Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 60: close the case

Yang Dejin\'s soldiers surrounded the entire underground palace of the imperial mausoleum, and the believers in white cloaks were urged to leave by the soldiers as if they were being chased away.

As for those magic sticks wearing masks, Yang Dejin explained that they should be "specially treated".

Then they were all taken to Dali Temple.

The reason why he didn\'t bring him to the Ministry of Criminal Justice was because this was not a case of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. If Xie Zhi suddenly brought so many fraudsters back, Zhang Keji would not be so scared that he resigned overnight. His old man might not be able to bear the excitement.

The task that Bai Qingyang gave to Xie Zhi was considered complete, and the credit for solving the case was given to Pei Yu as a favor. With this relationship, the judiciary will be able to communicate with each other in the future.

Those deceived believers can\'t just let it go. Although strictly speaking, they are victims, they cannot escape the reason why the rumors can spread.

If Yang Dejin and the others didn\'t control these people today, the contents of the oracle of the Dacheng Sect will be spread tomorrow.

At that time, Yang Dejin will gain the title of orthodox, and although Li Zichou will not mess with himself, it is guaranteed that those courtiers will not take the opportunity to make trouble.

So Yang Dejin ordered people to verify their identities one by one, write down the list, and give Li Zichu a big gift.

"Huh—it\'s dawn." Yang Dejin walked out of the tunnel exit, took a deep breath and said.

After a night of commotion in the underground palace, I didn\'t pay much attention to the time. Now I breathed the fresh air from the outside world, and felt a strange sense of separation, as if only a moment had passed.

It turned out that the whole night had passed.

"That\'s right." Xie Zhi looked at the white belly that appeared in the sky.

Yang Dejin yawned. These days, she was seriously lacking in sleep. She didn\'t feel it during the investigation process, but after the case was solved, she felt extremely sleepy.

"It\'s over, let\'s go back and rest." Yang Dejin stretched her waist and said.

Xie Zhi stared straight at her: "Don\'t you think you did something wrong?"

Xie Zhi\'s tone suddenly hardened, as if he was speaking to a stranger. Yang Dejin paused when she stretched her waist, her breathing was stagnant, her intuition was not good, and her little mind stormily recalled her previous plans and actions.

What did I do wrong?

Have it?

Xie Zhi saw that Yang Dejin frowned, rolled his dark eyes several times, and didn\'t say anything for a long time, so he knew that this person couldn\'t figure it out at all.

She sighed and eased her tone: "Tell me before you act next time."

Yang Dejin was taken aback for a moment, and the other party held his wrist with his hand.

"At least give me a message, or I can\'t find you."

Yang Dejin didn\'t have time to tell anyone about this action. She threw off all the people who were ordered to protect her and didn\'t even send a letter to Li Zichou.

It seemed to be a bit sloppy, and she knew how worrisome it was to do so.

Yang Dejin nodded obediently, without arguing: "Okay, I was wrong."

Xie Zhi nodded, paused for two seconds, and then slowly let go of her wrist.

Pei Yu, who was watching from a distance: The atmosphere between these two people is so strange...

He always felt that Xie Zhi was overprotective and caring about Prince Yu, but Prince Yu... seemed to be completely unaware.

In fact, he had long wondered why Prince Yu would run the case with the Minister of Criminal Justice, such a strange combination.

But seeing Xie Zhi let go of Yang Dejin now, Pei Yu didn\'t hesitate any more, and went up to talk to him at the right time.

"My lord, I\'ll take these people back to Dali Temple first." Pei Yu looked at Xie Zhi carefully, and said to Yang Dejin, "You and Xie Shilang should go back quickly."

"Such a big thing has happened here in the Imperial Mausoleum. Her Majesty the Empress will know about it soon. Don\'t let her catch you."

Yang Dejin: "Okay, I\'m here to help Pei Shaoqing."

Pei Yu cupped his hands: "Where is that?"

"By the way." Yang Dejin suddenly remembered something, "Where\'s Brother Kuai?"

"That barbarian..."

"Who are you calling a barbarian!" Kuai Gang suddenly appeared behind Pei Yu, just in time to hear the insult, and gave him a fierce look.

Pei Yu was so frightened that his heart jumped: "..." Just say what\'s wrong with you? !

Scared him to death, like a ghost!

Yang Dejin saw that he had taken off his camouflage cloak, revealing a full suit, and was holding a man\'s back collar with his left hand. The man looked very young, with his head down, as if he had done something wrong and deserved it.

"Brother Kuai, this is..."

Kuai Gang: "This is that **** from our gang, he took the money and gave it to this guy, you\'re really good at it!" As he spoke, he patted his head heavily with the other hand.

The young man was caught by Kuai Gang, but he didn\'t dare to resist, so he could only stand next to him.

"Kuai has something to ask Prince Yu."

Hearing this, the young man looked up at Kuai Gang and then at Yang Dejin, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

It turns out that this person is Prince Yu!

"Tsk! What are you looking at? Let you see it?!" Kuai Gang patted his head again angrily.

Seeing the boy lower his head again, Yang Dejin asked Kuai Gang: "Brother Kuai, please tell me what\'s the matter."

"This person is a member of the lower gang, and Kuai wants to take him back for disposal."

Xie Zhi frowned: "The Dachengjiao case involves a lot, and the people involved should be dealt with by the government..."

"Zhirui." Yang Dejin raised her hand to stop her speech, "Let him go."

When Pei Yu heard this, he found it incredible, and agreed: "My lord, this is a very important case, so naturally no one can be let go!"

Yang Dejin shook his head, his mouth curved slightly because he was in a good mood: "People in the Jianghu have their own rules, Brother Kuai also needs to explain to his subordinates."

Kuai Gang really didn\'t expect Yang Dejin to have such empathy, so he couldn\'t help but look at her again. He let go of the boy\'s back collar, clasped his fists and said:

"Your Majesty is considerate, Kuai thank you here. If there is anything Kuai can help you with in the future, feel free to come to me, you know the contact information."

Yang Dejin smiled, clasped his fists and said, "Well, Brother Kuai, we will meet later."

"Take care of yourself."

After Kuai just said his goodbyes, he left with his people and returned to the rivers and lakes where he lived.

He didn\'t say where he was going. The world is so big that no one can guarantee that the other party will cherish it. It\'s better to keep suspense and look forward to it.

The believers were driven and taken to Dali Temple by the soldiers of the Prince\'s Mansion. Seeing that everyone had almost left, Pei Yu also wanted to say goodbye to the two of them.

"Then, it\'s time for me to go back to Dali Temple, uh..." Pei Yu seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye, and got stuck.

"The queen\'s people are here so soon, don\'t say anything, I\'m leaving first!" Pei Yu didn\'t want to deal with the imperial army, so he left without saying goodbye.

After Li Zichou found out that Yang Dejin was missing, he sent people to search, and the imperial army followed the movements of the prince\'s mansion.

The congregation of believers in cloaks and masks, the royal guards in armor and knives, and the imperial guards from the palace all saw them, but the leader just stepped forward to ask some things, and didn\'t do anything to them.

The Imperial Army took over the underground palace of the imperial tomb, and severely reprimanded the soldiers guarding the imperial tomb. So many people held a meeting under the emperor\'s ancestors and didn\'t realize it. They really should take their heads off to see what\'s inside!

"This subordinate has met Prince Yu, thank you servant." A man in a crow-blue military officer\'s robe came over.

This person is Li Zichou\'s bodyguard, and now he is a Marquis of Beiya Youying. Yang Dejin met him, and she simply replied: "General Chen."

Chen Feng looked at Yang Dejin, then at Xie Zhi next to her: "The empress wants to see the two of you."

Xie Zhi was about to answer, but Yang Dejin said with great reluctance: "Ah? No, you send a message to Emperor Li, saying that I am so sleepy and need to catch up on sleep."

When Xie Zhi heard this, he thought to himself why this person is so lazy to everyone, even if she and Li Fu don\'t deal with each other again, then she can\'t refuse the Empress\'s announcement, right?

Xie Zhi was about to persuade, but Chen Feng nodded calmly and said, "Yes, good."

Xie Zhi: "?" What do you mean? That\'s it?

Why do I feel that I have become that strange person instead.

"Then thank you servant..."

Xie Zhi came back to his senses and bowed his hands: "I will go to the palace to face the saint."

"Hey, how long has it been since you had a good rest, what\'s wrong with you?" Yang Dejin wanted to persuade her in turn, but was stopped by Xie Zhi\'s light glance.

"Okay." Yang Dejin pouted, "You go to the palace, I\'ll go home."


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Sir Xie has arrived." Lu Xiaoying entered the palace to report.

Li Zifu put down the cinnabar-stained wolf hair in his hand: "Xuan."

Lu Xiaoying: "No."

Bai Qingyang: "Your Majesty, you thank the servant, but do you have a case you care about?"

Li Zichou nodded, then shook his head again: "I cared about it before, but now I don\'t care."

"Why?" Bai Qingyang asked.

"Because—" Li Zichou looked at the queen with a smile in his eyes, "the case has been solved."

Bai Qingyang was taken aback for a moment, she only learned this morning that the rumors had been dispelled, and all those congregants who bluffed and deceived were sent to prison. Li Zishou was not slow to hear the news, as soon as Xie Zhifu solved the case, she immediately sent people into the palace.

What surprised Bai Qingyang was that she had been asking about this matter all along. With the recent diplomatic affairs coming one after another, Li Zichou was so busy that she thought she had forgotten about Dacheng Teaching.

"Your Majesty, you..."

"Prince Yu has also been found. She and Xie Zhi did not return at night, and they are investigating this matter." Li Zichou said, "Now the case is solved, that\'s great, empress."

Bai Qingyang didn\'t know how to react, so he nodded slightly. Li Zishou really didn\'t care about her as much as he imagined, he always felt that she had put a lot of thought into this matter.

"My minister sees Your Majesty, empress." Just as he was thinking, Xie Zhi entered the study.

"Xie Qing, sit down." Li Zichou pointed to the bed on the left.

After Xie Zhi thanked him, he raised his head.

She had just saluted and didn\'t look directly at her boss, but seeing Li Zichou and Bai Qingyang sitting together at this moment, she couldn\'t help being stunned for a moment.

The empress is with Bai Qingyang... criticizing the scriptures?

The peace between the two of them far exceeded my expectations.

Xie Zhi\'s eyes could not help but look a little more, which further confirmed her previous conjecture.

Bai Qingyang had brief contact with her eyes, and then coughed lightly here and there.

She knew why Xie Zhi looked at her like this.

After a night in the palace, she herself did not expect that her relationship with Li Zishou would become so...close.

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: What? ? What night, you two what night? ? ! (pupil earthquake)

Li Zishou: Huh? What night what? Just slept through the night (literally).

Xie Zhi: Huh?

Yang Dejin: Huh? ?

Bai Qingyang who suffered from insomnia all night: Ah (annoyed).

Hey, I looked at the later saved manuscripts and found that there was a small bug in the plot details of this chapter, so I quickly revised it (wiped sweat)