Restart the Protagonist's Way of Survival

Chapter 100: Lie Di

Li Zichou really wanted to give her a punch, but she held back and said kindly, "That\'s Li Fu, not me." Your brothers and sisters are all dead!

"I know, aren\'t you Li Fu now?"


"Ah, but, although all my brothers and sisters are gone, I remember that Empress Jiang still has a pair of brothers and sisters under her knees. You are not too lonely." Yang Dejin patted Li Zishou on the shoulder and comforted him.

"I told you it was Li Chou." Li Zichou gritted his teeth and took away her paw, "Don\'t interrupt, just keep talking."

"We\'re talking." Yang Dejin continued to add, "You know, the princes and daughters of Dasheng will move to live in fiefdoms after they reach adulthood, that is, they will leave the capital and live in feudal domains."

It\'s just that Empress Jiang\'s children are a bit special. The siblings are not in good health, and they went to Jiangnan to recuperate before they reached adulthood. Only when the end of the year is still in court, he will show up in Beijing, and he has no sense of presence in the original work.

"Speaking of which, after you became an adult, Emperor Jing was not willing to let you go to fiefdom, and made you an empress dowager without precedent." Yang Dejin said with emotion, "He really dotes on you."

Li Zichou was noncommittal: "Who knows."

On the first day she came here, she looked at the family tree of the royal family. After the eldest grandson empress passed away, Li Chou, who was still in her infancy, was left behind. Under the pressure of his heirs, Emperor Jing married the second queen.

Emperor Jing was afraid that Li Chou\'s position in the palace would be embarrassing in the future after he reincarnated himself, so he gave Li Chou the title of princess early on, and later even made an exception to make her the crown prince.

Whether it\'s out of guilt or nostalgia, or maybe for other reasons, it is a fact that Emperor Jing loved the original owner very much.

It\'s just that the excessive doting and connivance cultivated the original owner into a petulant, willful, arrogant and selfish dandy, especially the cruelty and inhumanity shown after succeeding to the throne, which is simply two extremes with her father.

Li Zichou has no objection to her as a cheap father, but this is indeed the biggest failure of Emperor Jing during his administration. He properly controlled the country\'s political affairs, but failed to play a good guiding role in education. He was a competent monarch, but he was not a qualified father.

"On the one hand, protect Xie Zhi, and on the other hand, avoid the eyes and ears of the public. I really can\'t think of anyone else who has such skills." Yang Dejin spread his hands in confusion.

Li Zishou: "What about the rest of the clan?"

"The Li clan? That\'s even more impossible." Yang Dejin decisively ruled out this idea.

"After the death of Emperor Jing, apart from the two half-brothers and sisters, Li Chou\'s close relatives were only a few married aunts.

"Furthermore, Emperor Lie—that is, Emperor Jing\'s father, Li Chou\'s grandfather, he is not as difficult as Emperor Jing, and the harem gave birth to many children for him.

"It wasn\'t your cheap father who was established as the prince at that time, nor was he the most competitive candidate for heir.

"But guess what, why did Emperor Jing become the emperor in the end?"

Yang Dejin asked such an out-of-the-box question, but Li Zichou understood what she meant.

Emperor Jing is an inconspicuous one among the many sons and daughters of Emperor Lie. Before he succeeded to the throne, no one was optimistic about this prince who was not a heir or a son.

Li Zichou read the historical records of the Hong\'an period, which recorded the great prosperity under the rule of Emperor Lie.

During a certain period, "accidents" happened to the princes one after another, and all of them lost their inheritance rights without exception. But everyone understands that it is nothing more than a struggle within the Tian family, and there have been incidents of fighting against each other and brothers fighting against each other since ancient times.

As a result, Emperor Jing became the final winner. He took over the power of the country from Emperor Lie and finally ascended to the Great Treasure.

Having said that, because Emperor Jing\'s methods are too powerful, there are almost no powerful princes or county kings in Dasheng now.

"Even the courtiers and direct relatives can\'t do it, so what can those collateral princes who are far away from the center of power?" Yang Dejin said dismissively.

"No," Li Zichou retorted after hearing this, "Isn\'t there a Zhengyipin prince with power over the court?"

Yang Dejin frowned: "What? Is there such a person? Who is it?"

Li Zishou pointed at her.

Yang Dejin also pointed at herself: "Me?"


"Where am I supposed to be in power?! At most, I\'ll be 50/50 with you!" Yang Dejin realized belatedly, "And the original owner had only returned to the royal family not long ago, how could she know Xie Zhi?"

At that time, Xie Zhi was just a small bureaucrat handling cases in the Linjing government. Apart from her status as a student of the prime minister, she had no other background. So, she really didn\'t know whose blessing it was to be able to enter the Ministry of Criminal Justice and rise all the way.

Li Zichou suddenly asked: "Yang Dejin, when did Prince Yu return to the royal family?"

Yang Dejin said suspiciously: "It\'s just... the same year, spring."

"Then when did Xie Zhi join the job?"

"It was not long after the prime minister\'s mansion was in trouble."

"I asked you the specific date, can you remember it?"

"Hmm..." Yang Dejin racked his brains for a while, then shook his head, "I don\'t know the exact date, it wasn\'t mentioned in the original work, but I guess it should be the second half of the year."

Li Zishou looked a little regretful.

"What\'s the matter, did you think of anything?"

Li Zichou: "I just think it\'s a bit of a coincidence, I don\'t know if I\'m overthinking it."

Prince Yu returned to the ancestral temple, Prime Minister Bai was murdered, and Xie Zhi was recommended to be an official in the Ministry of Criminal Justice. These three events happened in the same year. They seemed to be unrelated, but it was hard not to let people think too much.

"Wait a minute..." Li Zichou muttered to himself, "I seem to know..."

"Know what?"

But Li Zishou made a fool of himself: "It\'s nothing, let me check it first."

Yang Dejin pursed his lips: "Tsk, half of what I said..."

"Hey, does my cheap old man know your real gender?" Li Zichou ignored her and asked instead.

"Emperor Jing?" Yang Dejin thought for a while, "I think he should know about such a big matter?"

Li Zichou: "If that\'s the case, then why did he give you the male title?"

Yang Dejin: " mean that he mistakenly thought that the original Yang Dejin was a man?"

"How do I know?" Li Zichou said, "I asked you, but you asked me instead?"

Yang Dejin: "..."

"Hey, no..." Li Zichou asked curiously, "Are our bodies really related by blood? Are you really a generation older than me?"

"That\'s right." Yang Dejin said seriously, and then changed the topic, "—although I really want to say that, but from a logical point of view, I think it\'s unlikely."

"Why?" Li Zichou, "Didn\'t the original book say that Yang Dejin is the child of Concubine De and Emperor Lie?"

Yang Dejin raised a finger: "I want to correct one point, it was announced unilaterally by Emperor Jing, and the original setting has not been certified, so the credibility is not high.

"Although the late Emperor called me \'Thirteen Brothers\', don\'t you think I\'m too different in age from him?"

Li Zichou: "Isn\'t it normal for children born in the court to have a big age difference?"

Yang Dejin: "How about two rounds away?"

Li Zishou leaned back tactically: "Hiss..." It\'s really hard for her to say.

Yang Dejin talked a lot, and she was a little thirsty, so she poured herself a glass of water and drank it.

"Emperor Jing is the winner of the heir apparent, and almost all the princes who were his enemies were killed by him.

"Those who did not die were demoted to common people, expelled from the palace, and their names were erased from the ancestral hall forever.

"I heard that the Crown Prince fought the Emperor Jing the hardest at that time, and he was also the one who ended up the worst."

Li Zichou nodded thoughtfully after hearing this: "So, if you are really Emperor Lie\'s child, it is absolutely impossible for Emperor Jing to take you back to the palace."

Yang Dejin: "That\'s right, it\'s too late for him to kill me."

Li Zichou sighed: "Then why did he do this?"

In his plan, what kind of role does Yang Dejin play?

The matter goes back to the dusty past, which is an old past that Li Zishou and Yang Dejin have never experienced. The more in-depth exploration, the more complicated it becomes.

Facing the problems caused by the chain reaction, the two were relatively speechless, helpless.

"Oh, I went astray!" After thinking to no avail, Yang Dejin resolutely gave up the entanglement, "Why are there so many miscellaneous things involved? Aren\'t we talking about Xie Zhi?"

Li Zishou also took a break from thinking for a while: "Um... yes."

"Xie Zhi is a woman, we need to keep her secret, that\'s all!" Yang Dejin concluded, "As for the others..."

"It\'s not the most important thing at the moment, don\'t think about it so much!" Yang Dejin snapped his fingers and said.

"It\'s okay, I\'d rather do something useful than scratch my head." Li Zichou nodded thoughtfully.

Yang Dejin: "..." She got serious, it was terrible.

This woman whose action is above all else!

" can do whatever you want." Yang Dejin laughed dryly, got up and said, "I\'ll just talk about it when I\'m here, let\'s go."

Li Zichou: "Alright, go back and be careful."

Yang Dejin: "Oh, be careful in everything." He responded and walked towards the gate.

At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Your Majesty, are you there?"

Yang Dejin stopped and looked back at Li Zichou: "..." Isn\'t it, again?

"There is a small door in the inner room. No one will find out if you go to another courtyard after you go out." Li Zichou said calmly, having been prepared for a long time.

Yang Dejin widened her eyes in surprise, and gave her a thumbs up.

After seeing her disappear from the inner room, Li Zichou raised his voice to the door and asked, "What\'s the matter?"

Lu Xiaoying: "Your Majesty, the Empress sent someone to ask if I can have dinner with Your Majesty."

"Bai Qingyang?" Li Zichou was surprised, smiled and said in a low voice, "It\'s quite clingy..."

"Of course." Li Zichou replied loudly, and finally looked at the pastry box that Yang Dejin brought on the table, and shouted, "Let the imperial dining room directly deliver the meals to Yuheng Palace, and I can just go there to eat. "

"Your servant understands." Lu Xiaoying withdrew after finishing speaking.

Li Zichou picked up the charcoal pencil and added a few more details, and then started to stay.

To be honest, why not let Bai Qingyang directly live in Tianshu Palace...

The author has something to say:

Yang Dejin: Your cheap father called me Thirteenth Brother, so you are me...

Li Zichou: Super senior, right? !