Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 109: assassinate

"Are you going to hunt rabbits in the grassland today?"

Yang Dejin paused as he tied his hair, and instead of answering directly, he asked instead: "Why?"

"Last night, did you have the strength to go hunting after working so late last night?" Xie Zhi said inexplicably, with a bit of a smile mixed in.

Yang Dejin\'s ears turned red when she heard this, and the scene of last night resurfaced in her mind. She threw a sharp glance at Xie Zhi, but Xie Zhi took it nonchalantly.

"It doesn\'t take much effort to wind the string."

"I didn\'t catch any prey yesterday, do you want me to help you?"

"Xie Zhi, why have you been so annoying lately?"

"Is there any subordinate officer?"


Xie Zhi became more and more tactful, and he didn\'t know who influenced him.

Where did the cold and aloof iceberg judge in the book go? !

Yang Dejin was depressed.

Seeing that Yang Dejin had stopped talking, Xie Zhi could only watch her intently, to see when she would recover.

After her hair was tied up, Yang Dejin turned around and met Xie Zhi\'s deep gaze unexpectedly.

"..." Yang Dejin coughed awkwardly, "Look for a fishing rod and a dipping net, I want to go fishing in the south."

Xie Zhi smiled: "Okay, I will give orders."

"Speaking of which, you have been with me all the time, why don\'t you go with your colleagues from the Criminal Department?"

"You think I really want to be among those big men?"

Yang Dejin choked for a moment: "Don\'t use questions to answer questions."

But what he said was true, Xie Zhi concealed his gender, in order not to reveal his identity as a woman, it was correct and necessary to keep a distance from outsiders.

This is the same as myself.

Hmph... Thinking about it this way, the lone wolf figure is just Xie Zhi\'s protective cover? The writing in the book is still too conservative.

She always felt that Xie Zhi had a lot of bad intentions.

"What?" Just as Yang Dejin thought about it, Xie Zhi said, "Or do you want Xiaowei Ji to follow?"

Yang Dejin said inexplicably: What\'s the matter with Guan Ji chasing deer?

"The captain of the city gate is busy." Yang Dejin was annoyed, "Anyway, you are alone, so follow if you want."

"Okay, thank you Your Highness." Xie Zhi smiled triumphantly.

Smoothing the folds of the arrow sleeves, Yang Dejin asked again: "Where did the emperor... go today?"


"East? Has she entered the mountain again?"

"Yeah, is there anything you can\'t let go of?"

"Who can\'t let her go?!"

She is still angry with Li Zishou!

Why does this stubborn thing keep drilling into the woods? !

For hunting, fishing, fishing, she doesn\'t care about plum rewards!

Yang Dejin sighed irritably, and without saying anything to Xie Zhi, he took the gun and walked outside Chengguang Palace.


In the forest of Shanglinyuan, there is a certain mountain pass.

"My lord, the emperor has entered the mountain and is coming this way." The scout came to report.

"How many people did you bring?"

"The ten guards are all Marquis Wu of the Imperial Army."

"Only ten?" The man repeated suspiciously, "Can you see clearly?"

Yesterday, the empress brought more than 80 people to hunt, and the crowd was tight. What are you doing today? I was stimulated by their backstabbing?

There is always a trap.

But the scout said: "I see clearly, there are only ten."

"Aren\'t the queen and the ministers here?"


The man pondered for a while, seemingly hesitating.

The prairie man leaning on the tree said: "What? Yesterday, so many people dared to shoot arrows to provoke provocations. Today, there are so few people here, but they are timid?"

Hearing this, the man raised his head and gave him a sideways glance, and said to his subordinates, "Let the brothers cheer up and prepare to kill."

Even a trap is worth a try.


"If you ask me, your Highness is really making a big gamble."

"It has nothing to do with you. Your Highness is willing to cooperate with you because he thinks highly of Shuo Bei. Don\'t be ignorant of good and bad."

"The matter of your highness has nothing to do with me, but our highness also said that if the assassination fails, we will wait for the battle to meet each other."

"...I won\'t miss it, Li Chou will definitely die today."

The Empress only had less than half a team of guards, and their people spread all over the mountains, and even Li Chou couldn\'t escape even with wings.

"Stop making sarcastic remarks there, your people should be in place. What about Reben, shouldn\'t he be with you?"

"It\'s by the river, it should be back soon."

"I told you not to wander around... Forget it, leave him alone, let\'s go!"


"Your Majesty, there are people."

Li Zichou: "How many people are there?"

Chen Feng pondered: "There are many, the exact number is uncertain."

Li Zichou raised her eyebrows in surprise, and she looked at the surrounding jungle.

Occasionally there was a breeze blowing from the mountains, but she felt nothing except the rustling of leaves and the faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus in the air.

There seems to be nothing unusual, but no one knows if there is something terrifying hidden under this peaceful appearance.

She was curious how the martial arts practitioners felt it, was it murderous?

"Your Majesty, the mountain pass ahead is very dangerous." Chen Feng interrupted Li Zichou\'s thoughts, "Are you sure you want to go there?"

Li Zishou: "Of course, this is exactly what I want."

"..." Chen Feng hesitated for a while, but said straight, "I\'m going to die."

"The general thinks I am determined to seek death?"

"The lower officials have no such intentions." Chen Feng denied, "This is the worst outcome."

Li Zishou: "I\'m not ready to die early."

She really wanted to know whether she would die in the paddock of Shanglinyuan, or by Bai Qingyang\'s sword, or some other way of death.

Either way, she has something to do.

"Let\'s go." Li Zichou picked up his horse and walked away without hesitation.

The more he went to the depths of the dense forest, the more strange the atmosphere became. Li Zishou\'s nerves tensed up as his followers gradually entered the battle state.

This is a deep mountain, where many wolves, tigers and leopards are entrenched. During the hunting period, those who hunt rare and ferocious animals will be promoted to nobles. No one would set foot here if they didn\'t want to compete for the first prize in the autumn hunting.

The shadows in the forest provide an excellent shelter for the evils surging in the dark.

The sound of piercing the air suddenly resounded, and the stainless steel held back its cold light, with a clear intention to cut through the moist air, which was shockingly fast.

The moment Chen Feng realized it, the long knife was unsheathed from his waist, and he swung his arm to block it.

The sound of metal clashing echoed in the forest.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

The guards surrounded Li Zichou, and the phantom seemed to be frightened by the arrow just now, and was walking restlessly.

Li Zifu\'s palms were covered with sweat. She looked at the arrow that was knocked down by Chen Feng.

Different from yesterday\'s warning gun, this one was aimed at her throat and came to kill her.

The visitor is not good.

She suddenly regretted that she didn\'t have enough bodyguards.

"Are you only going to shoot in the dark?" Li Zichou said to the air in a flat tone, "Anyway, I\'m going to fight to the death, so what if I show up?"

No matter how afraid you are, you must have enough momentum.

There was probably a second or two of silence, and some black-clothed and masked assassins appeared one after another from the forest.

Two, four... No, it\'s far from being able to count, it\'s too much.

Li Zichou\'s right eyelid twitched violently, this is really...

"So many..." Chen Feng held up the knife with a serious expression on his face.

Li Zichao said loudly, "Aren\'t you going to report your name?"

"The dead don\'t need to know that much."

I don\'t know who among the men in black said this, the rest of the accomplices swung their knives from all directions in an instant as if they had received some order.

Chen Feng ordered: "Guard it for me, even a killer cannot be released!"


A large number of men in black emerged from the woods and rushed towards where Li Zishou was. The followers of the imperial army resolutely met the enemy.

For a while, the sound of fighting, shouting, and the clash of swords could be heard endlessly, resounding in the deep mountains.

Facing the men in black who were twice as many as the guards, under the leadership of Chen Feng, they insisted that these men never come across Li Zifu.

Several times, some people took advantage of the fact that the guards couldn\'t cope and tried to get close to Li Zifu, but they were all killed by arrows shot from a distance.

In less than half a stick of incense, many men in black had already fallen on the ground, stained with blood, and many personal guards were also stained.

However, the enemies seem to be endless, this batch is dealt with, and the next batch will continue to emerge from the forest.

Li Zifu clenched the rein tightly, hesitating whether to launch the mingdi here.

This scale, so many people, this is not an assassination, this is more like a siege!

Where did so many assassins come from in Shanglin Garden? !

"What are the people from the Ministry of War and the City Defense Department doing??! How could there be so many killers?!" Chen Feng was very angry as if he knew what Li Zichou was thinking.

"Your Majesty, there are too many people, we have to get out of here!"

Li Zichou frowned, and raised his voice to the guards: "Don\'t resist, we will fight and retreat."

"West side! We\'re going out of the mountain!"

Several men in black saw that they wanted to exit the mountain pass, and raised their bows and arrows one after another, wanting to take heads from a long distance.

Seeing this, Chen Feng pulled out two daggers from his back with three fingers, and threw them at the bow-drawer, hitting the assassin\'s face directly, and Chen Feng who reacted killed two more.

"Stubbornly resisting." From a high place, people from Shuobei overlooked the mountain pass.

"It\'s just dying, we have a lot of people."

"There are many, and many died." Shuobei people looked at him contemptuously, "Central Plains people always stigmatize us Shuobei people, saying that we have always disregarded human life. Now it seems that you are not giving up too much."

The man glared at him: "What do you know, if you can win Li Fu, it\'s worth trading a city for it."

"That\'s right, but your Royal Highness sent so many people and still didn\'t take it down? It\'s fine if the arrow doesn\'t hit, you can\'t even get close to him."

"It\'s true that standing up and talking doesn\'t hurt your back. You have a bow at hand. If you are willing to use your hands, I won\'t be bothered to waste this effort."

"I just thought you were praising me." Shuobei people looked at Shankou again, "Huh?"

"What\'s the matter?" Seeing that he let go of his arms, the man\'s expression became astonished, and he also looked in the direction of his line of sight.

Within a few minutes of the two being eccentric with each other, the situation in Yamaguchi changed drastically.

The formation that formed the siege had collapsed, many men in black were howling miserably, their clothes were on fire, and they had no time to kill any more.

The personal guards selected from the Forbidden Army, no matter how skilled they are in martial arts, can\'t handle the enemy\'s naval tactics. After a lot of fighting, only three people including Chen Feng are still struggling to support them.

Li Zifu was forced to have no choice, so he used his trump card.

"It\'s so powerful..." Li Zichou sighed as he watched the burst of flames.

The improved Mostov cocktail, burn a large piece, who knows who uses it.

Only one bottle burned a gap in the surrounding circle.

Chen Feng: "Your Majesty, now is the time!"

"No! They want to escape!" The man watched Li Zifu turn his horse\'s head, and shouted at the subordinates who were standing by, "Go down, and we must not let Li Zifu walk out of the Shanglinyuan paddock alive."

When the subordinates listened, those who drew their knives drew their knives, and those who drew their swords drew their swords, shouting to kill, and rushed down.

"She can\'t escape."

The man turned his head and saw that the Shuobei people, who had been cynical just now, had drawn their bowstrings to the full, obviously intending to shoot the target himself.

Li Zifu, who was breaking through the siege, suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, like a prickly **** on his back, as if a killing intent was approaching quickly.

She didn\'t have time to rein in the horse, so she simply braced her wrist, tilted her body and fell off the horse, rolling several times on the ground. It seems that the movements are smooth and smooth, but in fact it is all due to intuition and the desire to survive.

"You missed!"

"It\'s her luck." Shuobei people said so, ready to nock their arrows again, but they didn\'t expect a white-feathered arrow to leave the string from another direction, and nailed heavily into the tree trunk behind them.

The man was taken aback: "This is..."

Shuobei people covered his bleeding ears, pushed him and shouted: "We\'ve been exposed, let\'s go!"

Before the man could react, another arrow passed his nose and flew into the bushes.

If he had taken another step just now, the arrowhead would have hit his temple firmly.

"What\'s going on?! Some of you rebelled?!"


"Then who is sniping us?! Do you have people with such good shooting skills in Dasheng??!"

"How do I know?! It can\'t be wearing Yang Shou??!!"

"Go this way!"

A vigorous figure shuttled through the forest. When the Shuobei people released that arrow, Chen Feng had already locked the leader hiding on the mountain.

The leading man and the Shuobei people dodged all the way, but Chen Feng\'s arrow seemed to have eyes, and drove them all the way to the open space.

Although the leader of the assassins here was restrained, it did not mean that the situation on Li Zishou\'s side would become optimistic.

Li Zichou\'s breakout was interrupted because he fell from his horse. I don\'t know how many assassins are hiding here. At this moment, they are rushing down from the mountain like a tide, and quickly filled the gap that Li Zifu made.

Li Zichou clutched his arms and struggled to get up from the ground.

This is great, I was surrounded again.

"Your Majesty, this way!"

Chen Feng raised his knife and pointed in a direction where the surrounding area was relatively weak. He and the other two guards had already opened a hole there.

Li Zichou looked at the forest that led to nowhere, it was full of thorns, there was no way for her to walk, but she couldn\'t care less now.

"What about you guys?!" Li Zichou shouted while running.

"We will block these people, Your Majesty, please go first!"

"Wait, Your Majesty, behind you!!"

Li Zichou tilted his head when he heard the words, and before he could see who was coming, he saw a white knife attacking him.

It was too late to hide, so Li Zifu could only lower his center of gravity, and took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the wrong golden dragon sword from his waist, and blocked it abruptly.

The confrontation of cold weapons made her fingers holding the hilt of the sword numb, but Li Zifu did not dare to let go, as she would die if she let go.

Li Zichou kicked the opponent away, and before he could make up the knife, two other people rushed over with their knives. The personal guards were still fighting with the others, unable to withdraw to **** them.

I\'m going to be made dumplings!

Li Zichou looked solemn, he clenched his long sword tightly, and his back molars were about to be crushed by himself.

How to do?

"Li Zichou, hold me tight!"

The author has something to say:

Main product (Tatakai)

By-products (Tanosi)

Yesterday, I was yelled at by a game company\'s gas mouse, so today I yelled at him on the Internet, crazy, completely crazy!