Rent A Boyfriend!


\'Yang Menghuo, Meng Bao, Mengmeng… he is the childhood sweetheart of mine. And he is the same Mengmeng that you always think as your little brother.\'

Meng Bao was stunned after I whispered what I said to Alex before. He blinked few times, trying to process it word by word.

"Did you… really say that, Jie?"

"Uh-huh," I nodded. "I mean, do you really think that I will cheat on you? Aish, Baobao, you should\'ve realized that I\'m not someone who can easily fall in love! I\'m in love with you because of our familiarity, because you\'re the same Mengmeng that I\'ve been waiting for fifteen years."

"If you\'re not here, then I might stay unmarried until my death," I said earnestly. Because truly, if I think about it again, there was no way I could marry someone else other than Meng Bao.

It just didn\'t sit right with me because I\'ve been longing for my Mengmeng for so long. I literally had zero interest in other guys… or girls..

"I—If you\'re not here, I will stay unmarried until my death as well!" Meng Bao claimed so suddenly. "Then we both will die in peace, then we will reincarnate in the next world as a couple, a soulmate!"

I chuckled with his claim, and then patted his cheek, "You\'re always saying stuff like that. It\'s not good for my heart, you know."

"E—Eh? Why? Did something happened to you Jie?! Did I accidentally give you a heart attack?!"

Meng Bao got panicked all by himself, while I just sat and smiled at him who reached his phone, about to call ambulance. I held him and then said, "Because when you say something like that, my heart will be beating fast, and I didn\'t know how to hide it."

Meng Bao blushed instantly, he lowered his head, but he continued grabbing my hand. He played with my fingers.

He still sulked, and then said, "I… I don\'t believe you Jie. You\'re the most beautiful woman on earth, of course men will start chasing after you. C—Call him now and tell him that you don\'t like him at all, then I will trust you…"

I rolled my eyes, "I think you\'re the only one who thinks that I\'m the most beautiful woman on earth. Maybe there is something in your eyes, you need to get it checked."

"Wu? Of course not! What I said is fact! Truth! I never lied!" Meng Bao insisted. "If you don\'t believe me, then I will bring you to a entertainment circle party, you will be the one who steal the spotlight. I\'m sure you will be the female lead of a blockbuster movie in China!"

\'Yeah, that\'s because you will force them to accept me as the female lead, or else, you will threaten to bankrupt their company. You know, Meng Bao, sometimes I just don\'t understand what is inside your head.\'

"So, all you want is for me to call Alex, right?"

"Yes…" Meng Bao nodded pitifully.

I sighed and called Alex\'s number, after a few beeps, Alex picked up the call and barraged me with questions, "Ying Jie, how is it?! Did you find Mengmeng?! Oh no, I don\'t want to die yet! How to convince him that nothing is happening between us? Ying Jie, seriously, I don\'t think it\'s fair for him to attack me like this. He is too powerful for me! Besides, I don\'t even know that you\'re his beloved! Ying Jie, you\'ve only whispered his name to my ears, and he is already going to kill me. What is this—"


I hung up the call, and we were both silenced for a while. I cleared my throat and stated, "Well, I don\'t think I need to show more proof."

"B—But, you haven\'t said anything to him…"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I mean… you haven\'t told him that you don\'t like him at all…"

"I already did, Meng Bao. He wanted me to be his girlfriend and future wife. But I rejected him and told him that I already have special someone in my heart, and there is no way I\'m trading that person for someone else."

"But he still take you home…" Meng Bao continued sulking.

"Because he said that he wants to accompany me for the last time. Nothing is happening between us, Meng Bao. You\'re really just sulking for the sake of sulking at this point," I chided.

"Besides, he gives me a new job. You shouldn\'t attack him like that, he is kind enough to help me when I\'m unemployed right now."

"H—He helps you because he has a motive, Jie. He wants you, because you\'re really too tempting and beautiful for men. I have an amazing self control, but if it\'s you, then I don\'t think I have any self control at all…" Meng Bao said. "If it\'s about work… you don\'t need to work at all, Jie. I can give you anything you want… even if you want me to buy you an island, then I will buy it for you…"

"It\'s not about that, Meng Bao," I sighed. "We\'re not married yet, so you don\'t have any obligation to provide for me. That\'s why I still have to work, and even after we got married, I will still try to find a good job for myself, I\'ve been working all my whole life, it becomes a habit for me."

Meng Bao didn\'t seem to agree with me, but he zipped his mouth and then shifted the topic, "Jiejie, I still won\'t forgive Alex for being that close to you…"

"Oh come on, don\'t say that you will not allow any man to come near me or even stare at me in the future, that would be ridd—"

"Yes, no man is allowed to stare at you, Jie," Meng Bao said.

I said that as a joke, you know. You possessive Bao bun seriously needs to be taught how to control yourself.

"About that job… if you really want to work, then I will tell my dad to accept you back. I don\'t like you having to go with another man just for a job…" Meng Bao said.

"No, I don\'t want to get that job just because of you. Besides, Mr. Yang is the one who fires me, and if he wants to take me back, then he needs to be the one that has the intention, not you…"

"But, do you like to work in my dad\'s company?" He asked.

"Well, I won\'t lie that I like working there. But if my boss is being forced by you to accept me back, then I\'d rather work somewhere else," I stood by my opinion.

I didn\'t want Meng Bao to give me golden ticket on everything. Besides, we hadn\'t even married yet. I think his mother would be even more furious knowing that I took advantage of Meng Bao\'s kindness.

I wanted to show that I didn\'t need Meng Bao\'s money. I have my own worth as a woman.

Meng Bao seemed to have realized the problem. He was humming for a minute and then nodded, "I will find a way to solve this. Don\'t worry, Jiejie…."

"You shouldn\'t stress yourself over this. God, for a moment, I thought this would be an angst tragedy novel with you blackened and gunning Alex down because of your jealousy. You\'re worrying me for a moment."

"Well, that\'s not far from the truth… I was thinking about it, but at the same time, I don\'t want to see your disappointment if I really killed that bastard…." Meng Bao said.

"He is still someone you call a brother, don\'t let a stupid misunderstanding ruin your relationship with your brother," I advised him.

"I\'m still angry, you know…. He got the privilege to get close to you. Even his cheek and your lips are already so close. You two could kiss by accident…."

Meng Bao was seriously trying to find a problem at this point. He just wanted to sulk for the sake of it.

"Then, what do you want from me? Baobao, you know, you haven\'t told me about what happened with your mother. Can we skip all these sulking stuff and get straight to the point?"

Meng Bao shook his head, "I refused to tell you anything, not until you compensate for me. I don\'t think I can sleep thinking that Alex got something better than me, and I\'m your future husband!"

"Jiejie, I don\'t think you understand that your future husband is feeling insecure right now… what if in the future, there will be more men who want to covet you, but you still forbid me to cement their feet? How can I survive this mental torture—"


I kissed Meng Bao\'s cheek so he could stop rambling on and on about his jealousy.

"Okay, Baobao, is that enough to calm you down?"

Meng Bao\'s face turned beet red. He turned his head to the side, showing the other cheek, "Y—You haven\'t kissed this one, Jie…."