Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 125 - RED STRING (2)

[Yang Menghuo POV]

"Fine then, Bao, let\'s go there," Shi Ying said.

Yang Menghuo was already excited, thinking he would get some red lingerie for Ying Jie for their first night after the wedding.

Ying Jie led him to the shed and then took out an old bike fit for two people. Shi Ying told Meng Bao, "Bao, can you ride a bike?"


Honestly, Yang Menghuo never rode a bike before. When he was just a kid, he didn\'t have any bikes because his parents were too busy in life, so they bought him regular toys that he could safely play with..

He also got some toys that were somehow padded on edge to avoid him getting hurt. Even though Meng Bao was already seven years old at that point, he wouldn\'t be that stupid.

He tried asking his late grandma for a bike, but she couldn\'t watch over Menghuo while he was cycling because she was too old. And she didn\'t trust the security guard, afraid that Menghuo would get hurt due to his carelessness.

So, in the end, he didn\'t know how to ride one. At least, he never had the chance to try one.

Because his parents always forbade him.

Yang Menghuo gulped and replied, "I can try, Ying Jie."

"Oh, sure!"

Shi Ying gave the handlebar to Meng Bao and then watched whether he could actually do it or not. Yang Menghuo took a deep breath and then tried to hop on the saddle.

But in only a few seconds, he lost his balance and fell disgracefully in front of his Ying Jie.

"Ouch…" Yang Menghuo winced. He glanced at Ying Jie, who was staring at him, speechless.

"You don\'t know how to ride a bike?" Shi Ying asked.

\'Well, Jie, may I ask why didn\'t you teach me how to ride one when we were kids?\' Yang Menghuo complained in his heart, but the only thing he could say right now was a simple no, and then he shook his head.

Shi Ying sighed. He took the handle from Meng Bao and hopped on the saddle.

She sat comfortably and patted the metal seat behind her saddle, "Sit, Meng Bao. We don\'t have much time, it\'s already afternoon, and it took an hour to arrive there!" Shi Ying said.

Yang Menghuo hopped and sat on the metal seat behind Ying Jie, "Jie, are you sure you can carry me?"

"Eh? Do you think I\'m that weak? Do you know that I was the Gorilla girl when I was little? I can beat the boys back then, and I can still beat some nowadays!" Shi Ying insisted.

Yang Menghuo knew that Ying Jie didn\'t lie. She could beat many men into pulp due to his amazing strength and recklessness. But it gave a sense of security inside Meng Bao, and he was finally relieved and nodded, "I believe in you, Ying Jie."

"Hehe," Shi Ying started pedaling, and they used the correct road this time rather than entering the deep forest like before.

It was because the forest was quite slippery and dangerous, so she didn\'t want to fall.

"But I have another shortcut ah, ahahaha!" Shi Ying pedaled to the main road, which was still not as good as the city road, but it was paved.

They went through a straight road, with forest and sometimes houses of one or two families. It seemed the distance between one home to another was quite big, that Yang Menghuo had to wait for few seconds before he could see another home.

He thought it could be like this until they reached the lingerie store, but Ying Jie suddenly made a sharp turn and entered the path with a narrow road and a cliff on their left.

Although it wasn\'t scary, it was still tall enough, so they will get badly hurt if they fall.

Yang Menghuo\'s face paled as he saw the cliff. He didn\'t expect Ying Jie to be this extreme.

He immediately circled his hands around Ying Jie\'s stomach and then whimpered, "J—Jie, Jie, Jie!"

"WHAT?!" Shi Ying finally replied. She clicked her tongue when she realized how tight Meng Bao hugged her stomach. "Meng Bao! You\'re hugging my fat! Do you know how humiliating it is for a woman to get her excess side belly getting touched!?"

"B—But, Jie! There\'s a cliff on our left side! I don\'t want to die yet, Jie! I still have to marry!" Yang Menghuo whimpered and complained.

Shi Ying chuckled, "Bao, it\'s not even a dangerous cliff. True, if we fall, we might get some broken bone or internal bleeding. Maybe even a complete paralyze, but you won\'t be dead! It\'s not that bad!"

"That\'s even worse!" Yang Menghuo yelled even harder.

Truly, he didn\'t understand the way of Ying Jie\'s brain work.

Because it seemed that she always found a way to make everything looks easier than it actually was.

"Don\'t worry! Didn\'t you say that you will trust me? As long as Ying Jie is here, then nothing needs to be afraid of… except salary cut and unemployment!" Shi Ying stated.

Truly, it was such a magical word that Batman Jie used to coax and encourage Meng Bao. It failed most of the time, but it always gave Meng Bao the strength he needed over anything he faced.

\'Ying Jie, I\'m scared….\' Young MengMeng said while clutching Batman Jie\'s hand.

\'Eh? What are you scared of? Don\'t you trust me?" Batman Jie replied. \'There\'s nothing to be scared off. As long as Batman Jie is here, you can be anything you like and do anything you want!\'

\'True, I shouldn\'t doubt my beloved Jie….\' Yang Menghuo thought.

He then leaned closer towards his Ying Jie and then rested his head on Ying Jie\'s back. He remembered the time where Ying Jie was bigger and stronger than him. She would carry him around on her back or sitting on Ying Jie\'s shoulder.

Yang Menghuo truly felt alive when he was with Batman Jie, and he felt truly happy with her as well.

When Yang Menghuo was a kid, Ying Jie often said that happiness is about with whom you spend your time.

You might want to feel alone, but most of the time, you want to be with only someone you love, in a simple place where no one would reach you.

Maybe Ying Jie got that from a movie or novel line that she read. But it hit hard for Mengmeng as time went on.

When he was just a child, he thought it was just another cool and wise stuff that Ying or Batman Jie said.

But as he grew up, he realized that Ying Jie often told him about many important philosophies about life.

Yang Menghuo was privileged since birth. When he grew older, he became even more privileged with his family background and connection. His ability to grow the money rapidly progressed. He turned into a young billionaire soon after he hit twenty-three years old.

Yang Menghuo was even richer than his parents, who worked their asses off from morning to another morning.

Yang Menghuo worked smart because he wanted to search for Batman Jie and spent a lot of time with her.

He refused to be like his mom and dad, who were too busy to spend time together and care for their only child.

In the end, all of them were still family but weren\'t that close. Compared to Ying Jie\'s family, his family was like strangers put into one big lavish mansion.

Shi Ying pedaled past the narrow cliff and went down to a wider road with rice paddies extended until Menghuo couldn\'t see the end of the rice paddies.

"Whoa…" Yang Menghuo was awed by the scenery, "So beautiful…."

"Hehe, right? It might not be some amazing garden in Europe or an exotic beach. But whenever I feel stressed, I always cycle through the forest, cliff, and rice paddies."

"Just look at all the green rice paddies around you. It will calm you down?" Shi Ying said.

"Yes…" Yang Menghuo looked at the distance. It was already three in the later afternoon, so the sun wasn\'t as hot.

He knew about rice paddies and other stuff when he was homeschooled. He also knew about the rice paddies agriculture industry. He had to tap on the potential to start investing in certain types of alcohol and beauty products that used rice.

He knew everything as a competent investor, but he didn\'t really understand how beautiful it was to just… enjoy the fresh breeze, cycling his beloved through the rice paddies, thinking of nothing but the short-lasting happiness they had right now.

Yang Menghuo stared at Ying Jie\'s back and then uttered, "Jie… I\'m so lucky to have you in my life…."

"Huh? What did you say, Bao?" Shi Ying asked. He was too focused on reaching Old Man Fu\'s house.

"Nothing…" Yang Menghuo replied.

Shi Ying finally stopped once she saw an old house in the middle of the rice paddies path.

"Okay, Bao, we\'re here!"