Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 83: charge

"It\'s not good! Your Majesty is not good! Your Majesty..." A man in a blue official robe hurried over, with anxious expressions on his brows.

"...I\'m doing well!" Li Zifu interrupted Xiao Xian\'s call with a blank expression, but he didn\'t reprimand him for acting in a hurry and inappropriately, "What happened?"

Xiao Xian usually works under Zhou Huaijin\'s subordinates, and usually looks very steady, he can be regarded as Zhou Huaijin\'s worry-free junior, what makes him so anxious?

Bai Qingyang retreated to Li Zichou\'s side, and also looked at the young champion of the new division, wondering what happened.

Xiao Xian breathed a sigh of relief, helped his own Wu Sha, and after bowing to the two of them, he said: "Your Majesty, empress, the people of Shuobei are making trouble."

Li Zifu\'s eyelids twitched: "?"

Bai Qingyang frowned slightly: "...Is there a fight?"

Xiao Xian nodded. He followed Zhou Huaijin to the Imperial Academy just after he left the court. The two were chatting about some work matters, but happened to bump into a group of people rushing into the palace aggressively, and the leader was the third prince of Shuobei.

Seeing that they couldn\'t stop them, the guards guarding the gate almost wanted to go to war.

Zhou Huaijin realized that there was going to be a big problem, so he stepped forward to maintain the peace, while Xiao Xian went to report to the queen.

Li Zichou frowned: "What are they arguing about?"

"I don\'t know, I just heard them yelling for an explanation." Xiao Xian shook his head, "It\'s very noisy, Master Zhou is maintaining order in Chengtianmen."

Bai Qingyang looked at Li Zichou: "People from Shuobei dared to break into the Dasheng Palace, they must have come prepared."

Li Zichou has never experienced being killed at the door of his house, and at this moment he is not sure. Hearing what Bai Qingyang said, he can only pin his hopes on her: "According to Qingyang\'s opinion, what should I do?"

"Hmm..." Bai Qing squeezed his chin, pondered for a while, and said, "First stabilize the Shuobei people, take them to the Zichen Palace, and then call all the officials. Your Majesty and I will be there soon."

Xiao Xian nodded, then looked at Li Zishou: "Oh..."

Li Zishou hates iron for being weak: "Look at what I\'m doing, hurry up and do it?!"

"Oh oh oh, I\'m going now!" Xiao Xian took the order, and after saluting, he left as hurriedly as when he came.

"Hey, every day." Li Zichou let out a long breath, looking a little irritable.

"Okay." Bai Qingyang patted her arm, "You go change your clothes too, we have to go there quickly."

"Okay—" Li Zichou replied in a long voice.


Civil and military officials had already assembled in the Zichen Hall, and the people from Shuobei who were making trouble had to wait for a long time.

In the huge hall, all the ministers squeezed aside, only Yerudira who folded his arms, Ayguri who lowered his head, and—

Seeing Yang Dejin and Xie Zhi at the same time, Li Zishou\'s steps into the hall were momentarily confused.

It couldn\'t be the fault of Yang Dejin, a good-for-nothing dim sum, right?

Bai Qingyang followed Li Zichou, seeing Yang Dejin and Xie Zhi standing facing Yeludeira and Ayiguli, he also had an ominous premonition.

Yang Dejin\'s handsome face stretched long, and when she noticed Li Zifu approaching, she stared at her with innocent and speechless eyes, which looked very...

how to say? There is a little confusion in the speechlessness, and a little tiredness in the confusion.

what does this mean?

Li Zifu didn\'t dare to make too much eye contact with her, he just led Bai Qingyang up to the main seat without looking sideways, while guessing in his heart what the **** was wrong.

"Uh..." After Li Zichou sat upright, Manchao Wenwu and several prairie people stared straight at her, and she didn\'t think about what to ask for a moment.

It was still Bai Qingyang who remained calm and thoughtful and asked for Li Zichou: "Let me explain."

This was supposed to be said to Yeludeira, but because of an acquaintance, Xie Zhi received the question in her eyes, Xie Zhi did not answer, but shifted his gaze to Yang Dejin who was standing next to him.

Bai Qingyang also looked at Yang Dejin. Yang Dejin opened his mouth and didn\'t know where to start, so he turned his eyes to the high-ranking Li Zichou. Li Zichou received her gaze and looked at her with a curious expression.

Yang Dejin: "..." So why are you all looking at me? !

"Cough cough!" Seeing that no one spoke, Zhou Huaijin, who was in the civil service queue, had no choice but to stand up and explain briefly, "Report to Your Majesty."

Li Zichou: "Speak."

Zhou Huaijin: "Well... this..."

It can be seen that the chief assistant, who has always acted recklessly and arrogantly, is also a little embarrassed to speak at the moment. After stumbled for a long time, he finally told the details in the most concise and decent words.

"The envoy from Shuobei accuses...His Royal Highness Prince Yu of tarnishing the innocence of the Sixth Princess of Shuobei...Yeah!" After finishing speaking, she nodded.

Yang Dejin: "..." What are you nodding for? You still think you\'re doing a great job, don\'t you? !

As soon as Zhou Huaijin finished speaking, Ayigul, who had been lowering her head, began to shake her shoulders and let out a low sobbing sound. Seeing her distressed, Yeludiel quickly took her into his arms again and comforted her softly.

The dignified expression on Li Zishou\'s face almost didn\'t tense: "..." This, this, this...

She finally knew the reason why Yang Dejin\'s eyes were mixed with speechlessness, confusion and tiredness just now, who is not numb? ? !

Yang Dejin! a woman! !

Although she does like girls, but!

Where did she get the tools for the crime? !

Li Zishou looked at his brothers and sisters who were performing a show of brotherly love with a black line on his face, and thought to himself: People from Shuobei, I really have you.

Bai Qingyang was also a little surprised. After Zhou Huaijin finished speaking, she immediately understood the small plan of the Shuobei people - since she couldn\'t marry Dasheng\'s princess, she would rely on Dasheng\'s prince.

To get married, or to ruin the reputation of the Dasheng royal family, Shuobei people always have one.

Such a dangerous move, Bai Qingyang wanted to stand up and applaud. She really didn\'t expect that Yeludeira would come up with such a bad move, just because they failed to achieve their goal of getting married.

Now she knows why Ayigul came to Beijing with the envoys. So it was with this idea? !

Bai Qingyang looked at Yeludie\'s eyes with contempt and mocking admiration: Yeluyi was too soft-hearted to plan and plan to use his own sister.

Yeluyi is the eldest prince of Shuobei, the crown prince of Shuobei Khanate.

At the same time as the big figures here had different thoughts, the ministers beside them had already started discussing in a hurry. Obviously, they were all shocked, and some people raised doubts.

The scene was a bit embarrassing, and Li Zishou didn\'t know whether to stop their louder and louder conversations, after all, she hadn\'t digested this fake melon yet.

Ayigul\'s mood seemed to have eased, and Yeludira patted her on the back, and then complained with a sullen expression: "Two days ago, my little sister and I invited Prince Yu and Xie Shilang to have dinner together. We meet friends at the end of the world, we treat each other honestly, and drink all night."

"Who knows that Prince Yu is an obscene and absurd person, and he raped my little sister while he was drunk!

"My little sister is the sixth princess of Shuobei, the jewel in the palm of the Great Khan. It was her first time out of the grassland, and she wanted to learn a lot. Who would have encountered such a thing?!

"Prince Yu! How dare you do anything to her?!"

Every word of Jelu\'s repeated words seemed to swallow Yang Dejin alive, and the anger on his face was very real, it seemed more real than pearls.

Yang Dejin pursed her lips expressionlessly, and looked at Li Zichou: If I hadn\'t been a woman, I would have believed it myself.

Li Zishou blinked, showing a little sympathy: Indeed.

Xie Zhi next to Yang Dejin was in a state of complete numbness.

That day, after she finished entertaining Yeludeira, she saw the Empress appearing in her home when she returned home. She thought this was enough to scare her.

Unexpectedly, good guy, the older one is waiting for her here!

And isn\'t Yang Dejin a woman? ! How could she spread rumors of defilement of a good woman? !

Yang Dejin, I really belong to you.

Xie Zhi looked at the people around him with subtle admiration.

Yang Dejin:?

Why is Xie Zhi looking at me like that? ?

"Hey," Yang Dejin raised his palm and explained in a low voice next to Xie Zhi\'s ear, "You don\'t really believe Yeludeira\'s nonsense, do you? I really don\'t!"

After hearing this, Xie Zhi frowned even deeper, and looked at her hesitantly.

Yang Dejin:? ?

Why did her expression become more subtle after listening to her defense? ? !

Li Zichou coughed twice: "Prince Yu, what\'s going on?"

Yang Dejin: "..." I want to know too!

Although Xie Zhi\'s attitude was not clear, he still patted Yang Dejin on the back to comfort him, and then answered Li Zishou\'s question for Yang Dejin:

"Your Majesty, on the day of the Hungry Ghost Festival, I and Prince Yu were watching the bow in the capital patrol department. When we left the city defense department, we met His Royal Highness the Sixth Princess who came to pick up Prince Diela."

Xie Zhi succinctly described the trajectory of her and Yang Dejin\'s actions the day before.

The polo match hadn\'t ended yet when Jerodel left the field, and the four of them played from noon to night.

Yang Dejin and Xie Zhi separated in the middle of Xu Dynasty. At that time, Yeludie said that he wanted to watch the performance of Baixi artists, so he wanted to go to the last night show in Washi.

But Ayigul said she was a little tired and wanted to go back to the embassy to rest.

The special performance on the night of the Ghost Festival is held once a year, and Ayiguri didn\'t want Brother Wang to miss it, so she rejected Yeludeira\'s offer to send her back.

Xie Zhi suggested splitting up, and Yang Dejin sent Ayiguri back, and accompanied Yeludiela to the tile market by himself.

I thought that Ayiguli was a weak woman, and she couldn\'t do anything wicked, but I didn\'t expect...

Xie Zhi: I still lack experience.

Xie Zhi didn\'t need to attend today, so he wanted to go to the prince\'s mansion to find someone, but before he could be found, Yeludie brought someone to the door first.

Li Zishou and Bai Qingyang looked at each other.

Li Zishou and Bai Qingyang both knew that Xie Zhi walked home at the curfew time during the Hungry Ghost Festival, so what she said should be completely credible.

"Your Majesty, what Prince Diela said is a false accusation!" Yang Dejin defended himself after Xie Zhi finished speaking, "I never did it."

When the people from Shuobei rushed to the gate of the Prince\'s Mansion, Yang Dejin was still sleeping in his bedroom. These people were stopped by the guards of the Prince\'s Mansion. Seeing that Yang Dejin could not come out, they rushed to the gate of the palace again.

When Yang Dejin knew about it, Li Zichou heard about it, and she had no choice but to appear in Zichen Palace.

"I did send Princess Ayigul back to the post that night, but I went back to the Prince\'s Mansion after that, and never went to other places." Yang Dejin clasped his hands and explained, "Please check clearly, Your Majesty!"

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: Use force? I haven\'t gotten to that level of audacity yet!

Li Zichou: Yes, you are timid and lustful!

Yang Dejin:?