Rent A Boyfriend!


[Yang Menghuo POV]

Yang Menghuo was in a terrible mood after he faced Secretary Shi just now. He sat on the couch inside his dad\'s office with his arm crossed. He glanced at his dad, who was still calmly sipping his tea. Yang Menghuo glared at Alex when he entered the office.

Alex hunched his shoulder and sat beside Menghuo, but he distanced himself awkwardly, afraid that he could be the one who would be the victim of Menghuo\'s rage. Alex glanced at Uncle Yang, who didn\'t seem to care much.

"Uncle Yang, aren\'t you being too lenient of Xiao Meng? I heard that he killed a few of his business rival. I just saw it once and was traumatized! He used to be very cute and obedient. Now he turned into a monster!" Alex said.

Yang Zhuhuo put down his Luwak Coffee and sighed, "Alex, Yang Menghuo and you, grew up in a different situation. You\'ve been pampered by Miranda for your entire life, while Evelynn, Menghuo\'s mother, are very ruthless for Menghuo\'s teaching.."

"She\'s in the fashion industry, where the competition is cutthroat, and stepping at your friend while they are suffering, is something normalized. She wants Menghuo to grow up as a strong man," Yang Zhuhuo explained. "Although I still disagree with his lazy business making scheme, I also experienced the same cutthroat industry when I was younger. Some people tried to kill me in their own ways. Menghuo is just defending himself."

\'I think there is something wrong with this family,\' Alex thought. But he was indeed growing up pampered by his mother. He wasn\'t like Xiao Meng, who was left all alone most of the time, even worse, left to live with his grandma in an unknown village. He grew up alone until that mysterious Batman-Jie, whom he treasured a lot, finally came to him and became the light in his darkness.

He didn\'t understand Xiao Meng\'s loneliness and how could he become so cold and ruthless, but in the end, this was really not his field of expertise. All Alex did was screw around with the ladies and doing regular business here and there. His parents\' investment and business property were enough to maintain him and his generation later on.

He wasn\'t like Xiao Meng, who was so determined in making money. He knew that Xiao Meng only showed a fraction of the money he made. Xiao Meng had been working hard since he was a teenager to achieve his goal to become the richest man on earth.

"Honestly, why are you so ambitious about this, Xiao Meng? Don\'t you see that you\'re scaring Secretary Shi?" Alex said.

"It\'s you who scare her!" Menghuo hounded his Alex-Ge so suddenly. Alex cowered in fear. He slid his butt as far as it could get and distanced himself from Xiao Meng. Really, it was very rare for Xiao Meng to be in this terrible mood.

Yang Menghuo sighed. He was indeed in a bad mood right now. Mostly because he kept thinking about Secretary Shi. He was positive that Secretary Shi is Ying Jie. And he was ready for the reveal. But Alex-Ge ruined everything when he said that he had kissed Secretary Shi.

And Secretary Shi said that she had a lot of experience.

\'Ying Jie and I know well that we\'re both virgin… and I want to keep it that way until we are married…\'

Yang Menghuo kept on thinking about Ying Jie and marriage every second. Whenever he imagined Ying Jie, he imagined Batman-Jie, who married him. And it was an absolutely wonderful idea.

He really thought that he hit the jackpot if Secretary Shi was actually Ying Jie. Because that meant he could just take over the company from his dad and then started slowly boiling the frog until it was done. He wanted to impress Ying Jie with his quality, so she could fall in love with him.

Wouldn\'t it be nice if life was that easy?

\'I won\'t believe that Ying Jie would gladly let herself get kissed by Alex-Ge. Secretary Shi is definitely not her. At least, I refuse to believe so. Maybe it\'s just a strange coincidence,\' Menghuo thought. But he got uncomfortable whenever he imagined Secretary Shi, with whatever kind of appearance she had got kissed by Alex-Ge.

It made him restless.

\'But if Alex-Ge really kissed my Ying Jie…\' Yang Menghuo stared at Alex with a cold gaze as if he was looking at dead meat. Alex hunched his back and gulped in fear.

"S—Stop it, Menghuo. I know. I\'m sorry that I told Secretary Shi about you," Alex said. "Why are you so curious about her anyway? I told you that I fancy her, right?"

"I don\'t care whether you fancy her or what. I just want to know something," Menghuo replied. "But I\'m fine now. There\'s no way she\'s someone that I know."

"Heh, she is just a regular secretary, knowing your circle of friends and relation. I doubt you know her. You\'re being ridiculous here," Alex said, then he asked, "Anyway, how about that new girlfriend of yours? Did you finally moved on from your Batman-Jie?"

"She works as a secretary, just like Secretary Shi. But she said that her boss is so stingy and a henpecked husband, and that her boss\'s son is a gay wastrel who doesn\'t want to take care of the company," Menghuo said.

Mr. Yang Zhuhuo stopped sipping his coffee when he heard that \'gay wastrel.\' He was about to say that Yang Menghuo really fit that description, but when he heard \'henpecked husband,\' he decided to just keep his mouth shut.

Of course, he was not a henpecked husband. He just loved his wife so much, so he let her did whatever she wanted. It was called pampering, not henpecked!

"She\'s very humorous and shameless, yet, very kind and caring. I feel so comfortable around her, just like when I\'m with Batman-Jie," Menghuo said. He looked up and was imagining stuff again. "Maybe, If I will never find Batman-Jie in my life again, I will just marry Ying Jie. They are the only two people who could make me comfortable."

"Well, I will always support you, Xiao Meng. Just don\'t mess around with Secretary Shi. She\'s mine, okay?" Alex said.

"She\'s not Ying Jie or Batman-Jie. I don\'t care," Menghuo said coldly.