Rent A Boyfriend!


"Hmmm… how about this one?" Shi Qiang pointed at one profile as we scrolled in that Rent A Boyfriend app. I clicked on the profile she was pointing at and then frowned.

Name: Deng Jun

Age: 26

Height: 175

Weight: 80

Slogan: Just a very regular guy, doesn\'t have a model face like the rest of the people here. But I can be the most convincing guy ever to meet your parents.

"Let\'s see how convincing he is," I commented as I clicked on his profile picture. When the picture popped out, it showed a completely regular man, with a regular face that you could see anywhere in the city. Nothing fancy, and he sat in a coffee shop in his profile pic..

I raised my brows in surprise, "This guy looks so normal!"

Yes, this guy named Deng Jun actually looked like your average Joe, compared to Meng Bao, whose handsomeness was really out of my imagination, and also Alexander Priest, who was my new manager.

Though I didn\'t like him one bit, I had to admit that platinum blonde man\'s gorgeousness was also out of this world for me. Looking at them both only made me wonder if I had suddenly stepped into some novel where everyone was so good-looking.

Shi Qiang nodded approvingly, "This man can pass as your boyfriend to bring when you finally return home! He doesn\'t look too handsome like Mr. Yang Menghuo, but he isn\'t too bad looking either! Completely average!"

Somehow, I felt a bit offended when Shi Qiang said this guy was the most passable for me to bring because he was completely average.

But I couldn\'t deny that either because that was the truth. If I brought Meng Bao to meet mom and dad, they\'d thought I had kidnapped a city model out of nowhere and brought him for forced marriage in the village.

I subconsciously clicked on Meng Bao\'s profile again and stared at the profile,

Name: Your Meng Bao,

Age: 25

Height: 186 centimetres

Weight: 80 kilograms

Zodiac: Pisces

Slogan: Does not accept any request, does not accept any order. This account is reserved only for one special woman! Don\'t waste my time and don\'t order unless you\'re her!

\'Is that slogan for me? He is waiting for me to order him again in this Rent A Boyfriend app? Am I that special woman Meng Bao mentioned in his slogan?\'

Of course, I wished it was me deep in my heart, but I didn\'t want my heart to keep circling around Meng Bao over and over.

I had to be realistic, so I needed to find a convincing rental boyfriend first.

\'Still…\' I kept staring at Meng Bao\'s side profile in his profile picture and sighed full of pity.

\'I feel grievance whenever imagining Meng Bao being rented by anyone else… will he fell in love with another woman that rented him later on? I meant it was ridiculously easy for Meng Bao to say \'love\' to me. So it was completely possible for him to say that same thing to another woman.

As I kept staring at Meng Bao\'s profile picture, I suddenly saw Shi Qiang pressing the \'back\' button.

\'Jie, don\'t think about that guy too much. You said it yourself that Yang Menghuo is just not convincing as a rental boyfriend.

"Well, true…"

Shi Qiang chuckled at my sour mood and then suddenly snatched my phone and put Meng Bao\'s service in the cart.

"Just put him in the order cart, and you can check him out with other rental boyfriends once you\'re done searching."

"Aish, how could that be—"

"Jie, you will keep staring at him for hours if you don\'t order him," Shi Qiang sighed. "Let me be the one who searches for you, we will need at least three men to choose, so you will have choices and talk to them first on a date."

"Well, four, I guess, with Yang Menghuo added," Shi Qiang said.

She started scrolling with me, but I was only allowed to see. Then we found that same man again, Deng Jun.

"I think you should add that one. He is promising," I said. Shi Qiang agreed and added Deng Jun to the cart, especially since his service was cheap.

Two more.

Shi Qiang started using the filter again. This time, she used, \'newest\' filter.

"We\'re going to pick some random dudes that are not even verified?" I asked. I started questioning her method of choosing me a rental boyfriend. "What if he is actually a rapist? Serial Killer? Or worse… a catfish!"

"Don\'t worry, Jie. I will find someone believable enough. Besides, some of them should\'ve been verified, even if they\'re new, as long as they have their first customer."

We scrolled through the app again and stumble upon a profile pic that was believable enough, but that was not what attracted Shi Qiang, who suddenly clicked on his profile.

"Qiang? Why are you so suddenly—"

"Wait, Jie, my gaydar is ringing so hard on this one," Shi Qiang said with a mischievous grin on her face.

Name: WuxianXWangji

Age: 20

Height: 171

Weight: 57

Slogan: Up for anything, but I\'m here to raise money to buy some secret merchandise! I\'m not here for a date, but I can always accompany you to a convention or something!

Shi Qiang suddenly checked the guy out and put the order in the cart, "Wait, what is this? You want me to go with this guy?! He is seven years younger than me!"

"No, Jie. He is totally a fudanshi, a rotten man that loves BL! I\'m just going to order him because we need friends for that BL convention on the weekend, don\'t worry, Jie. I just need a friend to accompany me since you will be returning home."

"Aish, I want to join you too! I will just return home at the end of the month!" I protested.

"Don\'t do that, Jie. The longer you avoid it, the more mom and dad will pressure you to marry one of their far relative\'s son or some random man from the village for the sake of having a baby!" Shi Qiang warned me.

I imagined mom and dad suddenly bringing a random man out of nowhere home and then married me off with him the next day after I return home for the next new year celebration.

I gulped out of nervousness, "Okay, that doesn\'t look good at all."

I finally agreed to Shi Qiang, so we added that guy to accompany her to the convention.

One more before I checked out all orders.

Shi Qiang and I searched more to the newest section until we scrolled to the last \'new\' profile, nobody actually attracted us.

"Maybe, we should stick with the pro and pay an experienced rental boyfriend."

Thus, Shi Qiang used the refresh button, but when we wanted to remove the \'new\' filter, a new name suddenly popped out, it was a new account that had just been verified, and it caught my attention immediately.

"Wait, don\'t remove the filter!" I yelled at Shi Qiang, who was surprised by my reaction.

"What? Jie, you surprised me!"

I clicked on that new profile account, and my suspicion became clearer.

Name: Alexander Hansel Priest

Age: 26

Height: 190

Weight: 90

Zodiac: Aries

Slogan: New here, got bored because my cute paper bag secretary is outside, accompanying my old man. Will probably delete this account after she returns.

I checked his profile picture and saw a selfie of a handsome platinum blonde man with an almost perfect facial feature, alongside his dreamy eyes. He wore a burgundy suit that he wore this morning, so it was positive Alexander Priest took the selfie just now.

Shi Qiang frowned when I checked Alexander Priest\'s profile, "Who is this man? Did he took a picture of a celebrity\'s selfie?" Shi Qiang rolled her eyes annoyedly. "Does this man think by putting some fancy English name and ridiculous physical information, and then picture of random celebrity took from the internet, people will fall so easily for his trick?"

"Seriously, Ying Jie, catfishes are so obvious nowadays, I—"

Shi Qiang was stupefied when I suddenly added Alexander Hansel Priest to my cart. She stared at me, full of judgment in her eyes, then asked, "Ying Jie, are you for real?"

"What? I think he is the real deal!" I defended myself. I knew this was the same Alexander Priest, my manager.

Some random stuff like registering himself in this Rent A Boyfriend app wasn\'t exactly a shocking move from him.

"Ying Jie, that\'s a catfish! Literal catfish!"

"No, trust me. I know this guy in real life, actually, and this is definitely him!"

"Wha—You know a celebrity? Is he from Hollywood or something?"

"Uh… he is my new manager," I replied reluctantly.


I rubbed my hands as I nodded to Shi Qiang. A malicious grin appeared on my face, and I replied,

"Yes, and he is a complete jerk! I will make sure that I get my revenge by bossing him, just like how he bossed me around! MUAHAHAHAHA!"