Reincarnated as a Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~

Chapter 193 193. The other party


What, what is this kid, and why are you intimidating me like this?

I lift my front leg and grab my other head and turn away.

It\'s good to have control of the body over here.

Evolved and all of a sudden they almost ate and killed each other.

"Guh! Guh! Ghaaaa!"

Hey, don\'t bark in my ear too much!

T ra nslated b y jpm t l .c om Because I\'m annoyed and scared!

If you\'re not eating anymore, I\'ll let you go!


You let my will go, they\'ll be quiet.


I let go softly.


They just ate it again. Tran sl a t e d b y Jp m tl .co m

What is this guy?

I rush in with my forefoot.

In the meantime, you might want to do this for a while.

Let\'s grab it all the time. It\'s dangerous to let go.

Damn, was it a hassle after all?

[The voice of God] laughed in his stomach, and it was really annoying.

Seriously, man up.

For now, as long as I\'m grabbing it, it\'s cheap.

We must report to Tamaki and Adov that we have been able to evolve safely.

Even if I knew beforehand, I would still be anxious if I changed my appearance.

Turn a blind eye to them.

Jade Rabbit narrowed his eyes and was shaking his body small.


He sighed.

Tra ns lat ed by jp I\'m desperate over here.

As far as Adov was concerned, he was staring at me as I prepared to reach for the sword.

Wait, wait! Don\'t slash me!

I\'m sure this kid, because he\'s a good kid!

Because even bad kids regenerate! Don\'t kill my boy!

I thought I\'d suck at cutting it off, too, but it\'s part of me, let alone my head.

I\'m a little unprepared.

The resistance is amazing.


You guessed it would be slashed as it was, and the other party\'s power loosened.

What? It\'s okay to let go of my hand, right?

Slowly lower your forelegs while you remain vigilant.

After seeing each other for a few seconds or so, they missed my face a lot.

Hey, I think I\'m going to be tired...

I feel like I\'m next door to a guy I don\'t really like when I change seats.

I\'m going to share a room. I\'m going to share a body. T ran slate d by jpm t l.c om

Can\'t you do something that sounds like [reading]?

Twinhead was single-minded, but it kind of seemed like he was also doing that with half a joke.

Oddly enough, I was able to combine, and it\'s more convincing to think I had more to say.

Tamaki can also be used [to talk], but she often makes noises and sets to direct her attention.

Hey, can you hear me?


It was completely ignored.

Keep doing it......

Isn\'t it a little too incomplete as an organism?

"In the meantime, are you okay? You know what I mean? Lightly, roar."

He calls out to me, holding the hand Adolf has extended to his sword.


I was wondering if Uroboros\'s voice was high, but it just seemed like the other party was squeaking high.

Though I feel a little higher than a nasty dragon.

"... can\'t you move your head over there? T ra n sla t e d by jp m t l .com


Yes, unfortunately, I can\'t.

I agreed.

"Oh well..."

Adov, with a little hesitation, pulled the hand he was reaching for his sword.

The jade rabbit was looking at me with a dead fish eye.

... and anyway, let\'s think about what\'s coming.

Not as it stands now.

Resilience and HPMP have increased, but defenses are not as high.

That brave man\'s blow could crush you.

I\'ve got more heads, but clearly, I\'m out of combat. There is also the possibility of being pulled on the leg.

If we\'re going to get in the way of the Brave Fight, we really need to put it in perspective too to cut it off.

Once again, we need to get to the Red Ant\'s nest.

Bad for the Red Ants, but I want the experience of the Lord of the Nest.

That controlled move, there\'s no question there\'s a leader.

Ant habitually would be the queen.

I\'m sure he\'s got a lot of experience.

The Red Ant opponent has lost his Attack, but his Health has jumped, so he should be able to fight steadily.

If the level rises, you can also regain your status immediately.

What an A-rank. You can count on it.

However, to dive into the Red Ant\'s nest, you need the Jade Raven [Light].

You should level up today in preparation for the Red Ant battle while I hunt and give Jade Rabbit and Adov some rest.

Tomorrow, if you defeat the Queen Ant and raise the level, you will be boarded into Halenae.

I would also like Adov to help...... Adov is running out of skill.

I just lost my temper, but I lost my life.

Without Adov, I would have been gathered to death by the Red Ants just like that.

Sounds like you can do enough to have things, but you don\'t seem as powerful as you used to.

I must have never held a sword or anything, but I still know that\'s lethal as a swordsman.

... I wish I had the power to cure Adov\'s arm because he became a resilience-specific dragon.

You might want to have them wait outside when you go into the Red Ant nest.

I can seem to shake it with one hand, and it doesn\'t mean it\'s out of battle at all... Still, I\'m not going to be able to expect it to work like last time.

Harsh, but is it the quickest thing to ask Adov?

If you think it will be a foothold, Adov will retreat.

I\'ve known him for a few days, but I get it. Adov is not blue enough to pass a selfish imposition.

He has a much more skilled spirit than I do.



"Next, Dowsrutte......"

Adov drops his gaze and points to his own right hand.

Then he bit his lips off and shook his head slowly.

"I\'m sorry... I\'m not going to be able to help much. If you still want me to follow you, let me go out with you. But then, I want you to abandon me as soon as something happens."

... I don\'t think so.

I\'m going to have Adov leave a message outside.

Sometimes you\'ll be attacked by demons while you\'re alone in the desert, but that\'s about it, even the current Adov will be able to repel you.

In the meantime, why don\'t I go hunting by myself, along with confirming my movements?