Reincarnation - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad

Chapter 130

Soon, the second shareholder walked into the infirmary again.

Rich people like them usually have chronic diseases and sub-health. These are diseases that western medicine has no good way to deal with, otherwise they would have been cured long ago.

These diseases are simple here in Qin Haodong. After regulating the meridians with a silver needle and eating a strong tendon and bone strengthening pill, you can immediately become lively.

Although these patients add up to more than 30, Qin Haodong basically finished his treatment near work, and there are also a thick stack of bank cards on his desk.

At this time, the last patient came in. He was in his forties and was Zhao Peng, the shareholder of the company.

After the treatment, Zhao Peng said to Qin Haodong, "doctor Qin, do you have any other pills for strengthening tendons and bones? My father is old, and I want to buy one for him."

Like this low-level pill, Qin Haodong\'s storage ring has at least more than 100. He took out another one and handed it to Zhao Peng. "I didn\'t expect you to be filial. Take it."

"Thank you, Dr. Qin. This card has 1 million yuan. Please take it."

Zhao Peng put a bank card on Qin Haodong\'s desk and left the infirmary with two pills.

In Zhang Zhijie\'s envious eyes, Qin Haodong pocketed a stack of bank cards on the table, then returned to the president\'s office and took the little guy home with Lin mo.

On this side of the group building, Zhao Peng returned to his office and took out one of the two strong tendon and bone strengthening pills in his hand and put it into his mouth. Although this is a low level Dan medicine, Qin Hao Dong\'s refining method is special, and it extracts all the essence of the medicinal materials directly, so the entrance is changed.

Zhao Peng, who is ten years old, feels exhausted and full of energy.

"Good thing! What a good thing!"

Zhao Peng, with joy on his face, came to the next room with another strong tendon and bone pill left.

In the room, Zhao Zhongchen was pacing back and forth. Seeing Zhao Peng, he immediately asked with a look of expectation: "how\'s it going? Did the boy surnamed Qin give you pills?"

"Second uncle, I\'ve got it."

Zhao Peng said and sent the pill in his hand to Zhao Zhongchen. "Second uncle, I took two pills in total. In order to test the effect, I have taken one. This one is for you."

"Well, is it effective?"

Zhao Zhongchen asked.

"Second uncle, the little white face surnamed Qin does have two brushes. I\'ve never seen a doctor with such good medical skills. Those who have seen the disease in front said it was good. I just tried it and cured my cervical spondylosis in a few minutes."

"I didn\'t ask you this. I mean, does the pill work?"

Although Zhao Zhongchen is over 60 years old, he is a full old lust ghost. What he is most concerned about now is the aphrodisiac effect of Qiangjin Zhuanggu pill.

"Oh!" Zhao Peng immediately understood and said, "it\'s easy to use. I just ate it. Although I haven\'t been in bed yet, I can feel it. It\'s absolutely easy to use."

"That\'s good! That\'s good!"

Zhao Zhongchen hurriedly put the pill in his hand into his mouth. A few minutes later, the whole person was much refreshed. He hurried out of the office and rushed to his lover\'s home. It seemed that he was in a hurry to revive his strength.

The next morning, Qin Haodong just wanted to send the little guy to school with Lin Mo, but he received a unique call from Nalan.

"Haodong, have you come back from your hometown?" Nalan asked.

"I\'m back. What can I do for you?"

Nalan unparalleled said, "Oh, come to the security company. Now there are nearly 100 injured veterans waiting for your treatment."

Qin Haodong was startled and asked in surprise, "what? Why so many? Didn\'t you say that the people in our security company are saturated and don\'t need to recruit any more?"

The security market in Jiangnan City is so large that nearly 100 security guards of Nanpa security company have been in a saturated state. Qin Haodong has long told Nalan unparalleled that there is no need to recruit people.

Nalan said helplessly, "I also know that our people are saturated, and I didn\'t recruit these people."

"How did that come from?" Qin Haodong asked strangely.

"All the people in our security company are demobilized soldiers. Everyone has several good comrades in arms when they are in the army. How can they not tell their comrades in arms when they meet a miracle doctor like you? So these people are found after hearing the news, and most of them come all the way from all over China."

"This..." Qin Haodong hesitated and said, "well, people can\'t be driven away when they come. If they can\'t be taken into our security company in the future, let\'s cure their diseases first."

Qin Haodong hung up the phone, said hello to Lin Mo again, and drove straight to Dad\'s security company.

After entering the door, he saw nearly 100 people standing on the training ground in front of the company, some on crutches, some in wheelchairs, and even on stretchers. These people are similar to the former Zhang Tieniu. They are all Chinese special forces retired due to injury.

Seeing Qin Haodong entering the door, Zhang Tieniu came over with a wheelchair. "Boss, this is Xia Dongliang, my comrade in arms who died in the army. His legs were destroyed because he covered me. As long as you can cure his injury, I Zhang Tieniu will repay you by being an ox and a horse all my life. I will work for you in the security company all my life, and I won\'t give you a penny."

"Yes, boss, this is also my best comrade in arms. As long as you can cure him, I will sell it to the security company in my life..."

"Boss, as long as you cure my comrades in arms, you can kill me..."

The staff of dad\'s security company at home quickly gathered around Qin Haodong and eagerly looked forward to his treatment for his comrades in arms.

Qin Haodong glanced at these people and felt the strong friendship of comrades in arms. He was quite moved in his heart.

He said: "everyone, you have been injured and bled for China. You are all heroes of our land. I Qin Haodong have no conditions. As long as I can cure you, I will try my best to cure you."

Then he asked Zhang Tieniu to organize these people to seek medical treatment in order. He found an empty room on the first floor as a consulting room and began to treat these people one by one.

Although Qin Haodong has good medical skills and deep skills, he is also tired after a busy day. Fortunately, he has treated these people almost in the evening.

He stood up, stretched his waist, moved his stiff limbs and shouted at the door, "is there anything else to treat?"

"And me!"

With a slightly joking answer, Ma Wenzhuo and Nalan came in from the outside. Qin Haodong remembered that when he was in Wufeng County, he told Ma Wenzhuo to come to him today.

"Haodong, he said it was your classmate." Nalan unparalleled said.

Ma Wenzhuo punched Qin Haodong on the shoulder, "you boy, I thought you lied to me. You really ruled such a big industry."

Qin Haodong affectionately patted Ma Wenzhuo on the shoulder, and then said to Nalan Wushuang: "introduce me, this is my best friend, Ma Wenzhuo, a junior high school classmate. This is the manager and chairman of Nanpa security company, Miss Nalan Wushuang."

Ma Wenzhuo said hello to Nalan Wushuang and said to Qin Haodong, "your boy is really good. There are beautiful women around you now."

Then he said to Nalan unparalleled, "beauty, do you have a boyfriend? I\'m single now."

Nalan gave Qin Haodong a meaningful look and said, "do I have a boyfriend? You have to ask him!"

Ma Wenzhuo immediately said with a painful look on his face, "beauty, what\'s your vision? I\'m obviously much more handsome than Qin Haodong. People call me brother pony at school."

Nalan said with a smile, "you two have the same virtue and are not serious. No wonder you have such a good relationship."

"The good relationship is because I paid a lot. When he went to school, he often provoked other girls. As a result, he was chased and beaten by the boys of the whole school. If I hadn\'t protected him, he would have been disfigured. At that time, as long as he was beaten, he would have made me a meat shield. If I hadn\'t grown stronger, I would have been beaten and maimed by others."

Ma Wenzhuo looked at Qin Haodong again and asked strangely, "by the way, you were beaten by others at that time and didn\'t see you as powerful as you are now? You were in a hurry with county magistrate Zhao that day. I haven\'t had time to ask you how you cleaned up the big nigger? Have you picked up martial arts scripts in recent years? Can\'t you secretly practice sunflower scriptures?"

At the party that day, Qin Haodong cleaned up the big nigger Cafu with one move. Ma Wenzhuo was stunned and envious. He wanted to ask Qin Haodong where he learned this Kung Fu, but later the county magistrate Zhao Yang came and he didn\'t have time to ask.

Qin Haodong said, "you\'re right. I\'ve learned from teachers in recent years. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Of course, he won\'t tell the secret of his reincarnation and rebirth. He can only find an unnecessary master for himself.

Ma Wenzhuo hurriedly said, "I want to learn. Of course I want to learn. My brother has been beaten by others over the years. How can I learn some Kung Fu and come to a hero to save the United States in the future."

"Come here, I\'ll feel your pulse first to see if it\'s suitable for practicing martial arts." Qin Haodong said, greeting Ma Wenzhuo to sit down in front of the booth.

"Do you still need to touch the pulse? Man, this body is definitely a natural talent for practicing martial arts. As long as I learn for three or five years, I am the best master in the world..."

Ma Wenzhuo sat in front of Qin Haodong and stretched out his right hand while talking and laughing.

Qin Haodong put his hand on Ma Wenzhuo\'s pulse door. At first, he was still smiling, but soon the smile disappeared, followed by a look of horror.

"I said, man, what do you mean? Won\'t you tell me you\'re pregnant?" Seeing Qin Haodong\'s expression, Ma Wenzhuo immediately became nervous.

At this time, Qin Haodong has set off a huge wave in his heart. He has no intention to quarrel with Ma Wenzhuo. He never thought that his good brother was a congenital Tongmai. The person with this kind of pulse is called the holy body in the cultivation world.

Ordinary people\'s meridians are closed. Only through the cultivation of the day after tomorrow can they get through the meridians. Those who practice truth call getting through the meridians of the whole body as building a foundation. As the name suggests, it is to lay a foundation for future cultivation.

However, 90% of practitioners can\'t complete the level of foundation building alone in their whole life, but congenital pulse dredging eliminates this level. After birth, the meridians all over the body are connected, and the width and toughness of meridians are far beyond ordinary people.

Once such people begin to practice, their speed is definitely more than 100 times that of ordinary people, so the cultivation world will have this constitution, which is called the holy body. There are very few people with this constitution. He has been in the cultivation world for 500 years and has only seen one Xuantian female emperor as a holy body.

According to the ancient records, there are many kinds of holy bodies. It is impossible to determine which kind Ma Wenzhuo belongs to by touching the pulse alone. Thinking of this, Qin Haodong reached out and touched Ma Wenzhuo. He wanted to determine what kind of holy body his good brother belonged to.

Ma Wenzhuo was startled by Qin Haodong\'s strange behavior and hurriedly shouted, "man, you can\'t touch it indiscriminately. You have all I have. What else can you touch..."