Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 113: killer

At midnight, continuous clouds and rain shrouded the entire Shanglin Garden, outsiders who were far away from disputes knew nothing about the confrontation in the dark, and were immersed in illusory dreams at this moment.

They don\'t know that there are people, there are many people, who stay up all night.

Zhou Huaijin secretly mobilized the Forbidden Army troops and entered the paddock under the cover of rainy night to find someone. With regard to the disappearance of Li Zishou and Bai Qingyang, he did not know what kind of means he used to hide it from the sky, but he really did not make everyone in the temple suspicious.

But paper can\'t hold fire. He knew that at the latest tomorrow morning, someone would discover the fact that the empress and queen hadn\'t returned all night.

Therefore, there is not much time left for Zhou Huaijin, he has to find them quickly.

On the other side, Meng Shike\'s men never stopped searching for traces of suspicious persons, and there were soldiers from the city defense battalion who were chasing the deer in action.

Chengguang Palace also seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

There was a patter of rain outside the eaves, several black shadows flashed past, and untimely footsteps approached.

The killer in night clothes sneaked into the main hall of Chengguang Palace, the dormitory of Prince Yu, and groped for Yang Dejin\'s soft couch in the dark. He slowed down his movements and drew his knife to prevent the assassination target from waking up suddenly.

To create the illusion of suicide, they can\'t stab the body directly, they can only turn the person lying on the side and attack the fragile neck.

Killed with one blow, she will sleep in a dream forever without any struggle.

The man in black thought about it, and was ready to do it.

Unexpectedly, before the hand touched it, the person on the bed suddenly lifted the thin quilt to avoid the sharp edge of the blade. Before the man in black could react, he kicked him several steps away.

The man in black gasped in pain, obviously shocked.

Prince Yu has long been prepared? ! how is this possible? !

"I knew it wouldn\'t be very peaceful tonight." The man who pretended to be asleep stood up, lit the candlestick with a torch, and the fire could barely shine two steps away.

The black arrow robe on Xie Zhi\'s body was still the one she wore during the day, she had been waiting here for a long time.

"Say! Who sent you here?! Why did you kill Prince Yu?!" Xie Zhi asked sharply.

The man in black saw that the other party was not Yang Dejin, and his actions had been revealed, so he swung his knife and slashed at Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi clicked his tongue, really uncomfortable with the communication.

She dodged Bai Jian sideways, grabbed the wrist of the knife-holding hand with her right hand, raised her left arm high, and hit his arm socket with a violent elbow.

The man in black screamed, his hand loosened instantly, the steel knife fell to the ground, and was kicked away by Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi cut his hands backwards, kicked the man in black\'s knees, and pushed him to kneel on the ground: "Say it?!"

Before he could open his mouth, the men in black who were watching the wind outside heard the discordant noises in the hall, and broke into the door one after another with knives in hand.

Seeing that there were still so many people, Xie Zhi didn\'t care about the interrogation anymore. She picked up the knife that fell on the ground, gave that person a good time, and then went forward to meet the enemy.

There were not many killers who sneaked into Chengguang Palace, only a dozen or so, and now they all rushed into the main hall, and Xie Zhi showed no signs of fear, it\'s not like she hasn\'t encountered such a thing before.

The sound of swords clashing suddenly sounded in the rainy night, and in just one breath, three killers had already fallen on the ground.

There was a light source approaching, and it was Yang Dejin who came from the side hall with the hidden guards, and the first thing he saw was the scene of Xie Zhi being besieged.

"Quick! Hurry up and help!" Yang Dejin said to his subordinates.

The hidden guards stepped forward to share the pressure. Seeing that the situation was under control, Xie Zhi took another killer\'s life away before retreating to Yang Dejin\'s side.

Xie Zhi: "Are there any killers out there?"

Yang Dejin: "No, it\'s all here."

Xie Zhi nodded, and shouted to the hidden guards of the Prince\'s Mansion: "Don\'t kill them all, save a living!"


"Yang Dejin, you..."

When Xie Zhifu turned his head, he saw a man in black standing behind Yang Dejin who should have fallen to the ground a long time ago. He was holding a long knife in both hands, and was about to cut at someone who didn\'t notice.

"Dangerous!" Xie Zhi pulled Yang Dejin over, put his right arm on his forehead, and took the white blade abruptly.

Yang Dejin yelled out, "Xie Zhi!"

How could she block the knife with her hands? ! Yang Dejin\'s pupils constricted.

At this moment, Xie Zhi let go of Yang Dejin, kicked the killer in the abdomen, and kicked him to the ground.

It wasn\'t over yet, Xie Zhi seemed very angry, rushed up to hold down the other person, grabbed the man\'s collar, and punched him in the face.

"Asshole! Don\'t touch her!" After speaking, he punched her again.

The man in black was already injured, he couldn\'t stand Xie Zhi\'s beating so violently, he passed out without even yelling for help.

"Xie Zhi, Xie Zhi!" Seeing that the person was silent, Yang Dejin hurried over to pull her up.

"Are you okay?!" Yang Dejin pulled her over, looking extremely nervous, but didn\'t dare to touch her arm, so he could only lift her upper arm to check for injuries.

Xie Zhi looked at the blood on the back of his hand: "Oh - this is his blood." He pointed to the fainted man on the ground.

"It\'s not this!" Yang Dejin was about to die of anxiety, "Where\'s your arm?! Is it bleeding? Does it hurt?"

Holding the torch, Yang Dejin frowned at her arm. There was a big hole in the black arrow sleeve, and she couldn\'t see whether there was blood or not.

Xie Zhi blinked, understood what she was worried about, and smiled: "I\'m fine."

"How could it be all right?!"

"It\'s all right." Xie Zhi said as he rolled up his right arrow sleeve to his elbow, revealing a golden dagger, which was fixed on his arm with a strap.

Yang Dejin was taken aback: "This is..."

"You gave it to me."

Blocked a knife for Yang Dejin, and there was damage on the scabbard, Yang Dejin stroked the dent with his hand: "You have been carrying it on your body all the time..."

"Well, a treasured sword deserves a beauty, you said."

"Cut...have some face..." Yang Dejin was at a loss for words for a moment.

"Your Highness, thank you servant, all the gangsters have been subdued." Yinniang came to report.

Before Yang Dejin could open his mouth, he heard two "uh ah", and the two killers who were disarmed and escorted to kneel outside suddenly slammed into the knife edge of the hidden guard at the same time, and died.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, this..." The two hidden guards looked at the blood on their swords in bewilderment, then looked at each other, and finally looked at Yang Xie.

"He really has backbone." Xie Zhi looked at the two men in black who committed suicide, pointed to the other one and said, "This one is still alive, take him down and take good care of him."

"Yes." Yinniang replied holding the knife.

Yang Dejin: "..." If she remembers correctly, this is the secret guard of her Prince\'s Mansion!

Xie Zhi: "Thank you for your hard work."


"? What\'s the matter, what else do you want to say?" Xie Zhi noticed that she hesitated to speak.

"It\'s nothing, I just want to thank you."

Yang Dejin was very grateful for her life-saving grace, if it wasn\'t for Xie Zhi\'s quick response, she would be able to see her own brains right now.

Imagining that scene, Yang Dejin felt his hairs stand on end: "Anyway, thank you!"

"Thank you, you gave me the knife." Xie Zhi patted her on the head, "You saved yourself."

"Ah...? But..." Yang Dejin didn\'t quite understand her logic.

"Without the protection of this thing, my arm is probably useless." Xie Zhi raised his forearm, "Then I have to thank you too."

Xie Zhi asked someone to light the candles in the main hall, and then took the torch in her hand: "Go to sleep, I will watch over you." After finishing speaking, he went to explain the work to the hidden guards, leaving Yang Dejin alone In a daze.

This woman is so good...

Oh shit.


At the same time, the paddock was at the bottom of the cliff.

The rain here was much heavier, and the thunder sounded from time to time, which woke Bai Qingyang up countless times.

The two of them were sleeping next to each other, and Li Zichou\'s condition was not very good. Every time Bai Qingyang woke up, she would touch Li Zichou\'s forehead.

The temperature was no longer normal, and her wound was inflamed.

Bai Qingyang was very worried. She had no way to treat Li Zishou\'s illness in the wild. The only thing she could do was to cut off a piece of cloth, wet it with rainwater, apply it on Li Zishou\'s forehead, and then hugged her and fell into a chaotic dream.

I don\'t know if it was due to the heavy rain, but Li Zifu\'s injury deteriorated very quickly, he was breathing heavily, he was hot and cold, and he was sweating all over his body. She was always woken up by attacks of pain and then passed out by the pain.

When the thunder sounded, Bai Qingyang gasped, bit his lower lip, and remained silent.

"Hmm..." It was Li Zichou who was woken up.

"Are you awake? Don\'t be afraid, it\'s just thunder." Bai Qingyang said, feeling a little dazed.

I would actually say this to someone one day.

Li Zichou\'s eyelids trembled, and she saw a lot of strange scenes in front of her eyes in darkness.

She didn\'t realize that it was a hallucination, but she heard Bai Qingyang\'s voice and captured the words "fear" and "thunder".

Subconsciously, she thought that Bai Qingyang was afraid, so she said weakly: "It\'s okay...with me here...don\'t be afraid..."

The man in his arms lost his voice after speaking, he must have fallen asleep again.

After hearing this, Bai Qingyang was silent for a long time, stroked Li Zichou\'s eyebrows with his fingers, and then pressed against her forehead.

Why is it always like this...

She remembered what Li Zishou said in the middle of the night - "It feels like you\'re going to stab it into my chest."

She also recalled the scene of personally killing Li Fu in her previous life, which is still vivid in her mind until now.

Li Zichou...what the **** do you know?

There was thunder and lightning rolling through the clouds, and there was no light in the mountains. She didn\'t know what time it was, and she didn\'t know where this place was in the paddock.

She took the injured Li Zifu to avoid the assassin\'s pursuit, and only walked in one direction. Although she lured away a wave of assassins before, they are not stupid, and they will definitely come back after they find out that they have been cheated.

It\'s not absolutely safe here, Li Zichou is seriously injured and unconscious, and only he can protect her.

Thinking of this, Bai Qingyang tightly gripped the saber in his hand.

She knew that someone must have noticed that they did not return at night, whether it was her own subordinates or Li Zifu\'s subordinates, they must have started to look for them in the paddock at this moment.

Then what Bai Qingyang had to do was to protect her and Li Zishou\'s safety before being found by his own people.

Sleepiness, hunger and cold ate away at Bai Qingyang\'s thinking, while thunder and flashes tested her psychological defense again and again, and it lasted several hours like this.

Li Zizhi\'s high fever never subsided, Bai Qingyang was extremely anxious.

As dawn approached, the rain stopped and the wind subsided, as if to put an end to the bad weather. The sky showed a transition of night and dark blue, which was unbelievably clear.

The depths of the paddock, far away from human traces, are still full of shadows, and the chirping of insects and birds is mixed with the sound of horseshoes kicking.

Bai Qingyang frowned slightly, looked at Li Zifu who was leaning on his shoulder, thought for a while, and gently supported her against the edge of the rock wall, while he walked out of the cliff with his sword in hand.

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: I admit it.