Reincarnation Of The Goddess

Chapter 34


A mesmerizing laughter was heard in the midst of darkness. It was the same place where Chun was always transported when he would be unconcious. The dim place was now having five lamp post on it.

'Ha ha ha ha....'

There is it again. The velvety laughter.

Chun was standing below the first lamp post. The ambiguous sound was coming from the fifth lamp post which was not litted. There's someone standing above the lamp post and that someone was undistinguishable because of its silhouette can only be seen.

"Who are you?"

It still continue to laugh but it suddenly went down from its post, landing gracefully and blowing off the other posts leaving behind the lamp post where the white haired youth was located.

"Hehehe... I'm Psyche's right hand"

While still on its landing position and was bowing at Chun.

Chun pondered to the words of this mysterious person. 'Psyche..'

It was a familiar name.

"Are you looking for the voice in your head?" The still bowing person was covered with black, leaving behind an unidentified shadow.

The silent white haired lad blankly look at this person. He can't seem to ȧssociate his feelings, mostly his instincts. This aura coming from the latter was a bit familiar.

Only answered by silence, the mysterious person continues,"Lady Psyche, can't be reach at the moment. She only told me to say to you that you can finally move to the next fragment."

Chun attention was suddenly diverted to the person's word.


'And I'll be going with you'

"Heh. You're too handsome for a girl yet a feminine type at that"

Chun just look up at the lady who was a head taller than him, furrowing his brows.

"You must be?"


The white haired youth nodded in appreciation and was about to leave when he thought something.

"Yes, young master?" Aichille obediently look at Chun, waiting for orders.

"How can we get out this place?"

"It's about time, young master" suddenly Aichille hugged Chun closely, as the place slowly disappeared.


Pei Lang and Miku was beside their teacher, taking a look at him every moment. The twins were both sleeping at the couches, Lau Quill was skinning the apples while Lin Zan was stealing some of it and Kali, the President was busy on his grostequo


In the middle of this kind of scenery, Pei Lang suddenly jumped out from his chair, now on the floor, while Miku was calling for Kali.

They both look frighten, like they've seen a ghost.

Kali just look at them indifferently and glance at where they are looking and...

"Did I sleep too long?" The white haired youth innocently asked the President and suddenly his students bombarded him with their suffocating hugs except for the President. Looking at the interaction lazily.

After minutes later...

"Chun-sensei, did you know that Miku was really good at formation spells? She was the most fastest one to activate her spell!" Pei Lang narrated each phases of the competition that their teacher did not see.

"And-- and Lau Quill was really good at pill concocting! He was so cool!"

Kali silently went outside, answering a call from one of his councilors.

"President! There's something bad happened" a youthful voice reported hurriedly, he was running from something.

The President brows creased yet he calmly ask,"Where are you? Where's Cyan?"

"President, we're at the east side of the school barrier, Cyan was fighting together with the blue squad security team Head Zhi"

"Okay. I'm heading there" Kali was now running towards the location.

Chun felt strange when he had seen the silhouette of the President suddenly ran out after he pick some keys on the table.


"All students please standby at the area where are you at now. If you're in a room then lock the doors and close the windows, if you're not in any room, locate a room that's near to you and hide in their immediately.  RED CODE: GHOUL ALERT"

"All students please standby at the area where are you at now. If you're in a room then lock the doors and close the windows, if you're not in any room, locate a room that's near to you and hide in their immediately.  RED CODE: GHOUL ALERT"

The power went off. Fa Rin chanted a basic light spell.

"What happened? It's imposible to cut off the electricity if the core wasn't damage" Pei Lang stated while locking the door and closing the windows.

"Idiot. It's a ghoul attack" Fa Jiu said to Pei Lang while suddenly realizing what the latter's sentence a moment ago.

"The core is...."

"D-damage" Lin Zan finished their phrase, stuttering a bit.

Chun cluelessly look at his students expression. Lau Quill glance at his dense teacher and explained to him what was the core.

"Teacher, the core is the heart of De'Noctis Institute, practically, it is the foundation of the school. When the ghouls successfully destroy it, the school would be left vulnerable and all the students and teachers that can't fight off ghouls, they'll be doom. Because ghouls are qi eating creatures" Lau Quill aghastly stated while picturing out something on his thoughts.

The last attacks of the ghouls was two years ago and too many students were suċkėd out of their qi's.

Chun was unfamiliar to these ghouls because he never heard of it in their household. (A/N: because your household had some secrets to it)

"They're not that easily to kill other than the sealment jars on the magic experimentation lab" Fa Rin stated unconciously.

"Then how do we get to this magic experimentation lab?" Chun asked Fa Rin, determined to help.

Fa Jiu strangely look at their teacher, where is the lazy teacher of theirs? What happen to him?

"Are you sure, Chun-sensei? You've just woken up"

Chun was about to confirm his sudden determination when a very familiar voice interrupted him on his mind.

"Young Lord, there's a lady here sharing our mind link"

"Hi, young master!"

"Where are you right now?"

"At the east side of the school, young master!"

"And how I was supposed to know where's that. I'm bad at directions"

"Young Lord, it's where the actions can be seen"

"Huh? Actions?"

"Young master, you're so cute. I really love to rub that innocent face of yours on my cheeks. Hehe"


"Art, can you tell me where you're exactly?"

"We're both at a tree at the east side barrier of the school. 4 o'clock"

"And young lord, don't worry you'll easily locate us. Follow the noises"

The mind link suddenly stop. Chun started to get up from his bed.

"Chun-sensei, where are you going?"

"It's dangerous"

"Can we come if you're going?" Pei Lang suddenly blurted out while the others just nodded.

"You said awhile ago that's dangerous"



This kids are sure persistant...

Chun was about to open the door when Lin Zan stopped him.

"We need a plan first"
