Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 106: stab in the back

To the west of the paddock is a wide and flat grassland, where all the ferocious carnivorous animals are in the mountains, and there are many small animals like rabbits and foxes on the grassland.

Therefore, those officials who are not good at archery, or those who have no intention of competing with those reckless men in the mountains, come here and the years will be quiet.

"Hey, look at Prince Yu, what is he holding?"

"Huh? Hand crossbow."

"I know it\'s a hand crossbow. I mean, isn\'t this thing a prohibited weapon?"

"The news is behind. The crossbowmen in the three armies have been merged into the bow battalion. Bows and crossbows have been popularized for a long time, especially the scout battalion. Basically, there are only one man, but..."

"But what?"

"However, I don\'t know how Prince Yu got it."

"With his connections, it\'s easy to get it. Just take it out like this, and you won\'t be afraid of His Majesty\'s troubles."

"Oh, I don\'t know, I don\'t know, what do you care about those two, hunt your rabbits!"


"Hoo-" The crossbow shot into the grass, and a furry creature was frightened and ran away in the blink of an eye.

Missed again.

"Tsk!" Seeing this, Yang Dejin got off his horse and walked over, recovering the short arrow.

Xie Zhi and Ji Zhuilu looked at the back of Yang Dejin going to pick up arrows alone from a distance.

"Wow, he\'s in a bad mood." Ji Zhuilu whispered.

Xie Zhi didn\'t speak, just looked at Yang Dejin silently.

Don\'t let the guards help her pick it up, and don\'t accept others to help her prey.

Yang Dejin kept his guards far away, and he didn\'t seem to consider Xie Zhi and Ji Zhuilu who followed him on foot. I often chase after seeing a living thing, raise my crossbow when I catch up, get off the horse to pick it up if I miss a shot, rarely speak halfway, and go round and round like this.

People around could more or less see that she was in a bad mood.

"Maybe it\'s something bothering me." Xie Zhi sighed.

Ji Zhuilu: "Did Minister Xie make the prince angry?"

Xie Zhi: "? It\'s none of my business."


Yang Dejin seemed to have seen something, and immediately fired the next crossbow.

Then there was another unpleasant click, Xie Zhi knew he had let his prey escape again.

Xie Zhi walked unhurriedly on the grassland, staring at the somewhat lonely figure, and casually asked, "Why did Colonel Ji side with the Prince Party?"

Ji Zhuilu looked at her in surprise: "It\'s really a straightforward question."

"Can\'t you answer?"

"No..." Ji Zhuilu shook his head, looked at that figure, and said after a while, "He is special."

"She\'s mine." Xie Zhi said expressionlessly.

"..." Ji Zhuilu was choked up, "I didn\'t mean that!"

Xie Zhi is too defensive, right? !

"I regard him as my nobleman."

"It\'s the first time I\'ve heard of it."

"How could I talk nonsense about this kind of thing." Ji Zhuilu rubbed his brows.

Xie Zhi: "If you want to get promoted and get rich, you might as well please the Empress."

Ji Zhuilu: " I look snobby?"

Xie Zhi looked at him: "Not at all, even if you say you want to become a monk the next moment, I won\'t be surprised."

Ji Zhuilu: "..."

Not indifferent to fame and fortune to that extent.

"I just think he is too pitiful..." Ji Zhuilu muttered.


"Isn\'t it pitiful? Among all the nobles in Dasheng, he is probably the one who can endure hardship the most."

Xie Zhi: "As fate has dictated, no one knows how she ended up living among the people."

Ji Zhuilu: "He and the empress belong to the same royal family, but the gap is so big, so I think it\'s not fair."

"Isn\'t it fair..." Xie Zhi repeated, "That\'s why you don\'t like Her Majesty the Empress?"

"I didn\'t!" Ji Zhuilu categorically denied it. He looked around and made sure no one else could hear him, so he whispered, "Who dares to like the virtues of our empress before?"

Xie Zhi: "Liang Jing?"

Ji Zhuilu: "..." Will the Queen throw up when she hears it?

He coughed twice, and withdrew the topic: "Although His Highness has been conferred the royal title, he is not allowed to change his surname back. This means that the late Emperor did not approve of him, right?"

Xie Zhi was noncommittal: "That\'s why Captain Ji supports Prince Yu..."

Ji Zhuilu hurriedly made amends: "Xie Shilang, please don\'t misunderstand me. I didn\'t mean that the queen is not orthodox. I just hope that His Highness can feel more balanced."

Xie Zhi: "I didn\'t expect Captain Ji to be very empathetic."

"I\'m an orphan too, so I kind of empathize with that."

Xie Zhi: "I see..."

It turns out that everyone is so similar.


The other side, east of the paddock.

Li Zichou led a large group of people into the forest. In fact, she wanted to bring fewer people, but Bai Qingyang said that dangerous wild beasts often appeared in the mountains, so she insisted on bringing a mighty retinue and personal guards with her.

Li Zichou: There are nearly a hundred people, and they are not very polite to those beasts, right?

Liang Jing was yelling, "Hurry up, bring your bow, I see a wild boar!"

There was a chubby thing jumping by in the bushes, Liang Jing hurriedly called out to the people next to her, her eyes fixed on the movement over there, for fear that the wild boar would run away if she didn\'t pay attention.

"Here." I don\'t know who handed me something.

Liang Jing\'s hands were ready to take several catties of weight, but when he got the object, he found that it was too light.

What is this delivered?

Liang Jing subconsciously lowered her head to look, then turned her head angrily: "Who, handed me a slingshot?!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Huaijin drew a bow half full, and pointed the sharp three-edged arrowhead at himself. Before Liang Jing could react, the other party\'s fingers loosened the string.

"Ahhh—" Liang Jing covered his head and yelled loudly, his voice startled Li Zishou and Bai Qingyang who were walking at the front of the line.

"Oh, let the pig run away." Zhou Huaijin watched his arrow flying lightly into the bushes, and said with some complaints, "Mr. Liang, you are screaming too loudly."

Liang Jing put down his hands holding his head tremblingly, and the two mustaches on his mouth trembled slightly, obviously still in shock.

He first looked back at the bushes, the grass was grass and trees, and the wild boar had long since run away.

"You blame me?! That was the prime minister\'s prey. You scared it away, so you still blame me?!" The fear of being pointed at by someone with a sharp object still lingered in his heart, Liang Jing growled, trying to use his anger to fight back. Concealing his fear, "And you are still aiming at me with an arrow, you just want to murder the current prime minister!"

Faced with Liang Jing\'s loud accusation, Zhou Huaijin innocently cried out: "I didn\'t, I just aimed at pigs!"

Liang Jing: "?"

Liang Jing: "???"

How did he feel that he was scolded again? ? !

"Pfftch—!" Someone next to him didn\'t hold back.

Liang Jing couldn\'t hold back his old face, and turned his head viciously: "Who laughed?! Stand up for me!"

Bai Qingyang rode a gentle Dawan horse, led by the bridle by the guards, and walked right in front of the team with Li Zifu.

Hearing the constant commotion coming from behind, Bai Qingyang said to Li Zichou, "There is a commotion."

Li Zishou: "Don\'t worry about him, Huai Jin will take care of it."

Bai Qingyang frowned slightly, she found that Li Zichou only addressed Zhou Huaijin more formally in court, and the rest of the time he called Zhou Huaijin directly by his name.

This is too intimate, right?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Li Zichou started shouting this before Zhou Huaijin entered the court.

It took her so long to call each other names with Li Zichou, but Zhou Huaijin did it easily.

Bai Qingyang was displeased, she felt that her austerity as the main palace had been challenged, so what kind of green onion was Zhou Huaijin?

"Queen, Qingyang?" Li Zishou\'s voice brought Bai Qingyang back to his senses, "Why did you start to be in a daze after I finished speaking? Could it be that you are worried about Zhou Huaijin?"

Bai Qingyang gave a suspicious voice: "Why am I worried about him?"

Li Zichou: "Uh...then you are worried about Liang Jing?"

Bai Qingyang: "?"

"I\'m worried about you." Bai Qingyang was annoyed.

From the palace to the paddock, Li Zichou has always been preoccupied. Even though his performance in front of everyone was the same as usual, they couldn\'t see it, and it was impossible for Bai Qingyang not to see it.

Coupled with the fact that accidents are prone to happen during hunting, and there are very few memories of autumn hunting in the previous life, those malicious and murderous intentions hidden in the dark are even more difficult to guard against.

Bai Qingyang felt that he was more exhausted than Li Zichou, the client.

"Me?" Li Zichou squeezed out a stiff smile, "I\'m fine."

Bai Qingyang looked uncomfortable, and raised his hand to smooth Li Zichou\'s brows: "Don\'t force yourself, someone will worry about you."

The slightly cool fingertips touched the center of his brows, and Li Zishou\'s eyes quietly revealed a trace of astonishment and bewilderment.

Someone is going to worry about you - she seems to have heard that phrase before.

Before I had time to think about it, I heard the exclamation from the crowd behind:

"Look, it\'s a tiger!"

"Where is where?"

"I see it, behind a rock!"

"It seems to be a white tiger!"

Bai Qingyang glanced at the excited crowd, and encouraged Li Zichou, "Don\'t think about anything, how about enjoying the hunting atmosphere first?"

Li Zichou shook Bai Qingyang\'s hand, narrowing his eyes: "You\'re right."

No matter how turbulent the next second is, at least it is calm at this moment.

Just as he was thinking, a white shadow flashed past Li Zishou\'s eyelids.

There were too many people here, and the tiger was frightened and escaped from behind the rock.

Li Zifu\'s movements were faster than his thoughts, he let go of Bai Qingyang\'s hand and rode to catch up, and he didn\'t forget to turn his head and say to Bai Qingyang, "Then I\'m going!"

"Go." Bai Qingyang said, and then ordered the large crowd behind him, "The attendants follow, don\'t let His Majesty place orders."

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes!!"

Meng Shike stepped forward and watched the crowd follow him: "Is there any problem?"

"For now." Bai Qingyang said, "What about Prince Yu\'s movements?"

"To the west, Xie Shilang followed."

"Well, did you get results from the investigation you were responsible for?"

"Not yet, Shanglin Garden is too wide, and we don\'t have enough manpower."

"Continue to investigate, investigate carefully, and try not to disturb the people in the military department and the city defense battalion." After Bai Qingyang finished speaking, he reined in his horse and walked towards the direction that his attendants were chasing.



The white tiger ran so fast that it was about to escape Li Zifu\'s sight several times, but Phantom, worthy of being a good horse in the Western Regions, never lost track of him.

Li Zichou knew that the guards were following, but she couldn\'t see them due to the dense trees blocking her. She could only hear the sound of horseshoes dispersing gradually and regularly.

The white tiger seemed to be aware of it, and the running speed slowed down, and finally stopped in an open space.

It turned around, stared at Li Zifu with light-colored pupils, arched its back, and let out a low warning growl from its throat.

"Woo!" Li Zichou stopped the Phantom, and stopped more than ten meters away from it.

The big cat knew that it was surrounded, so it stopped and confronted itself.

Pretty smart, Li Zichou thought.

But that\'s fine, if it runs, I really don\'t have the confidence to shoot it.

Li Zifu raised his horn bow, holding the arrow\'s white feather on the string with three fingers.

The white tiger let out a long roar, and the coercion of the king of beasts shocked the birds and beasts in the entire mountain.

"Howling, figure out your situation." Li Zichou aimed at Baihu\'s face.

The white tiger\'s stretched body was close to the ground, and it let out a low roar like an engine, as if it was ready to rush up and bite Li Zifu.

Li Zifu didn\'t give it this chance at all, he let go of his hand without any hesitation, the bowstring trembled, and the white tiger fell to the ground.

Li Zishou turned his head abruptly: "Who?!"

The mountains stand tall and the forests are lush. The breeze blew across this mountain clearing, not even a cloud could be carried away.

The sound of the attendants riding their horses was getting closer and closer, but Li Zishou felt that the surroundings were surprisingly quiet, and there was chaos in her ears. She could only hear her own disordered breathing and heavy heartbeat.

Someone threw a dark arrow at her.

who is it? Didn\'t Chen Feng notice?

The white tiger had fallen to the ground motionless, completely losing its previous aura.

The restless factors remaining in the air dissipated, and the killing intent she felt at that moment seemed to be just her illusion.



The man looked at the open space through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and said to the man in black next to him with a gloomy expression, "You almost hit her."

"Almost?" The other party put away the crossbow arrows used for sniping, "When did even the people from the Central Plains dare to teach us how to shoot?"

"It\'s really conceited." The man said sarcastically, not wanting to waste time with him.

"You told me not to hurt her, and I really missed." The man threw the crossbow to the man, "This thing is really hard to use, why didn\'t your master let me kill her directly?"

"What do you know, my lord explained it very clearly, this is a declaration of war."

"Hehe, it\'s really interesting. The Dasheng people declare war in a very special way." The man in black mocked not to be outdone, "You guys haven\'t gone too far."

Man: "Where are you going?"

"Three urgent."

"Shanglin Garden is surrounded by the Queen\'s people, you\'d better not be found out."

"That\'s a lot of talking. We will definitely do what we promised." The man in black was very impatient, "Leave the rest alone."

The author has something to say:

There are so many things to do today, I can\'t think of a small theater force ()

I’m so speechless, what’s so good about banning cold weapons? Is Ajiang a little super sensitive? It has been greatly changed, and the judges will use it as an improved crossbow, Guoba Nasai)