Reincarnated as a Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~

Chapter 163 163. A Brave Hero Tan 6 (side illusia)

"... Ilsia, you\'ve been going on a crusade for a little while and things haven\'t been right. Hey, what\'s up?

That\'s what Adov said.

It was a wild way of speaking that was conveyed that I was choosing words.

I thought you would have been pretty suspicious because of the exchange earlier, but have you been suspicious since you left?

At that point, the plan was almost like a success, and I might have been a little overshadowed.

Well, what do we do?

I\'m also an ant to put Keri on with Adov right now, but I figured it would be a little tricky to think of an embarrassing dragon.

T ran s lat e d b y jp m t l .com In the midst of slashing each other with Adov, I\'d be interested if a paralyzed, fading troubled dragon came in the way.

Adov has thought about the end he deserves, and this one has been quite ready to stink.

That\'s not very pleasant for me.

But even for a nasty dragon, I want to shake him slowly over there.

And he has [the voice of God].

It is possible that the priest\'s fucking yallow can pull out stories related to [the voice of God] from that diseased dragon.

That\'s why I\'m going to give it a try.

Tra n s l ate d by jpmt l.c om "Oh, man. Hey! What\'s up! Don\'t shut up. Something..."

I\'m annoyed.

I\'m trying to figure out how to give it back now.

You don\'t think I hear you at this close range. This idiot.

"And... excuse me. Sure, you might have been a little messed up. It wasn\'t like me. Is it because of the evil dragon\'s temper?"

I hold my head and shake my neck with my eyes on the ground.

This fool can do as much deception as he wants.

For now, this is how you buy time to think.

If I looked up properly, Adov\'s eyes still had the color of suspicion.

Did you remember me back in the day and lay it with me now?

Should I follow up on what I said and did just a little while ago to restore trust from Adov for a moment?

I guess I was a little too well.

Uh... think of Adov\'s personality, once here... no, but I don\'t like being sidelined without being able to pull my suspicions out.

At this rate, I might say that there\'s another sick dragon or a slave woman.

"Uh, already, I guess. It stinks."

Tr an s l a t e d by Jpmt l .co m "Ilsia?"

Adov calls my name again to find out the truth of my words.

I ignore it, pull out my sword, and turn to Adov.

"Dear former Knights Commander, it\'s been a while since you\'ve had an audition with me. Big sword, it\'s okay if you pick it up, right?

I will tilt my neck and try to provoke you.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Suddenly."

Adov is wolfish, and retreats.

It\'s dull. Do I have to teach you politely from one to ten?

"No, actually, I wanted the former Knights chief to see me grow up, and I set the scene for this one. The truth is, like I was hit four years ago, I just wanted to slash him in front of a bunch of people and make him scratch a lot of shame. Look, there were times when priests weren\'t very motivated to ride, and they didn\'t make situations well.

If I were to do that, I would have wanted the righteous and former Knights Commander to be a scoundrel and scratch my feet... after all, if I thought about failing, that would be a big risk to me. "

Adov opens his eyes and bites his teeth off.

He even noticed it was time for a blunt adf.

"That\'s why I, the Knight Commander\'s fiancée and brother, decided to kill and rub my sins against the Knight Commander. Because once you\'re locked up, there are as many opportunities as you want to use the brave man\'s position.

No, it was easy to fake it. Because my magic would delude any evidence, and some acquaintances were good at that. You\'re not in this country, are you?

The fools in the church neglected the Knights, so they got on so well that they didn\'t even look into Locke. "

Tr a ns la ted by Jpm t l.c o m Adov stares at me in silence.

Nice, nice face. I wanted to see that face.

The Adov guy will want to kill me now.

but that doesn\'t come true.

I don\'t hit Adov\'s sword, and when I do, it doesn\'t kill me that way.

There\'s no reason to lose.

You will continue to be ravaged by me, wanting to kill you. [M]

The humiliation I received from Adolf four years ago, I\'ll multiply it by a hundred.

That finally clears up the stains in my life.

Looking at the look on Adov\'s face, his chest soothes.

Oh, how many days have I waited for this day to come?

Thank you, Adf.

I wouldn\'t have killed him if I hadn\'t been humiliated by you, and I wouldn\'t have been desperate to get to the level during my journey.

Besides, I never should have had a day like this to make me feel so good.

In that regard, I\'ll thank you for it. So at best suffer and die biting even in the sand.

Tran slat e d by Jp m t l.c om If you want to resent me, resent my indiscretion that day.

I walk to the Great Sword where Adov was stabbing me in the ground.

Pull it out, swing it big, and then set it against me.

"... one thing, let me ask you"


"You mean you killed my brother, you killed Sylphie, because you wanted to screw me over with your sword?


When I asked him back, Adov\'s eyes ran blood all at once.

Oh, your fiancée. I don\'t even know his name. I wasn\'t even interested.

I was just wondering where that young lady fell in love with this ugly guy.

"Oh no, that\'s not all. Do I look like such an idiot?

Pinch between them for a moment and let them stand aside.

"I hear there are cases in Halenae where if a felon escapes, that close relative will be executed. It\'s about the extent to which the fugitive is being held hostage, but there are some practical examples."

I\'ve declared myself guilty in the city, but of course I don\'t have to.

I play an unusual young man in the city who wants to believe in his old benefactor and show the crowd exactly where he stands.

If being deceived is a sin, then the crowd that made way also begins to have an affair.

The crowd there is in the same position as I am.

You can\'t imitate me like that.

Humans, I don\'t want to think I\'m bad.

"When I get back to Halenae, what do you think I\'ll report about the Knights Commander? Mr. Adoff was killed on purpose by a nasty dragon - do you think I\'ll tell you that?

Fine, fine.

Really good. I feel like it.

As a matter of fact, normally, no matter how I report this matter to the church, it is unlikely that my relatives will be executed.

So already, I hit my hand.

He told Poggy that Adov\'s relatives were also suspicious of the church.

It\'s about that priest.

Speaking of Adov escaping disputed by the crusade of the nasty dragon, he will gladly execute Adov\'s relatives instead.

The meals are ready.

Now Adov will be executed even by his relatives, if he loses to me, he won\'t be able to avenge his brother and fiancée.

Adolf\'s old parents, too.

This is an unbeatable battle for Adov, no, a battle he shouldn\'t lose.

But Adov can\'t beat me. You\'ll never win.

Clearly, this difference in status makes it harder for me to lose.

Suffer and die in helplessness and despair.

"Look, come on, Adf! Without magic, I\'ll deal with Halenae soldier onboro"

I lay the sword of the kingdom of Halenae upon the soldier, to Adov.

I don\'t use a holy sword or a cursed sword.

Even if I use it, I\'ll break my heart completely showing the difference in strength, and then I\'ll use it to shake or overkill it.


Adov comes barking at me.