Reincarnated as a Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~

Chapter 37 37. Poison Princess Lecherta

Finally, my home remodel is complete.

The walls and floors were scraped and tidied, and the sand was brought out.

Then they stacked Clay Bear bricks on the walls and laid grey wolf fur on the floor.

There\'s a line of pots and kettles I made in the corner of the room.

Then there are two stone statues lined up on the front door, left and right.

The initial primitive atmosphere should leave little room.

It took me three days to complete this.

Meanwhile, [Pottery Craftsman] went up to LV4. Tr ans lat ed b y jp mt l .co m

I guess I\'ll just have to live this way.

Now it\'s okay whenever humans come to visit.

I guess it\'s time for someone to call the street.

If you saw this perfect residence, you wouldn\'t think of me as a crude dragon.

But we have to collect food again.

I ate all the large amounts of dried meat I had stored.

I even ate dried meat that wasn\'t completely dry yet. Transla t e d by Jp m t l.c om

If the work prolonged the day after, I almost ate the poisoned dried meat I had prepared for the gorillas to eat.

I spotted them coming again for a while, but you looked so disappointed looking at the poor minister tree that you didn\'t stab anything.

Sorry, I picked up all the dried meat quickly after I decided to pull the cage.

You should have left only the poison dried meat.

I don\'t know because of the discoloration while I was drying, so I put it together and collected it together.

I\'m really glad I didn\'t eat it by mistake.

Leaving my home to hunt for food.

It\'s been three days.

Hey, maybe I\'ve been too lazy lately when it comes to the combat side.

You\'ve been putting too much heat into my home remodel. I\'m in trouble because I have a coagulant temperament.

Nothing. I don\'t want it until I can do that now, and I want to hunt around Greywolf appropriately.

I\'ll make dried meat again.

It\'s time for evolution to be near now on LV33, but there\'s no good deeds at all, and I want to finally do something before evolution. That\'s weak enough to turn it into drug mushroom ash.

Even in that sense, you don\'t have to fight your opponent more than you deserve right now to force your LV up.

There are [Mr. Cock] and [Pottery Craftsman], so I don\'t feel that the evolution in that direction is liberating from the Evil Dragon Route. T r ans l a t ed b y jpmtl.c om

I guess this is the only way to end my life as an artist by becoming human.

[Voice of God] sounds so angry.

Because I have a cool image of it, I want to see it when I see it flying around with a loud, bright red face.

I don\'t know what they\'ll do after that.

It doesn\'t make sense to work so hard to collect salt and piperis, does it?

I already have enough for a pot, and I can afford more than a year.

For now, until I can be LV40 and meet evolutionary conditions, I wonder if I can improve my title skills for good every day and even hunt for monsters just for eating.

If I make the next evolution wrong, I\'m really not going to be able to go back, and let\'s go with caution.

I fully understand that [the voice of God] has a bad personality.

Next time you won\'t be fooled by sweet words anymore.

Walk through the woods while checking the plants with [View Status].

It\'s all F\'s in value and I don\'t see much of a puff.

I wonder if something has changed. I\'m trying to make something potion chic or something.

Bright red, beautiful flowers in sight.

Tr a nsla t ed b y jp m t l .c o m I think we should pull through the roots and plant this around the cave.

The next goal may not be gardening, um, bad.

Anyway, the moment I reached out to find out more, a black mass popped out of the grass.

The sharp fangs at the tip of its mouth are aimed at my defenseless arm.

Knock it off reflexively, take a break and get into combat position.

What hit me was a black lizard about 80 cm in size.


Race: Benem Princess Lecherta

Status: Normal

Lv: 19/35

HP: 86/108

MP: 117/127

Attack: 52

Defense: 58

Magic Power: 75

T r ansl a t e d b y jp m t l .com Fastness: 128

Rank: D-

Characteristic Skills:

[Special Poison: Lv--- [Zone Poison: Lv6] [Scale: Lv1]

[Hidden: Lv 2] [Dark Attribute: Lv --]

Resistance Skills:

[Toxic Invalidity: LV -- Paralysis Invalidity: LV --]

Normal Skills:

[Toxic Tooth: Lv3] [Toxic Claw: Lv2] [Paralyzed Tongue: Lv3]

[Poison: Lv2] [Rolling: Lv3] [Craigan: Lv4]

[Detoxification: Lv1] [Unintentional Strike: Lv2]

Title Skill:

[Bad Eating: LV5] [Poison Master: LV4]

[Cunning: LV3] [Chicken Runner: LV4]


Oh, my God, you\'re tearing up fast!

It\'s a pile of animals with better possession skills than me!

No, which way? For a selection, it seems to be emphasized.

Ste himself is low, but you have a pretty high number of skills.

It\'s not cleverly poor, it\'s a little bit specific.

The black lizard, who fought back at me, sneaks into the grass and disappears.

Did you get away? No, it\'s premature to think so.

Clarify your ears and sharpen your consciousness.

It\'s possible he\'s still lurking somewhere.

but sari.

The sound of grass unnaturally shaking from the blind spot.

I sense something popping up, and I turn my consciousness ahead of the sound.

Is that a chunk of stone?

Reminds me of [Craigan] \'s skills, I quickly turn my neck to the firing point, wondering if it was his.

At that moment, I felt an unpleasant fever around my shoulder.

I hit my shoulder against the tree beside me, all I could think about.


The black lizard that was eating on my shoulder falls to the ground screaming.

I tried to chase him, but he was distracted by the heat in his shoulder and lost that opportunity.

"Xy, xy, xy, xy, xy!

Laughing, he runs away at great speed.

What is it, a fight abandonment? Are you gonna hide somewhere again?

Even so... [Toxic Resistance: LV3], but it hurts my shoulder.

Something feels like it\'s spreading through my body.

The LV of [Resistance Skill [Toxic Resistance] has increased from 3 to 4.

Oh, I\'m up. I\'m up.

... Isn\'t this pretty bad?

[Special poison] or possession of strange characteristic skills.

I can\'t move my shoulders well.