Rent A Boyfriend!

Chapter 101 - MENG BAO'S FIANCEE?! (4)

"You hear that, Li Daiyu? My son is currently in Switzerland, making butter for a woman that he loved. I have nothing to answer. It\'s clear already. You can leave now."

I darted my eyes at Li Daiyu, wanting to know her reaction. She was stupefied at first, but not for long. She recovered soon and then rolled her eyes.

She crossed her legs and raised her chin arrogantly. "Have you seen that woman\'s face, Uncle Yang? I warn you, you should bring a bucket for yourself."

"A bucket?"

"Yeah, because you will puke when you see that woman, I guarantee!" Li Daiyu said. I kept thinking if this woman was someone else Meng Bao dated, or it was….. Me.

\'Wait, me? Am I that ugly?\' I started to get self-conscious about myself. I looked in the mirror, and I didn\'t think I was that bad-looking. Sure, I was average at best, but it definitely wasn\'t unpleasant to look at.

\'Besides, if it was me, how could she not recognize my face? I bet she is talking about another woman. Phew…\'

\'Wait, why am I happy?! Meng Bao literally has so many affairs!\' I wouldn\'t lie that I got insecure about myself after listening to Li Daiyu. I was curious about who this woman was that Li Daiyu talking bout and how ugly she looked since Li Daiyu exaggerated it.

At least, I have to know my real enemy, right?

However, Mr. Yang Zhuhuo had no interest in seeing Yang Menghuo\'s girlfriend. He had no interest because it might just be another rumor.

He wouldn\'t believe any photo until Menghuo himself brought that woman in front of him.

In the end, Mr. Yang just waved his hand and got up, "No need, I\'m busy. Since you already got the answer from my son, I don\'t need to add anything anymore. I will leave now."

Mr. Yang returned to his desk, "Where are the sorted documents?" He asked.

"Here, sir," I gave everything for him. He walked away but didn\'t order me to follow him. He looked over his shoulder towards Li Daiyu and then looked at me, "Secretary Shi, you should accompany Li Daiyu until she wants to leave. I\'m too busy to care for a woman who came uninvited."

"Eh—But I also—"

Mr. Yang left the room, leaving me alone with Li Daiyu.

\'Aish, Mr. Yang, why are you leaving me here with this woman ah? Don\'t you know that I\'m not a patient woman? Do you want a WWE in your office?\'

I glanced at Li Daiyu, who still looked pissed, and looked away. Really, what would happen if she knew the woman Meng Bao was referring to on the phone literally stayed in the same room with her.

\'Heh, based on her demeanor. She would definitely attack me. But I\'m not afraid of her though, what can she do ah? Slap me with her manicured nails? I was the Gorilla Girl! I can smack her face and then suplex her like a real champ!\'

I snickered alone, thinking about that funny scene. But Li Daiyu seemed to have noticed my snicker and glared, "What are you laughing about?"

I stopped laughing and fixed my expression before shaking my head, "Nothing, Miss. I was just thinking about random stuff," I replied.

She peered at me suspiciously and then commented, "You\'re seriously the template of what they call as average, you know that, right? I keep wondering how Mr. Yang could take you as a Secretary."

I clenched my fist, ready to punch this woman and her arrogance. But I couldn\'t do it since she has Madam Evelynn Yang as her backing, she could just talk shit about me to provoke Madam Yang, and I would be unemployed soon.

So I just ignored her and arranged Mr. Yang\'s documents in the drawer and cupboard because he still needed most of them.

Li Daiyu watched me working silently, and her slap-able mouth seemed to be itching to insult me, "What\'s our name again? Secretary Shi? Well, I\'m pretty sure that Uncle Yang took you because you\'re ugly enough, so Aunty Yang wouldn\'t get jealous, right? I mean, that\'s the most obvious explanation about you here."

\'Aish, shut up for a moment, will you? If only you don\'t have Madam Yang as your backing, I will slap that mouth of yours!\' I cursed in my heart, not wanting to start any trouble.

I turned around, wanting to leave this office as soon as possible, but Li Daiyu stopped me.

"Since you want to leave, don\'t forget to make me a coffee. Remember, give me the best one! I don\'t want to taste your cheap coffee, ew," Li Daiyu said.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door.

Alex had been waiting in front of my desk. He turned his head in my direction and asked, "Is that Li Daiyu inside?"

"Uh-huh, how do you know?"

Alex looked strangely restless right now, which made me wonder what was wrong with him.

"Let\'s just pray that Menghuo didn\'t kill her after this," Alex said.

"Kill? How?!" I asked loudly, then covered my mouth instantly. Alex hurriedly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the pantry, so that woman wouldn\'t hear us.

"You see, I asked Menghuo yesterday because I was surprised that he went as far as going to Switzerland only to make butter by himself. It was already proof that he was serious with his romantic interest right now.

"R—Really?" I asked.

"Yes, he would never do something like that to anyone, not even his parents," Alex continued. "Also, stop blushing for him just because he is handsome! I\'m more handsome, and you are my date, not his, remember?"

"We\'ve finished our date yesterday, though…"

"Ah, that\'s just a rental date. But what we are doing right now is me courting you. Isn\'t that obvious already?" He reasoned.

I sighed and shrugged, "Whatever you say."

"Well, about Menghuo, I just don\'t think Menghuo would forgive anyone who dared to talk shit about the woman he was enamored with. Because that would be a death sentence for Li Daiyu," Alex said.

I gawked at that information. I didn\'t know that Meng Bao would act that far, "Yang Menghuo would kill Li Daiyu if he knows that Li Daiyu is talking shit about that woman? Is he insane?"

"Menghuo isn\'t that dangerous if it\'s not something that he treasured. I got that with an experience, first hand," Alex shivered whenever he remembered then. He continued, "One time when we were just kids, I mocked his childhood sweetheart and taunted him about it. I said that his Childhood Sweetheart must\'ve been dating another man right now. Maybe he will marry someone else."

"It got Menghuo so mad that he fought with me like a mad dog. He punched me without holding back and there needed to be five servants to stop him. He didn\'t even look scared when he was grounded by Aunty Evelynn Yang."

"The next day, he returned to me and apologized. But he gave me a threat that lasted up until now."

Alex cleared his throat to imitate what Menghuo said to him before.

"I will forgive you this time, Alex-Ge. But remember, nobody is allowed to insult her. I will make sure that you will suffer from days of torture before you could even see the end."

Holy frick, that\'s scary!

I gulped, thinking about the possibility of what would happen to that poisonous Li Daiyu. As much as I hated her for her words, she was still human. It would be a big mess if Meng Bao got enraged.

\'That\'s also a good prevention measure. I shouldn\'t insult that childhood sweetheart of his if I don\'t want to lose my head.\'

I glanced at Alex, whose face paled after he told the story, so it was definitely true.

\'But my experience with Meng Bao is very different though…\' I remembered all the sweet things that Meng Bao did for me.

He acted more like a meek baby than a cold-blooded business mafia.

\'Well, I still don\'t know why Meng Bao gets interested in me, though. Maybe he just wants an average lady as his spouse instead of a supermodel like Li Daiyu?\' I pondered.

Amid my pondering, Alex suddenly put his hand on top of mine and then said, "Well, as long as there is no bloodbath in this office, then it\'s fine for me."

"Though, if this place becomes a crime scene for Menghuo, I think you should follow me. We can open a business together in another city or country as a business partner and a lover. How about it?"

I glanced at the strong hand that covered mine. I didn\'t feel disgusted to Alex, really, but I also don\'t feel anything special to him.

He felt more like a good friend rather than a lover. Since I\'ve only felt such a thing with Meng Bao.

\'Ah, Alex, if we are in a novel. You would be that pitiful second male lead.\'