Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 125: close the case

"So you always thought that I was following Prince Yu\'s order and trying to stop your plan?"

Ji Zhuilu is inexplicable: "Isn\'t it...?"

Xie Zhi was speechless.

Then she understood why Ji Zhuilu sneaked into the Ministry of Justice on Mid-Autumn Eve to find someone important to Yang Dejin, because he really thought it was Yang Dejin\'s subordinates who captured the prairie man named Rui Ben.

But what he didn\'t expect was that Rui Ben was captured by Meng Shike, and the undercover investigators were sent out by himself. Yang Dejin didn\'t know anything, and suffered so many crimes for no reason.

It really is a big wrong.

"That night, your dead waiter failed to kill Prince Yu, and the queen and the others were unable to hunt them down. In order to divert everyone\'s attention, you could only push those Shuobei people out, and deliberately let the unknowing Vice General Liu catch them. Arrived." Xie Zhi tried to uncover Ji Zhuilu\'s plan, "But what you don\'t expect is that there should be four people from Shuobei, but only three were captured by Vice General Liu."

Ji Zhuilu felt angry when he thought of his group of incompetent subordinates: "Those idiots, they did more than fail!"

Except for the three Shuobei people who were taken back to the monastery by Deputy General Liu, one was shot dead by Chen Feng on the spot at Wolong Pass, and the other was Rui Ben who was alone, and was caught by Meng Shike.

Ji Zhuilu was afraid that Rui Ben, who had disappeared without a trace, would cause serious trouble, so he had to get him back as soon as possible, so there was a scene where he asked Yang Dejin for someone later in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

In fact, Rui Ben is still locked in a small courtyard in Anrenfang, and Meng Shike has sent people to guard him closely.

"Then I have another question." Xie Zhi stood up and walked to Ji Zhuilu.

When Xie Zhi interrogated Rui Ben, no matter how hard she pressed him, the other party killed Yang Dejin who was behind the scenes.

"Your relationship with the prairie people is just like that. They don\'t need to hide your identity for you." Xie Zhi changed the subject, with a cold look in his eyes, "You bastard...won\'t you always use the name of Prince Yu, Seek cooperation with the prairie people?"

Ji Zhuilu acquiesced: "I can\'t trust these prairie people." If he dared to tell so many foreigners about his true identity, he would die.

Xie Zhi: "But Jerodella knows who you are."

Ji Zhuilu: "You even know this?"

Xie Zhi snorted lightly: "Yang Dejin and Ye Ludie had formed such a deep relationship in the Zichen Palace, but you still went to cooperate with him under the banner of Prince Yu, do you think I\'m stupid or Ye Ludie is stupid? "

"That\'s right, the only one who knows my true identity is Yeludeira. He didn\'t even tell his sister. He kept it secret for me, so I can help him."

"Forget it, you can\'t even help yourself now." Xie Zhi shook his head, returned to his seat, and added a few strokes to the case file.

Ji Zhuilu has nothing to say, but there are still things in his mind that he can\'t understand: "Xie Shilang, I also want to ask you a question."

"I don\'t have to answer."

"You were on guard against me before you noticed that my hand was hurt. When did you start to doubt me?"

"I never believed you." Xie Zhi replied indifferently.

Because Ji Zhuilu had openly criticized Bai Qingyang\'s attempt to usurp the throne in the court of the Qing Dynasty, and committed corruption.

She always felt that Ji Zhuilu gave her a strange feeling. After she partnered with Yang Dejin, this person appeared in front of her eyes more often.

Thinking about it now, it was probably because Ji Zhuilu was afraid of herself, afraid that the lone star of the Ministry of Punishment might have noticed something, so he came to test her from time to time.

Ji Zhuilu: "So on the night Li Chou disappeared, you sent me there just to lie to me that they ran south."

His men searched the south side of Shanglin Garden all night to no avail, but Li Zichou and Bai Qingyang came out from the north side of the paddock the next day.

Xie Zhi: "How can you say it\'s a lie? I said \'If I were them, I would choose to go south.\'"

But Bai Qingyang was different, Xie Zhi knew she would do the opposite. So she deliberately gave Ji Zhuilu wrong information, and asked him to take the city guards on duty to the swamp in the south, and then turned to find Zhenxi General Huang Qian, and asked him to lead the army to the cliff in the north to search and rescue.

Ji Zhuilu: "Sure enough, you already identified me as the mastermind at that time."

Xie Zhi: "At that time, you had a faint smell of blood on your body. I think it was not long ago that you went to the prince\'s camp, and you were hit by His Highness\'s crossbow arrows, and you came back injured."

"I didn\'t expect me to have so many flaws, what a terrifying insight." After hearing this, Ji Ji Zhuilu said with a wry smile, "Xie Shilang, you were full of hostility towards me a long time ago, why?"


Xie Zhi was very angry at the question he asked, she slapped the pen on the table heavily and stood up.

"Do you know who you are messing with?!"

Xie Zhi\'s question was so aggressive that Ji Zhuilu pursed his lips.

"Bai Xun, my benefactor, you brutally killed him, bloodbathed the prime minister\'s mansion, and more than two hundred people died under your hands, you murderer!

"Yang Dejin is so innocent, you put your crimes on her, framed her, and let her suffer innocent disasters, you despicable villain!

"The empress is sympathetic to her subjects and promotes good governance, but you are racking your brains to seize power and usurp the throne and harm the court, you are a traitor!

"And I, as the official of the imperial court, the thigh of the Li family, and the arm of the descendants of the Bai family, you have done so many bad things and dare to ask me why!"

Ji Zhuilu was a bit unexpected, he didn\'t expect the person in front of him to be related to the Bai family, no wonder Xie Zhi hated him so much.

If it fell into the hands of the white prime minister, he probably would have been doomed...

Because of the excitement, the veins on Xie Zhi\'s forehead started to throb again. She resisted the urge to punch Ji Zhuilu in the face, but grabbed him by the neck. There was anger and coercion in her eyes:

"Don\'t think that if you know Yang Dejin\'s true identity, you can threaten me. You are just a death row prisoner now."

Xie Zhi exerted some strength, and Ji Zhuilu\'s whole face gradually turned red and purple. He frowned uncomfortably, but he didn\'t beg her for mercy: "I, I can\'t hide it...Your eyes, you know...I don\'t have that kind of eyes... I did... intend to..."

"I really want to dig out your eyeballs!"

"...Okay, so I\' blind as I am..."

Xie Zhi snorted coldly, pushed him away, "I want to know why you didn\'t reveal Prince Yu\'s gender."

Ji Zhuilu was able to breathe fresh air: "Woo...cough! I...cough cough! I also...haven\'t thought about it...

"Yu, Prince Yu is actually a woman... If it is exposed to everyone, Li Chou will definitely turn the finger on her first, so that I have room to maneuver.

"But who knows, the queen and Prince Yu are in the same camp, and my hole cards were all torn up by the kid surnamed Zhou. It doesn\'t make sense to say whether Prince Yu\'s real gender is or not.

"In the final analysis, I underestimated those two people, so I fell so thoroughly."

Xie Zhi sneered and looked at him disdainfully: "Do you think the reason you lost was because you underestimated your opponent?"

"Stop making excuses for yourself. Your plot didn\'t succeed, not because you underestimated the enemy, not because your subordinates were ineffective, and it\'s not because of bad luck.

"You will fail simply because you are incompetent."

Xie Zhi\'s words were heavy, and the word at the end was more like a heavy hammer, which hit Ji Zhuilu\'s fragile and sensitive self-esteem. The other party was confused for a while, and then he could no longer maintain that casual attitude. He roared at Xie Zhi:

"Do you dare to say that I am incompetent?! I am the dignified filial and respectful crown prince, the direct descendant of Emperor Lie, and Dasheng orthodox. If you dare to humiliate me like a pariah, I will kill you alive!!"

Xie Zhi: "I\'ve said it before, it\'s not time to daydream, you are not orthodox for a long time - it should be said, you have never been orthodox. You are just like your self-righteous useless prince father, you are an outsider and an insider. You\'re just a dog in the water, you\'re just hopelessly stupid."

"You ****! Freak of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, I\'m going to cut off your tongue!!" Ji Zhuilu\'s uncontrollable roar attracted the guards on duty outside. Seeing the bound prisoner struggling excitedly, several people rushed to the ground Hold him down.

Xie Zhi looked at him indifferently, feeling both sad and ridiculous: "Ji Zhuilu, figure out your own situation, what right do you have to bark at me?"

"Do you think that everything will be fine if you kill me? Xie Zhi, your plan is so secret that Shuobei people died in Dasheng. Do you think Yeludeira will let you go?! Even if I die, you Don\'t even think about living!!"

"Really? Then you die in pain with your daydreams in your arms."

Ji Zhuilu was still cursing furiously, every sentence he yelled was worse than the last one, but Xie Zhi was calm in his heart and was not affected at all.

After all the questions that should be asked, the jailers controlling Ji Zhuilu were still waiting for the order from the officer. She put away the case file, and only said "close it back", and left without looking back.

After leaving the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Xie Zhi handed over the file to the master secretary, greeted Lord Shang Shu, and left the government office.

The interrogation is over, the truth she spent her whole life pursuing, now after resetting her life, all questions have been answered, and the dust has settled at this moment.

But I always feel...a bit unreal, like dreaming.

Of those prairie people, one died in the paddock of Shanglinyuan, one was tortured half to death by himself, and the remaining three were imprisoned in Dali Temple. Ji Zhuilu was right, and Shuobei would definitely seize this opportunity to attack Dasheng .

Although it was Shuobei who made the mistake first this time, they have always made strong arguments, and their ability to make use of the topic is unmatched. There have been many incidents on the border these days. It seems that the grassland people can\'t hold back anymore.

It\'s been a while since autumn, the weather is sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy, Xie Zhi looked up at the gloomy sky.

War... is coming early?

"What are you thinking about, so preoccupied?" A voice came from behind, "You didn\'t respond to several calls."

Xie Zhi turned around: "Yang Dejin."

Yang Dejin was wearing dark green clothes with a cloak hanging around his collar, and he seemed to have just returned from a rush.

Xie Zhi: "Didn\'t you go to see Kuai Gang? How about it? Is there any news about the antidote?"

When this matter was mentioned, the smile on Yang Dejin\'s face faded: "No, Linjing plus all the barbarian vendors and medical clinics and pharmacies in the three neighboring state capitals can\'t make up a wolfberry plant."

"how so…"

"Brother Kuai said that all the lugweeds in this area have been purchased, leaving nothing left." Yang Dejin looked gloomy, very different from his usual lively appearance.

Xie Zhi was silent for a while, wondering if someone was secretly tripping him up, but after thinking about it carefully, it was impossible.

But this person, the queen was poisoned and comatose, and Yang Dejin was running around all the time. The worry and attention she showed surprised everyone, including Xie Zhi.

"Yang Dejin, what is your relationship with Her Majesty the Empress?" Although he asked the empress once, Xie Zhi wanted to know Yang Dejin\'s answer for no reason.

Yang Dejin knew that she would always ask herself this question: "She...she is the most important person to me in this world."

Li Zishou came to this strange world with him. They are the only people who can trust each other unconditionally. They are best friends, so they are the most important people in this world.

After hearing this, Xie Zhi pursed his lips, and after a while, he smiled: "You two have such a good relationship, it\'s...enviable."

The bond between these two people is far deeper than I imagined.

I felt a little depressed, lost and unwilling for no reason.

Yang Dejin didn\'t notice this: "Of course, it\'s eight years of friendship."

Xie Zhi frowned: Eight years?

Not five years?

Didn\'t Yang Dejin return to the royal family five years ago? Why eight years? Did Yang Dejin and the current empress... have known each other so early?

"Xie Zhi, where are you going now?"

Xie Zhi collected his thoughts: "I don\'t know."

"Then you can accompany me into the palace, I want to see Li Zichou."

...Isn\'t his name Li Fu?

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: She is the most important person in this world to me.

Li Zishou: Who is your most important person, it\'s not gross.

Yang Dejin: ...