Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 121: promise

Turn the time back to two days before the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet.

Competing in the Central Plains, also surnamed Ji, his ambition is evident.

Zhou Huaijin: "If it is true as you said, then your assassination in Autumn Hunting this time, would it be related to him?"

Ji Zhuilu\'s City Defense Division controls the paddock, and he can easily find opportunities to act.

Li Zichou: "Regardless of whether the Autumn Hunt incident has anything to do with him, the murder of Prime Minister Bai must have something to do with him."

The changes in the officialdom and the Baixiang case were so close together that they were almost seamlessly connected.

Zhou Huaijin: "But how do you prove it? It\'s been so long, and this portrait of a woman alone can\'t explain anything."

Li Zichou pondered for a while: "Maybe it can only be pried out from his own mouth..."

"Will he say it obediently?"

"Of course not." Li Zichou was silent for a while after speaking.

Compared with the suspicious case four years ago, Zhou Huaijin is still more worried now. After hearing Li Zishou\'s reasoning just now, he felt even more disturbed: "Your Majesty, Prince Yu is already in prison. It\'s okay if he is really the mastermind, but if he wants to No, I\'m afraid the crisis has not passed yet."

Li Zishou deeply agrees: "If the plot to kill the king fails, some people will definitely not let it go, and they will definitely find another chance to do it."

What Zhou Huaijin was worried about was exactly this: "Your Majesty, this will be the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet soon, and no one knows if there will be any accidents, or... shall we postpone the palace banquet?"

"No!" Li Zichou rebuffed flatly, "The Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet is an excellent opportunity to lure those Xiaoxiao to show up."

Zhou Huaijin: "But that\'s very dangerous for you."

Li Zishou: "If you can\'t find out the rebellious ministers and thieves early, it will be very dangerous for everyone."

Zhou Huaijin pursed his lips, he knew he couldn\'t persuade Li Zichou, what she wanted to do, she would do it even if it cost her life.

"...What about Ji Chasing the Deer then?"

"Ji Zhuilu... Be careful, don\'t let him notice. If he really wants to make moves, he should be very busy these days." Li Zichou pinched his chin and said, "By the way, you go to his house while he\'s not around." Search for something."


"The family crest, the prince\'s letter, and maybe even the prince\'s seal, in short, it is a certificate that can prove his identity." Li Zishou ordered, "Try to find it, he will not put such things on duty. Either in his house or in his old house."

"Yes." Zhou Huaijin received the order, "What about the palace banquet?"

"Palace Banquet..."

"Your Majesty." Li Xunchao suddenly entered the announcement room and bowed to the two of them.

"Housekeeper Li, what\'s the matter?"

"Oh, back to Your Majesty, the caravan of Weichen\'s family passed by Linjing these few days, and I want to take this opportunity to reunite with my family, so I beg Your Majesty to grant a special leave."

After hearing this, the monarch and ministers on the opposite side looked at each other, and Li Zichou said, "You came just in time. It\'s very simple to do something for me."

Li looking for:?


Back to the Ministry of Punishment.

Li Zifu took the package and opened it, and a seal with a warm luster appeared in front of him.

That is - the lost Prince\'s Seal!

The people around whispered in unison, Li Zichou took the thing in his hand and looked at it, then looked at Ji Zhuilu: "You are really a descendant of Prince Xiaogong."

The princess concubine escaped from the Jingyang Palace during the rebellion of the two kings, and the prince Yuxi was also left behind at that time, and the prince Xiaogong died of illness not long afterward. The time and the evidence are all right. Ji Zhuilu Bacheng is the posthumous son of Prince Xiaogong.

In the end, because Ji Zhuilu looked more like his mother, he was not recognized by others after so long. That\'s right, who would remember what the wife of a deposed prince looks like?

"Let go of me, that\'s not yours!" Ji Zhuilu was so excited that he wanted to break free from the restraints of the imperial army, but it was in vain.

Li Zichou glanced at him: "Prince Xiaogong has long been deposed, and this is not his property, let alone yours."

Zhou Huaijin urged: "There is one more, look quickly!"

Hearing what he said, Li Zichou stuffed the Prince\'s Seal into Yang Dejin\'s arms, and then took out another roll of bright yellow brocade.


How many surprises are there tonight? !

The pupils of the others trembled, wanting to see but not daring, Yang Dejin leaned forward to take a look without hesitation, Xie Zhi knew his identity, so he didn\'t go up to satisfy his curiosity, and Bai Qingyang didn\'t move either.

Li Zishou glanced roughly, and then looked at Ji Zhuilu: "So that\'s why Emperor Jing didn\'t dare to touch you."

Emperor Lie\'s last edict was indeed very threatening.

This is Ji Zhuilu\'s backhand. The Crown Prince\'s Seal and Liedi\'s edict, which can blackmail Li Zishou, fall into the other party\'s hands at this moment. Ji Zhuilu is obviously in a hurry. He stares at Li Zishou, insults the noble empress loudly, and is beaten The Imperial Guard soldier sealed his mouth.

Faced with this person\'s disrespect, Li Zishou was also indifferent. It\'s just an anti-human being who has exhausted all his tricks, and it\'s not worth her to get angry.

"However, the crimes you have committed are too numerous to record. I absolutely dare not hand over Dasheng to the rule of a murderer who caress about human life. The old man Liedi will understand me." Li Zishou said to Ji Zhuilu, and also told other people People listen, "I don\'t need to kill you, but don\'t get too excited, I have plenty of ways to deal with you."

Let Ji Zhuilu go?

When Xie Zhi heard this, this is not acceptable. Ji Zhuilu killed her mentor, slaughtered the prime minister\'s residence, and even colluded with the enemy and treason with the intention of rebelling. Even if this kind of person dies a thousand times or ten thousand times, it is not enough. How can the empress let him go like this? Woolen cloth? !

"Your Majesty, what Ji Zhuilu did is a felony. This man deserves more than a crime, and he must not..."

"Xie Zhi," Yang Dejin tugged at her, pointing to the will in Li Zifu\'s hand, "That\'s what it says."

Emperor Lie didn\'t want to lose his children and grandchildren anymore.

Hearing what she said, Xie Zhi clenched his molars and looked at Ji Zhuilu with hatred, she was not reconciled.

Facing Xie Zhi\'s resentment, Li Zichou comforted her with words: "Xie Shilang, I will never break my promise to you."

Xie Zhi was slightly stunned, remembering what Li Zichou said to her a few days ago, and only then did he fully understand the deep meaning.


The time went back to two days before the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet.

Back home from the Anrenfang Courtyard, Xie Zhi was in a restless and flustered state.

How to do? What to do? What to do? What to do? !

How can Yang Dejin be rescued?

Meng Shike caught a single Shuobei man in the paddock, and the first thing Xie Zhi did when he returned to Linjing was to interrogate him. The interrogation method of the minister of punishment is also one of the best in the whole three divisions. It didn\'t take long for that man to recruit everything.

The prairie man was named Rui Ben, and he was from the Southern Courtyard of the Diela tribe in Shuobei.

After the summer court meeting, following the orders of his highness, he hid in Linjing City. The purpose is to cooperate with Yeludeira\'s partner and get rid of Empress Dasheng; the further purpose is to obstruct her, and even try to overthrow Dasheng.

But no matter how Xie Zhi interrogates, coerces and lures, tortures, asks who the partner is, Rui Ben\'s answer will always be Prince Yu.

It will always be Yang Dejin.

How could it be Yang Dejin? ! It should be that person who really plotted against the law!

But she didn\'t have the real crime, and Bai Qingyang couldn\'t help her either. If she handed over Rui Ben, not only would she not save Yang Dejin, but she would confirm Yang Dejin\'s "crime".

What on earth should she do?

Just when Xie Zhi was in a hurry to get angry but could do nothing, someone knocked on the door of the Minister\'s Mansion.

The female officer in charge of the internal affairs of the palace came to her and told her that Her Majesty the Empress wanted to see her and asked her to go there in secret and not let anyone know.

In the announcement room of Tianshu Palace, Li Zichou had been waiting for a long time, she fended off all the palace people, and put two short arrows by her hand.

"My minister sees Her Majesty the Empress."

"Xie Aiqing, you don\'t need to be too polite, you should guess why I am looking for you." Li Zichou was about to go straight to the point, "About Prince Yu..."

Before Li Zishou finished speaking, Xie Zhi stopped his words with a gesture.

"...What do you mean?" Li Zichou looked at Xie Zhi who was kneeling in front of him.

"Boldly, I implore Your Majesty to let Yang Dejin go." Xie Zhi said solemnly and decisively, "Yang Dejin was framed."

She put aside her face and arrogance, in order to save Yang Dejin, these are not worth mentioning, she has no choice but to do this.

It was the first time Li Zichou saw Xie Zhi\'s humiliation. She was willing to go to the imperial court to intercede for someone she valued. Her behavior made Li Zi pay some tentative thoughts.

"Xie Shilang, why do you vouch for Prince Yu?" Li Zichou looked at her and asked, "Who is she to you?"

Xie Zhi lowered his eyes and replied: "I... I know that she has never done anything to be sorry to the Lord or Da Sheng. I pledge my wealth and life to guarantee that she is innocent."

Li Zichou asked again: "Who is she to you?"

Xie Zhi pursed her lips: "She is very important to me." She couldn\'t lose her important person anymore.

Li Zichou carefully examined the other party, not looking at his subjects from the perspective of a monarch, but guarding Yang Dejin from the standpoint of relatives and friends.

"What if I don\'t let people go?"

Hearing this, Xie Zhi looked up at the Son of Heaven, and said slowly, "Then I will rescue her myself."

"Then what if I want to kill her?"

"...Nobody can touch her."


The two looked at each other in silence, Xie Zhi\'s eyes were calm and firm, even if she was facing the monarch, she still refused to lose.

"Ha—" After a while, Li Zichou was the first to close his eyes and look away.

"I really admire you..." Yang Dejin, what a blessing you are...

Xie Zhi looked at her inexplicably, she thought that Li Zifu would be very angry, and she even made up her mind that she couldn\'t get out of it, but the other party... what kind of reaction was this?

"You get up first."

Xie Zhi was still thinking, but didn\'t move.

Seeing her stubbornness, Li Zichou couldn\'t help sighing: "I promise you, you get up first."

Xie Zhi\'s eyebrows instantly relaxed: "Your Majesty\'s words are serious?!"

"One promise, one thousand gold." Li Zichou nodded, "Stand up quickly, don\'t let me help you."

Xie Zhi got up now.

"Tell me, why do you think she was framed?"

"That night, His Highness was also assassinated."

"What?!" Li Zichou heard about it, "Yang Dejin also...was she injured?!"

The worry expressed by Li Zifu does not seem to be false, Xie Zhi felt a little puzzled because of this, but he still shook his head and said: "No, there are not many killers who sneaked into Chengguang Palace, all of them have been dealt with."

"These bastards..." Li Zichou cursed in a low voice for daring to attack Yang Dejin, and then asked, "Why didn\'t you say it when the Shuobei people pointed it out?"

Xie Zhi: "At that time, the perpetrators were still in the crowd. I couldn\'t make a fool of myself. More importantly... I didn\'t have sufficient evidence."

"Who do you think it is?"

Xie Zhi only hesitated for a second, and said the object of his suspicion: "Ji Zhuilu."

Li Zichou was slightly surprised: "Why?"

When Yang Dejin became the target of public criticism, Xie Zhi was still able to calmly clarify the status quo and find out the real culprit behind the scenes.

Facing the queen\'s question, Xie Zhi told all about the dereliction of duty of the city defense department and Ji Zhuilu\'s strange behavior.

"I\'ve seen all the corpses of those Deadpools. The cocoons on their hands can only be formed by training in the army." Xie Zhi said, "The cocoon formed by swinging a sword, the cocoon formed by drawing a bow, and the cocoon formed by holding a rein The cocoon formed by playing polo, ordinary killers cannot have both.”

Li Zishou: "So you think that Ji Zhuilu intends to train Deadpool killers in his barracks."

Xie Zhi: "Well, it\'s better to say that the entire patrol battalion may be his soldiers."

In the end, Xie Zhi felt something was wrong long before she looked back on the previous autumn hunt.

At that time, Yang Dejin was still sullen and surly, and the ministers believed in her rebellion, so when the arrested Shuobei people confessed to Prince Yu, no one was surprised.

But apart from the confession of the people from Shuobei, there was no other evidence, Dali Temple still hastily closed the case, and Bai Qingyang saved Prince Yu because she needed her chess piece, so the matter was left alone.

Thinking about it now, looking back at the previous time, it was probably Ji Zhuilu who was plotting.

The author has something to say:

Li Zishou: Plans go through plans, everything is under control.

The end of this incident is almost the end of the full text. Before that, I have to write my most troublesome emotional line.