed in a hurry, and was in a hurry to go back and discuss the next step with Yang Dejin.

It\'s not an option for her to disappear for a long time. There is Bai Qingyang in the palace and Xie Zhi outside the palace. These two are extremely smart. If they find out, neither Li Zishou nor Yang Dejin will be able to explain it.

It\'s scary.


Xie Zhi didn\'t sleep well last night. Someone brought her a letter, which only said "I\'ll be back soon, don\'t worry" and a concise apology.

Then it was gone, no signature, no proof of identity of the sender.

But Xie Zhi knew that it was written by Yang Dejin, and the flamboyant handwriting was exactly the same as the copybook she saw in the Prince\'s Mansion that time.

It didn\'t say what happened, or when she\'d be back, or where she was. The person who sent the letter didn\'t know anything, and couldn\'t ask anything.

Holding the thin letter paper, her lips were pursed and turned white, the worry in her heart faded a little, and the nameless fire ignited again.


why don\'t you tell me what happened?

why don\'t you tell me where you are

Why can you always... always ignore my feelings so easily?

Yang Dejin, what the **** do you think of me?

Do you know that I am really worried about you.

The soldiers went to the west of the city, but Xie Zhi did not go with them.

Yang Dejin hid it on purpose, all Xie Zhi could do was wait, just wait.

Go home and close the bedroom door. Xie Zhi leaned wearily against the door, closed his eyes, in the empty room, only Xie Zhi was sighing.

Really, I haven\'t experienced this passive feeling for a long time.


"Ah, ah-ah-choo!" Yang Dejin sneezed loudly, the recoil was so strong that he almost fell off the stool.

The weather was a bit muggy, the sun was rarely absent for a day, the cicadas stopped singing, and the entire city of Linjing was shrouded in low air pressure.

She rubbed her nose and said in a low voice, "Someone scolded me."

Li Zichou glanced at her: "Maybe Xie Zhi misses you?"

Yang Dejin sighed: "It\'s so disgusting, Xie Zhi wouldn\'t be like this!"

Li Zichou nodded perfunctorily: "Maybe, when are you going back?"

"What are you doing?!" Yang Dejin was unhappy, "Are you in such a hurry to drive me back?!"



"No?" Yang Dejin swayed in front of Li Zichou, "We finally got together, why do you have to be so heartless?"

Yang Dejin blocked the light, Li Zichou moved his position silently, and continued to look at the project details in his hand: "It\'s not that you don\'t know why."


She let out a long sigh, and ran back to the concubine\'s couch to lie paralyzed: "Okay, I understand, I will go back as soon as Yeludeira leaves."

Li Zichou murmured, "Well...then Yeludie should hurry up..."

Yang Dejin: "..." It can be seen that he really wants to drive people away.

Li Zichou: "You\'ve been living in Tianshu Palace for the past few days. I\'ve removed all the extra palace people. Don\'t run around and let people find you."

Yang Dejin waved his hand: "You\'ve said it once, I understand."

"I\'m mainly afraid of Ching Yang..."

"What\'s wrong with Bai Qingyang, doesn\'t she live in Yuheng Palace?"

"It\'s her eyeliner."

Yang Dejin sat up in shock: "What?! She put eyeliner on you?!"

"Sure," Li Zichou nodded, "If it was you, you would do the same."

Yang Dejin: "Stop empathizing at this time! Do you know who it is?"

"I know, that\'s why I withdrew all the palace servants."

Yang Dejin breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh... that\'s okay, then don\'t worry about it?"

Li Zifu looked at her quietly: "Do you think she won\'t be suspicious if I remove all the servants?"

"Uh..." Yang Dejin snapped, "That\'s true."

It seems that I still have to go back to the Prince\'s Mansion as soon as possible.

"Don\'t worry, Zizuo, if Bai Qingyang really becomes suspicious, I will..." Yang Dejin thought for a while, "Even if I go to the beam, I won\'t be caught by her."

Li Zichou: "...It\'s not about catching rape." What are you doing on the beam?

"It shouldn\'t be to that extent, anyway...huh?" Li Zichou\'s voice stopped abruptly.

Yang Dejin also looked out the window.

The sky was still gray a moment ago, as if swallowed by a giant beast. The air was filled with high temperature and humidity, which made people very uncomfortable.

At this moment, however, there is a strong wind, the sky and the earth are gloomy, and the change is sudden.

"It\'s raining." Yang Dejin murmured listening to the sound of the torrential rain.

The summer rain comes quickly, and Linjing has accumulated too much heat in June and July, so this massive rain seems to be long overdue.

Li Zishou put down the report in his hand, got up and walked to the eaves, watching the storm. Yang Dejin followed and stood beside her.

"How long has it been since it rained in Linjing?" Li Zichou asked.

Yang Dejin sniffed the smell of rain, and the tip of his nose twitched: "It hasn\'t rained much since summer."

Li Zichou felt the long-lost coolness, and the clothes on his body were a little wet: "Fortunately, I sent people to work in the Yellow River Basin in advance."

Yang Dejin turned to look at her: "You mean a severe drought?"

Li Zichou hummed: "Although that will happen next year."

"It\'s good to plan ahead." Yang Dejin patted her on the shoulder, "It\'s raining heavily, let\'s go in."

"It\'s getting late, I\'ll have someone deliver dinner, you go take a shower first," Li Zichou said.

Yang Dejin: "Okay."

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, flowing down the eaves like rain lines.

It was dark earlier than any other day in summer, and there were flashes of light in the distant storm clouds, and the dull thunder came after a delay of one or two seconds.

After dinner, Yang Dejin slumped down on the imperial concubine\'s bed reading a book bored, and would glance at Li Zichou every once in a while.

Finally, when she turned to look for the twelfth time, Li Zichou couldn\'t help but look up at her: "What?"

Yang Dejin sat up straight: "How much do you have?"

Li Zifu spread his left hand, and there were piles of notebooks and paperwork in his hand: "As you can see, there are still so many."

Yang Dejin couldn\'t hold back, and the corners of his eyes twitched: "Damn it, do you have to finish it overnight? Can you do it tomorrow?"

Li Zichou: "Tomorrow will be tomorrow, and there will be so many tomorrows..."

Yang Dejin: "Since there are so many, why not delay?"


"Uh...I see you are too tired, I want you to rest early." Yang Dejin laughed awkwardly, reached out to take a sip of water.

Li Zichou sighed: "There is no other way, why don\'t you help me?"

Yang Dejin put down his teacup and returned his attention to the book, looking quite serious.

Li Zishou was almost laughed out of anger: "..." This guy...

But... Li Zichou looked at the remaining workload, and then at the copper leak. It was indeed a bit late, so she said to Yang Dejin, "You don\'t have to accompany me. If you are sleepy, go to the side hall to sleep."

"Although I\'m not sleepy yet, rainy days are suitable for sleeping." Yang Dejin stood up and stretched her waist, "Go to bed early too, and remember to play with me during the day tomorrow."

Li Zichou, who couldn\'t play with Yang Dejin all day today: "Okay, you go. Walk along the corridor, you won\'t get caught in the rain."

Yang Dejin said that she understood, and walked towards the door of the study. But before she could open the door, she backed away again.

Li Zichou noticed that she was back again, so he asked, "Why, do you really want to share the work for me?"

Yang Dejin\'s face turned pale, and she pointed at the door: "Did someone knock on the door just now?"

"Huh? No way, is it Lu Xiaoying?" Li Zichou seemed much calmer.

The palace people of Tianshu Palace are all on vacation, and unless there are special circumstances, no one will come to the door.

But the lightning outside suddenly lit up, and the outlined shadow came into Li Zichou\'s eyes. There seemed to be someone outside the door, so Li Zichou raised his voice and asked, "Who is there?"

A familiar voice came: "Pay, it\'s me."

Li Zichou was taken aback, and met Yang Dejin\'s eyes.

Why did Bai Qingyang come here? !

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: Even if I get on the beam, I won\'t be caught by Bai Qingyang!

Bai Qingyang (knock on the door)

Yang Dejin:?

Xie Zhi: She has a bit of a crow\'s mouth.