Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 59 - BEIJING'S TARZAN LADY! (2)

\'Okay, Shi Ying, you are the Tarzan girl when you\'re young. You can be Tarzan Lady today! This is for your job! I shall do anything to keep my job! Fighting!"

I texted Zhu Luli, who was obviously staying in her room right now. She was the epitome of an otaku lady. Where she spent 23 hours of her day locked up in her room, watching BL movie or reading a Danmei, maybe also reading some manhua. And the other hour? She spent it to get out and buy new merchandise or action figure for her collection.

It wasn\'t much of a problem though, Zhu Luli was a Qidian web novelist who wrote Bl novel for a living. Let\'s just say she was living her dream of a shut-in. Unlike me, who had to work 9-5 dealing with those troublesome men.

*Ying Jie: Luli, help me!*

A few minutes later, Luli replied,

*RottenWoman_Luli: Yes, Jie?*

*Ying Jie: Open your door, I need your help, seriously!*

I was standing in front of Luli\'s door, and Luli finally opened her door after few minutes. She was still in her pajama. It seemed that she hadn\'t done anything for the whole day.

I immediately rushed into her room and told her, "Close the door. This is important. This is a life and death situation!"

Luli frowned. She closed the door and asked, "What\'s with you, Jie? Did you forget to pay your rent again this month? I don\'t see Aunty Hao around."

Luli mentioned Aunty Hao, the fierce landlady. She would usually come to her rented apartments and would use the spare key to bust the renters out if they didn\'t pay on time, "You\'re like her target practice, you know. She would always hound at you first since you often skipped monthly rent."

"Aish, Aunty Hao is like a small fish to me! I can handle her just fine! But this is scary, too scary!" I replied. "Go peek at a man in front of my door."

Zhu Luli got curious. She peeked outside and was awed, "Whoa, what a handsome man. Is he a model?"

"That\'s not important, Luli! That man is my boss\' son, and I… kind of dated him unknowingly," I replied.

"Eh?! For real? That\'s amazing, Jie! You got the jackpot. That man is extremely handsome!" Luli congratulated me happily. Not knowing the real situation.

"Aish, no lah! It\'s not a jackpot when I accidentally smashed his head, insulted him many times, and even blocked his number!"

"You whaaaaat?" Luli\'s jaw dropped. "Jie, I know you\'re kind of dumb. But this is an advanced dumb!"

"Yes, he came to the office today, and thankfully, I can conceal my identity with my super stealthy disguise! But if he saw my working attire right now, he will definitely recognize me! Luli, I don\'t want to get fired. What if he told his dad about what I did and fire me?"

"Then, what would you do, Jie? I can borrow you my clothes, but…" Luli looked at me, and she looked at herself. "I don\'t think it will fit."

"Aiya, why am I so muscular for a woman!" I complained. But there was no time to complain, at least not now. I rushed to her balcony and took off my three inch heels. I rolled my skirt to a comfortable level and climbed on the guardrail in Luli\'s balcony.

Luli rushed at me worriedly and hugged my waist, "Jie, I know you have a lot of debts, and now you\'re also at risk of getting unemployed. But killing yourself is not a good way to end things! Didn\'t you say to me once that you won\'t die until you marry a rich second generation and live in luxury while doing nothing? No rich second generation will marry a dead woman!"

I frowned and turned my head at her, "Luli, what the heck are you talking about? Why would I kill myself?"

"But why are you climbing the guardrail?"

"That\'s because I want to jump to the next balcony, obviously!" I yelled.

"W—What?! Why? Jie, come down. You are not Tarzan!"

"Heh! My nickname in the village is Tarzan Lady!" I exclaimed proudly. And I have my Jane back then, MengMeng could climb a tree, but she couldn\'t get down. So I\'m always her lifesaver. Though she did it so often, it made me wonder if it was just her strategy to get saved by me.

"That\'s not something to be proud about, Jie…"

"Aish, it\'s okay. I just need to jump to five balconies to reach my room!" I said. "Don\'t worry, Luli. Your Jie has no fear of anything except salary cut or unemployment!"

Zhu Luli finally released her grip on my waist. She was probably still doubtful about my skill, so all I could do was to convince her.

I threw my bag to the next balcony, then I took a deep breath, and…


I landed with a front roll smoothly. I saw Zhu Luli on the verge of crying, thinking that I wouldn\'t make it out alive. Heh, she underestimated this Laozi, Beijing\'s Tarzan Lady!

"What do you think? Laozi is pretty good, right?" I proclaimed with a smug smile.

"Yeah, pretty good, Jie. But…" Zhu Luli pointed at my skirt, "It\'s ripped, literally in half."

I looked down and saw my skirt was literally ripped in half, which showed my panties.

\'GYAAAAAAHHH!\' I screamed internally as I hurriedly threw my bag to the next balcony and jumped. I couldn\'t wait much longer. I was afraid the owner of the balconies would notice a woman with a ripped skirt suddenly jumped in their balconies. It was fortunate enough that the other four balconies were empty. Probably the owners were still on their way back in this rush hour.

And I was on the eleventh floor. If someone from the neighbouring apartment saw this view, they\'d think that I\'m a crazy lady or a burglar. But how could a burglar be this pretty, ah? Hehe~

I threw my bag to my balcony full of my drying laundry. I took a deep breath, and then,



I landed not so smoothly on my balcony as I slipped when landing, and I fell face first to my potted plant. I got up and looked at my reflection from the glass pane and saw myself in a sorry state. My face covered in dirt, my skirt ripped in half, and my white shirt was also covered in dirt. In this kind of state, this shirt was good as turning into a mop for my bathroom floor.

"Jie, are you okay?!" Luli called me from afar, checking my condition.

"Your Jie is okay! Didn\'t I tell you that I\'m Beijing\'s Tarzan Lady!"

\'Okay, nobody except Luli saw me, right?\' I looked around, in case someone really saw me. I was about to take a relieved breath until I heard someone from afar suddenly yell at me, "Tarzan Lady! Can you do it again? I forgot to record! You\'ll be popular in Douyin!"

"AAAAAA!!" I went inside my apartment and slid the door off my balcony.

I rushed to the bedroom and cleaned myself. Then I wore a regular tee and jeans. I dried my hair and used my most expensive perfume.

\'Wait, why did I use perfume? I just want to tell Meng Bao that it is over. The whole rental boyfriend thingy is over! And he doesn\'t need to accompany me to meet mom and dad! I don\'t need to look good in front of him!\'

I looked at my perfume and the lip tint in my hand. Everything came so naturally as if I was actually dressing up for Meng Bao to seduce him rather than kicking him out of my life.

\'What is this inconsistency? Shi Ying, keep yourself together! You\'re not going to have a cheesecake date with him or something!\'

I silently put down my lip tint and perfume and closed the lid of the foundation I was about to use. I didn\'t know why I had to dress up for Meng Bao either. It was just an absurd idea that came to my head so suddenly.

"Okay, so do I look normal enough?" I twisted in front of my mirror and was assured that I looked like I was just chilling in my apartment as a meek and magnanimous lady, not that Beijing\'s Tarzan Lady who jumped frantically from one balcony to another one like a possessed woman. I walked to the front door, took a deep breath, and opened it slowly.

I saw the same man that came to my office before, the handsome mixed man with blue eyes and almost perfect facial feature, which made me dazed for a moment. His eyes darted at me with such a puppy gaze that made me felt weak. It was so different from what he showed in the office a few hours ago.

"Ying Jie, I want to talk…"