Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 12: reached an agreement

"...What do you want to do?" Xie Zhi\'s whole body was full of vigilance, and his whole body was in a state of frenzy.

Yang Dejin suddenly had a bad taste in his heart, so he frightened the child like this.

So she began to dance like a minefield: "You are a protégé of Prime Minister Bai, and when you become the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, you want to clear up your grievances for Prime Minister Bai, right?"

"Who the **** are you?!" Xie Zhi suddenly pulled out a sword that was mounted on Lan Qi in front of the hall, and the tip of the sword was less than an inch away from Yang Dejin\'s face.

Yang Dejin was shocked when she was pointed at with a sword, but at least she didn\'t show it on her face. She stretched out **** and carefully moved the sharp weapon that was shining coldly in front of her.

"Master Xie, don\'t get excited. This king has no other intentions. This king is here to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" Xie Zhi repeated suspiciously.

"That\'s right." Yang Dejin backed away with lingering fear, sat down on the Zen chair, and poured himself a cup of tea to suppress his shock, "I respect Prime Minister Bai, if you want to investigate his case back then, I can help you."

Xie Zhi put down his sword, looked at Yang Dejin vigilantly, and did not speak.

"I can use my resources to help you investigate the case. I will give you privileges. Whether it is the government office in Linjing or the Goulan restaurant, you can go through it unimpeded until you reverse the case for Prime Minister Bai." She paused for a while. , said in a low voice, "It\'s a bit difficult for the palace, but it\'s not impossible to fight for it."

After speaking, she took a sip of tea.

Hey, it\'s so cold.

Yang Dejin put down the teacup and continued: "I can also help you send Bai Qingyang out of the palace and reunite their mother and daughter, as long as you help me."

Xie Zhi fixedly looked at the young man in front of him.

Yang Dejin is not tall, but taller than himself, and looks full of vitality.

He was wearing a blue-coloured narrow-sleeved dress, the cuffs were tied with leather buckles, and his hair was wrapped in a fur. The whole person looks energetic and capable, probably because he chose such a suit specially for action at night.

His face was calm and calm, and there was a dim light in his eyes, and he was looking at Xie Zhi with a smile at this moment.

Yang Dejin was waiting for his answer.

This person knew his identity, the reason why he entered the court as an official, knew that his wife was here, and even said that he could take Bai Qingyang out...

This person, when exactly...

Did you expose yourself?

The conditions Yang Dejin offered were very attractive, but Xie Zhi still said hesitantly: "I never participate in factional struggles."

Yang Dejin was taken aback, thinking: What, he is worried about this.

Yang Dejin smiled and said, "I am not looking for your cooperation to fight against the emperor, nor to fight against other forces in the court."

Under the suspicious eyes of the other party, Yang Dejin continued: "You don\'t need to do anything special, you should investigate the case, and try the case. I only ask you not to get involved with other forces, and be your servant of the Ministry of Punishment. You don\'t have to worry about it. If there is really a problem that cannot be solved, I will come to you. "

Xie Zhi was silent, with puzzlement still in his eyes: "Why did His Royal Highness Prince Yu help me?"

What Yang Dejin said just now was nothing more than to let Xie Zhi remain the same, and at most occasionally help Yang Dejin solve some problems. But I can get the help of Prince Yang Dejin, which can make the investigation easier.

To be honest, the pie that fell from the sky was too tempting, Xie Zhi had no reason not to agree.

Agreeing to cooperate is a big deal, but if you refuse, you will fall into the hands of Prince Yu.

Although it seems that his secret has not been revealed yet.

But Xie Zhi is still hesitating, because Prince Yu...

Seeing Xie Zhi\'s slightly troubled expression, Yang Dejin suddenly smiled, knowing that Xie Zhi was a little moved, she said frankly: "Didn\'t this king say it? Mr. Xie is young, promising, honest and upright. Someone like you It is Dasheng\'s honor to be an official."

After Yang Dejin finished speaking, she felt that it was not enough, and added another sentence: "It\'s also my honor."

Xie Zhi stared blankly, Yang Dejin\'s face looked very serious under the light, and his eyes were looking at him gently, making Xie Zhi believe what she said in a strange way.

"Okay." Xie Zhi replied, "But I have a condition."

"Thank you, sir." Yang Dejin smiled.

"Bai Qingyang...she doesn\'t need to leave the palace right away."

Yang Dejin glanced at her suspiciously, but didn\'t ask why.

In fact, not only can she not get Bai Qingyang out immediately, she also has to keep Bai Qingyang beside Li Zishou to increase her favorability. Once Bai Qingyang left the palace, she and Li Zichou would not be able to control the development of the situation.

Xie Zhi\'s request was exactly what she wanted.

So Yang Dejin nodded briskly: "Okay! Just follow your pace." She stood up and straightened her robe.

"It\'s getting late, Mr. Xie, I\'m sorry to disturb you tonight." Yang Dejin said, "Then I will take my leave."

"Oh, by the way, thank you, sir." Yang Dejin just took two steps, then turned around and said, "Protect Mrs. Bai well."

Yang Dejin left.

Only Xie Zhi was left standing alone in the front hall, without moving for a long time, and after a while, a servant came to deliver a message.

After hearing this, Xie Zhi waved his hands and said, "Let them go, be more polite."

"Yes, my lord."


"This, is it over?" Kuai Gang was obviously still out of the situation.

Yang Dejin walked beside him, and behind them was a group of people from the Jianghu who had just withdrawn.

"Hmm." Yang Dejin was in a bright mood.

Kuai Gang was even more puzzled: "Aren\'t you looking for someone? Where is the person?"

"You are safe in Xie Zhi\'s home, I am at ease."


"Brother Kuai, do you really not want to come to my mansion to do something?"

When Kuai Gang heard her say this, he stopped and clasped his fists to salute, "I didn\'t know that Yang Langjun was Prince Da Shengyu before, so I offended him a lot earlier."

It was the first time Yang Dejin saw Kuai Gang being so polite to him, and suddenly he was a little surprised, and smiled awkwardly: "Brother Kuai, I thought you and other people in the world didn\'t care about these vain courtesy."

Kuai Gang nodded, put down his hands and said: "It\'s not important, but the prince also said just now that Kuai is from the Jianghu, and he doesn\'t bother to meddle in the affairs of high officials and nobles. Please ask the prince to find someone else."

Yang Dejin got the expected answer, and was not angry: "Well, Brother Kuai, you and your brothers have worked hard these two days."

"Where, take people\'s money and do things for them."

"Brother Kuai, please don\'t tell other people what happened tonight and my identity, please."

"Of course, you all heard it?" Kuai Gang turned his head and said to his brothers.

His subordinates replied in unison: "I heard it!"

Yang Dejin looked at this angry-eyed King Kong who was much taller than herself with admiration. She especially liked this kind of outspoken person.

"I\'ve also made arrangements for the restaurant. Let\'s take the brothers to have a good meal. Then someone will send the final payment to Brother Kuai."

Without any hesitation, Kuai Gang clasped his fists and said Kuai\'s farewell, and left with his brothers.

"Farewell." Yang Dejin watched the group of knight-errants go away, then changed direction and went back to his mansion.


Xie Fu.

"Xiao Rui, I just heard movement in the backyard in the wing, did something happen?" A middle-aged woman walked out of the east wing and came to the front hall accompanied by a maid.

Xie Zhi, courtesy name Zhirui, Xiaorui is Xie Zhi\'s nickname.

Xie Zhi turned around and hurried over: "Master, why are you here? Did it disturb you?"

Madam Bai shook her head and said, "Xiao Rui, did someone look for you just now?"

Xie Zhi nodded and felt that there was no need to hide it from his wife, so he said, "It\'s Prince Yu."

"Prince Yu? What does he want from you?"

"He...he asked me to cooperate and promised to help me investigate the teacher\'s case." Xie Zhi answered truthfully.

After hearing this, Mrs. Bai showed a surprised expression: "Prince Yu agrees to help you investigate the case? Then...then what do you need to do for him?"

Xie Zhi: "He asked me to help him solve some small problems, probably, he meant to be his assistant."

"Prince Yu... I heard that he is perverse, Xiao Rui, you must be careful when dealing with him, and don\'t run into him." Xie Zhi could not interfere with Mrs. Bai\'s affairs, so she only instructed in a soft voice.

"Zhi Rui understands, let Madam worry." Xie Zhi said with a smile.

"Hey, you and Qing Yang, one is in the officialdom and the other is in the palace. I am an elder, but I can\'t help you with anything." Mrs. Bai blamed herself.

Xie Zhi: "What are you talking about, ma\'am, these are the responsibilities of juniors. Let\'s not talk about these, I will help you go back and rest."

Madam Bai pushed Xie Zhi\'s hand away and said, "Hey, you child, I\'m not old enough to need help before I can walk."

Hearing this, Xie Zhi could only smile helplessly: "Okay, ma\'am. Zhirui knows that you are still very young."

Xie Zhi watched Mrs. Bai return to the East Wing, and went back to the main room to rest, but she was not at peace.

In my mind is the scene of talking with Yang Dejin just now over and over again.

About the case, about her own background, about Mrs. Bai, all these things are being carried out secretly by her, how does Prince Yu know?

It\'s so weird, I don\'t know when the situation began to gradually escape her control.

The emperor suddenly became diligent in politics, changed his previous brutal temperament, and began to want to intervene in the government.

Prince Yu is not as mediocre, mediocre and dull as before, he is no longer that easy-to-understand idiot.

What exactly is this for?

While thinking wildly, Xie Zhi unbuttoned his outer shirt and pulled out the hairpin from his head.

Xie Zhi didn\'t let Bai Qingyang leave the palace immediately because she knew that if Bai Qingyang stayed in the palace, he could gradually gain power and expand her influence.

But in this way, Bai Qingyang will suffer a lot in the harem, many pains that ordinary people can\'t bear.

But Xie Zhi could only do this, Xie Zhi knew that Bai Qingyang would be able to hold on, after all, she was the one who wanted to rule the world in the future.

With the last piece of clothes off, Xie Zhi\'s thoughts were in a mess, he turned his head blankly, and saw himself in the bronze mirror - the most authentic self with loose hair.

It\'s different.

The author has something to say:

Xie Zhi: Explain, how do you know?

Yang Dejin: I just made full use of some original knowledge.