Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 89: backyard fire

Proclamation room.

Li Zichou: "How is the investigation of Prince Yu\'s case going?"

Pei Yu glanced at Xie Zhi next to him, and answered bravely, "Return to Your Majesty, I have visited countless times in the past few days, but... failed to find any real clues."

As Xie Zhi said, there was nothing to be found in this case.

"It\'s okay." Li Zichou didn\'t make things difficult for him after hearing this, and instead asked Zhou Huaijin, "Huaijin, how do you think we should deal with the current situation?"

Zhou Huaijin: "Returning to Your Majesty, the envoys from various ministries have left Beijing one after another, and the latest Mohe clan also left the city this morning. Only the Shuobei envoys stayed in Linjing because of Prince Yu\'s incident. They were supposed to return at the end of last month, but now they are far behind. The deadline has expired. Your Majesty, we have to send Jerodia and the others back as soon as possible."

Li Zichou worried: "I know this, but..."

She turned her gaze and called Xie Zhi\'s name: "Xie Qing, have the people in Shuobei been quiet these days?"

Xie Zhi: "Return to Your Majesty, be quiet, at least on the surface."

"On the surface..." Li Zichou frowned, thinking about a series of questions.

"Your Majesty." Lu Xiaoying came in from the door to report, "The empress is here."

"Empress?" Li Zichou was taken aback, "Quickly invite her in."

As soon as Bai Qingyang came in, he saw four pairs of eyes staring at her: "Please...Your Majesty, the concubine came at a bad time." After speaking, he wanted to retreat.

"Wait, you\'re all on your own, what are you avoiding?" Li Zichou hurriedly called her back, even with a hint of reproach in his tone, "Come and sit."

Bai Qingyang blinked, glanced at Zhou Huaijin, Pei Yu, and Xie Zhi one by one, and finally landed on Li Zishou: "Okay."

Then he sat down next to Li Zichou, next to the empress in Xuanyi, at a distance where he could touch her with a slight raise of his hand.

Xie Zhi watched, feeling mixed emotions in his heart for some reason.

If I could describe it in a slightly more avant-garde way, I would probably have complicated feelings when I saw my boss, who was vigorous and uncompromising, gradually turn into a love brain who only sticks to people he likes.

Xie Zhi: Forget it, Bai Qingyang can do whatever he likes, the boss doesn\'t talk about the second.

Bai Qingyang poked Li Zichou\'s arm: "What are you guys talking about? About the Shuobei envoy?"

Li Zichou turned to look at her: "Yes, does the queen have any thoughts?"

Bai Qingyang saw the worry hidden between Li Zihou\'s brows, so he raised his hand to smooth it out: "Don\'t worry, it\'s not a problem. No matter how cunning Jeludia is, he won\'t be able to overcome a big storm."

Li Zifu was a little flattered by her actions, but he didn\'t avoid it, but asked curiously: "Really?"

Bai Qingyang raised her eyebrows confidently: "Of course."

Bai Qingyang took some time to share some of her thoughts with Li Zichou, and the other three felt that the meeting was like going to jail. Just when they thought they were going to listen in like this, someone came in.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is not well!" Xiao Xian hurriedly ran into the announcement room.

Li Zichu turned his head: "..." Why is it him again? !

"What happened?" Zhou Huaijin saw that his assistant broke into the palace without authorization, so he knew that something serious must have happened.

Xiao Xian scribbled a salute to everyone, panting and said: "The Prince\'s Mansion, the Prince\'s Mansion is flooded!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Zhi stood up abruptly: "What did you say?!"

Li Zichou suppressed the doubts and anxiety in his heart, and asked, "How can a good-looking person escape?"

Xiao Xian: "Returning to Your Majesty, I sent the Mohe clan envoys a hundred miles away from the city today. When I just came back, I passed by Changle Square, and I saw thick smoke burning in the backyard of the Prince\'s Mansion."

Li Zichou: "Where are the other people in the Prince\'s Mansion?"

Xiao Xian: "They were all carrying buckets to fight the fire, but I still don\'t know how it started."

Li Zichou pinched the center of his brows, there was no sign of a fire, and Yang Dejin didn\'t send any news, which is really worrying.

She was not the only one who was worried, Xie Zhi pursed the corners of her lips, her frown could be seen to be anxious at the moment, she bowed to Li Zichou: "Excuse me for being rude, Your Majesty, I will take my leave first." Before Li Zishou could react, he stepped over the desk in front of him and ran outside.

"Hey - thank you servant." Pei Yu was about to shout, but was stopped by the empress.

Li Zishou: "Let him go."

When Bai Qingyang heard it, she also felt unexpected, but she still asked calmly: "What\'s the situation at the embassy in the west of the city? Is there any change in Yeludeira?"

Xiao Xian replied blankly: "Ah? I, I don\'t know..."

He just came back from outside the city, and he didn\'t go in the direction of the embassy, ​​so naturally he didn\'t know.

Bai Qingyang said to Li Zichou: "Chou, I\'ll go to the Jiubin Embassy."

After all, she said just now that Yeludi could not overcome the big storm, and now that this happened again, Xie Zhi must have rushed to the Prince\'s Mansion immediately, so she must go to the embassy to have a look.

Li Zishou was a little worried: "Are you alone?"

Zhou Huaijin stood up: "Weichen is accompanying the empress."

Li Zichou glanced at him, thought for two seconds before nodding: "Okay, pay attention to safety."

Bai Qingyang: "Don\'t worry."

After speaking, the two rushed towards the embassy, ​​and Xiao Xian naturally followed Zhou Huaijin.

After Li Zishou explained some things to Lu Xiaoying, he also left Tianshu Palace.

Pei Yu was the only one left: "Hey? No??"

He\'s gone anyway, so where is he going? ?


At the same time, the Nine Bin Embassies.

"Fire?!" Yeludeira yelled at the subordinates who came back to report.

Aygurila sat him down: "Brother Wang, calm down and listen to him first."

The subordinate who was kneeling on the ground lowered his head, hesitantly said, "Yes, the Prince Yu\'s mansion is full of smoke, and all the subordinates have seen it. It is indeed a fire."

Jeludiaira: "Where is Prince Yu?"

Subordinate: "Missing."

Jerudiala seemed to be in a bad mood, pacing back and forth in the room constantly.

The subordinate came back in a hurry to report, and he probably didn\'t know the specific situation at the moment. Seeing that he had nothing else to say, Ayiguli ordered him to retreat.

"It\'s day and night, how could it suddenly catch fire?" Jerudiala couldn\'t figure it out.

Ayigul: "Brother Wang, are you worried that this fire is unusual?"

Yelu Diela: "A few days ago I accused Prince Yu in the Dasheng Palace, but I failed to let him fall into our trap, but made me a target of public criticism.

"Now Prince Yu is staying at home in peace, but suddenly a fire broke out.

"Ordinary people would think it would be an act of revenge by me."

Ayigul: "Brother Wang, Dasheng wants to charge you with murdering the royal family of another country?"

Yeludie nodded solemnly, and clenched his five fingers into fists: "An Duan and Yin Dishi, those two idiots, wanted to launch a mutiny privately when I was not in the grassland. I can\'t fight, let alone Yeluyi."

"But now we can\'t rush back immediately, and there is also the risk of being attacked by Dasheng." Ayigul analyzed.

Yeludi gave a hum, as if he remembered something, he called his subordinates: "Wubizhen, immediately withdraw the scouts deployed around Prince Yu\'s mansion, quickly!"

But before Wu Bizhen walked out of the embassy, ​​Empress Dasheng and the Chief Minister led a group of imperial guards to surround the embassy.

They came so fast that Jeludiala had no time to react, so he could only frown and leave the room with a gloomy expression.

Zhou Huaijin looked at him: "Prince Diela, don\'t come here unharmed."

Bai Qingyang got straight to the point: "We have something to ask you."


Li Zifu ordered the forbidden army to go to Prince Yu\'s mansion to control the situation, while he prepared to leave the palace in disguise.

As soon as she went out after changing into her regular clothes, she saw Pei Yu, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, walking by the corridor. She seemed to be holding something in her hand, and she was watching intently.

Pei Yu saw her from the corner of his eye, and turned towards her as soon as he walked towards her: "Your Majesty, we have found you."

Li Zichou was in a hurry to find Yang Dejin, and quickly asked, "Pei Shaoqing, you haven\'t returned to Dali Temple yet, are you looking for me for something?"

Pei Yu nodded, and handed out a small piece of paper in his hand: "Here is a letter. I just left the palace and someone stuffed it into my hand. The other party just said \'to the emperor\' and ran away."

Li Zifujie took it, looked at it carefully, and couldn\'t help being silent for a while.

Pei Yu saw that her reaction was a bit strange, so she couldn\'t help asking curiously: "I accidentally glanced at it, and I don\'t know what it is written. Your Majesty, can you understand?"

Li Zichou held the paper in his hand, and the expression on his face became flat and calm: "I don\'t understand, Pei Shaoqing go back quickly, I still have something to do."

Pei Yu: "?" That\'s boring, do you understand that your expression is changing? !

It\'s one thing to slander secretly, but as a minister, it would be disrespectful for Pei Yu to say such a thing, so he had no choice but to bow down and obey the order.

After sending Pei Yu away, Li Zichou turned to the direction of Yuheng Palace.

Cicadas are screaming vigorously, roaring at the 3-volt temperature, enjoying the hard-won midsummer for them.

Although the scorching sun scorched the earth equally, the palace road next to the Jingyang Palace was still as bleak and silent as ever, and the heat could not conceal the fact that it was unpopular and close to being deserted.

Li Zichou hadn\'t been here for a long time, the last time he was here, he seemed to sneak out of the palace to play. Walk along the white wall and blue tiles all the way to the edge of the palace, turn into a narrow crossing, and the wall piled up with stone and wood appears in front of you.

A person dressed in plain maid clothes is sitting on a stone slab, with his right arm resting on a square box, and a folding fan in his left hand, covering his head to shade him from the sun. Her eyes were half-closed, and she was shaking her feet in boredom.

"Why are you here?" Li Zichou asked.

Hearing the sound, the other party put down his fan, revealing a familiar face, which was Yang Dejin who hadn\'t seen him for more than ten days: "My God, you\'re finally here, you\'re killing me, I sent you a small note." .”

Li Zichou crumpled up the piece of paper with "usualplace" in his hand and threw it to her: "I know, I was just asking why you appeared here."

Yang Dejin slapped her fan: "Something happened, so I came to find you."

Li Zichou was very worried: "I heard that the Prince\'s Mansion was on fire, did Yeludeira do it?"

"Ah?" Yang Dejin paused, "No—!"

Li Zishou: "?"

Yang Dejin\'s eyes flickered, a little guilty: "I let it go."

Li Zishou: "..."

Why do you want to give up your own home? ! Is it too cruel? ? !

The author has something to say:

Yang·Ruthen·Dejin belike: He ran cases for free, visited kilns at public expense, and Lazi, who enjoys the reputation of "broken sleeves", even bought his own yard with his own hands.