Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 80 - RENT A BOYFRIEND'S CEO! (3)

Now it was Shi Qiang and Jinxing who got stunned by my statement. Shi Qiang, who enjoyed the show, finally interrupted, "Jie… what on earth are you talking about?"

"What\'s with that question? Of course, I\'m talking about you and your boyfriend\'s relationship. You two are dating, right? Aish, you should tell me first ah!" I said, then I darted my eyes at Jinxing again. "And you, young man, you should be answering Jie\'s question or my approval will be difficult!"

Tsk, tsk, was this the attitude of younger generations? They were so unrestrained and uncaring of the older generations. They didn\'t even bother telling me about their official relationship!

Wait… maybe they were not dating yet? Were they still in that courting phase? That phase of Shi Qiang acted like she was annoyed all the time, but she actually enjoyed her time with Jiang Jinxing? Hmm… it felt familiar for some reason.

\'This reminds me of Meng Bao. I often yelled at him and got annoyed, but… well, I can\'t lie that I do like to stay around him and seeing his antics, most of the time. Unless that time, when he was in my office, he almost uncovered my disguise. That one… was scary as hell….\'

"Ah, are you guys not dating yet? Am I too fast to assume? Aiya, Jie is so sorry.. I really thought that you guys have officially dated," I said, added with an awkward laugh after.

"Jie, we are not dating," Shi Qiang said so bluntly. I darted my eyes at Jinxing, afraid that he might get hurt by Shi Qiang\'s words. Because based on my experience with Meng Bao, if I shot him down so quickly, he would cry like a baby with a hurtful expression, as if I had done a terrible thing. Then he might shamelessly roll on the ground even in public, asking me why I didn\'t love him.

\'Haish, why do I keep thinking about Meng Bao. Seriously, Shi Ying, he is not the only man on earth!\'

I thought Jinxing would be hurt by Shi Qiang\'s words, but he actually giggled by my words and said, "Miss Shi Ying, I think you\'re thinking too much about our relationship."

"Ah? What do you mean? You guys fit each other! Don\'t worry about people who judge ah! Just tell your Jie, I will beat them up!" I said while clenching my fist in front of them. "Also, don\'t call me Miss Shi Ying! Just call me Ying Jie!"

Jiang Jinxing was stunned for a moment. Thus, Shi Qiang said, "Jie, Jinxing and I will not be able to date. In fact, there is just a big 0% chance for us to date. Because…"

Shi Qiang glanced at Jiang Jinxing as if she was asking for permission. Jiang Jinxing chuckled, "Well, if your big sister is just like you, then I think it\'s fine." Jinxing nodded, giving permission to Shi Qiang.

My first thought was that maybe Shi Qiang and Jiang Jinxing were actually in a secret relationship because of family problems on Jinxing\'s side, but considering Shi Qiang\'s beauty and education, the family status wouldn\'t be too much of a problem.

"Don\'t worry, my Ying Jie is the filthiest of the filthy rotten fujoshi. She has tons of BL smut poster in her room. I think her favourite pastime is imagining about two handsome men doing it to each other."

"SHI QIANG! WHY ARE YOU TELLING THIS TO A RANDOM MAN?" I yelled at her out of reflex. Then I closed my mouth once I realized that I was too loud. But I still glared at Shi Qiang, who was nonchalant after she literally opened my deepest secret.

"Don\'t worry, Jie. Jiang Jinxing is that type of man that will surely fulfil your fantasy. He even said that he would do some fanservice once he can be with his beloved lover."

"That beloved lover, isn\'t you?" I asked dumbfoundedly. I mean, it was quite strange, right? Shi Qiang, that I knew didn\'t like to get touched by men. At least by men not on par with her standard, and when I saw Jiang Jinxing, I felt like Jinxing fit all the standard Shi Qiang wanted from a man. In fact, he had far exceeded the expectation.

"Ying Jie, I\'m gay," Jiang Jinxing confessed lightly.

"W—Wait, wait, wait, is this like… gay as in happy, or you know… cut sleeve, homo-homo, BL kind of gay?" I asked, afraid to make a weird assumption.

"I\'m a cut sleeve," Jinxing said. He giggled and pointed at the door behind him, Mr. Feng Xiaojun\'s door, with his thumb. "And my lover is inside that room."

"Wait, are you Mr. Yang Zhuhuo\'s Sugar Baby?"

For the first time, Jiang Jinxing showed an absolutely disgusted face in front of me. He retched and said, "Ew! What the heck?! Ew! Ack, disgusting!"

Jiang Jinxing leaned on the wall dramatically, as if he just heard something so utterly crazy. Meanwhile, Shi Qiang laughed so hard until she couldn\'t hold it and slumped on the floor, still laughing crazily. It was fortunate that Mr. Feng Xiaojun\'s office seemed soundproof, so he didn\'t hear the chaos outside.

"Ahahahaha! Oh my god, Jie, what are you talking about? Ahahahaha!" Shi Qiang laughed and rolled on the ground. Meanwhile, Jinxing seemed to be in such a huge mental shock that he couldn\'t even react.

"What? I\'m just asking!" I yelled. I was a bit ashamed after seeing their overreaction. It made me question whether it was the right thing for me to say. But I was just worried that Madam Evelynn Yang might know about their affair and started doing crazy stuff.

"What Jinxing means his lover is Mr. Feng Xiaojun, my boss! Ahahahaah!" Shi Qiang said while still rolling on the ground. Now I was the one who got surprised. I glanced at Jinxing, who was still in his mental shock, that he couldn\'t function well, and then glanced at the door.

"Wait, did you mean that… two handsome CEOs are actually dating?!" I asked Shi Qiang. Like a shot of happiness in my blood, I immediately cheered up. "Is that real? Oh my god! I can\'t believe that I\'d be able to see a BL story in real life! This is almost similar to a BL book I read before, Mr. CEO Secretly Reads BL!"

"Well, not really dating, Jie," Shi Qiang finally recovered from her loud laughter, still with a grin on her face. "But you see, Jiang Jinxing is still chasing his beloved Mr. Feng Xiaojun. It\'s still fruitless for now, but who knows? I\'m rooting for him!"

"Eh? So you act like a matchmaker to them?" I asked.

"Kind of. But I can\'t tell my boss about my plan, because he said he doesn\'t even want to date anyone for now. But I\'m rooting for Jinxing because of one thing…"

"One thing? What is it?"

"He said that he will give us access to all kinds of BL related works that he secretly invested. Also, he said that he might even do a live-action BL scene with Boss Feng for us once he can successfully date or marry Boss Feng."

"Imagine, Jie, just imagine two handsome hot CEO doing many BL scene in front of us… Nyehehehe…" Shi Qiang laughed devilishly as she grinned full of malicious perverted intention.

It also triggered my inner fujoshi as I nodded in approval, "Nice, Shi Qiang! I thought you\'re not as devoted as me. Turns out you still have that inner comradery inside you. Yes, this is perfect, such perfect couple together, nyehehehe…"

"I know, right, Jie, nyehehehe…"



Jiang Jinxing glanced at us, but it seemed that his mind was still in that imagination of him doing it with Mr. Yang Zhuhuo, and he retched again, "Oh god, I can\'t even imagine it. It\'s so nasty."

I approached Jinxing happily and patted his back, "There, there, I\'m sorry for asking. Because I really didn\'t expect Mr. Feng Xiaojun to be a cut sleeve like you. But this is good news, right? Now you have the support of Qiang and me, Ying Jie!"

Jiang Jinxing finally looked up at me and then calmed down, "W—Well, if you say so…"

Shi Qiang gave him a glass of water which he chugged quickly to remove that uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. Jinxing finally recovered and said, "W—Well, I\'m still trying to win Xiao-Ge\'s heart, it might take a long time, but I will try my best!"

"That\'s a good spirit!" I said, trying to make him feel better. "Don\'t give up! You\'re handsome and rich! You seem to be a good man also! Mr. Feng Xiaojun will definitely like you!"

Jiang Jinxing blushed and nodded shyly, "I—I hope so. Well, I have to go now, I need to work… Goodbye, Qiang, Ying Jie."

He excused himself, but I grinned at him and then caught his collar again, "Hey, hey, I know that we\'ve been out of topic. But you haven\'t answered your Jie\'s question. Who is this Yang-Ge you\'re talking about? And do I also know him?"