Reign of the Phoenix

Chapter 195

He Lan Mo Lei gently blames He Lan MINGYE: "brother five, you are confused. Love is what makes two lovers happy. That Murong lady poisons you just means that she has no feelings for you. Is it worth it for you to do this for her? Are you crazy to fight for a woman who doesn't love you? Is there only one woman under this sky, Murong Zhining? "

He Lan says stubbornly, "love or not, only in one thought. Chiyun Yuexuan just appeared in her life earlier than me. I He Lan MINGYE, who is a little taller than a man of seven feet in the hall, will not abandon the city to escape and lose his dignity in front of the beloved woman! Nine younger sister, you don't want to persuade me. You will leave Guanxi with the women in the city tonight. As for me, I am ready to burn jade and stone with chiyun Yuexuan. Please convey my apology to the father. This is the first and last time I disobey him! "

Just as they were arguing, the messenger returned to the city and sent a letter to Helan MINGYE.

He LAN MINGYE shakes the letter and frowns at the words on it. On the letter paper, there is a writing like running clouds and flowing water: the love between general Ben and Princess Fengyi is as strong as a rock and as strong as a reed, which no one can destroy. I originally wanted to ask you to fight alone tomorrow afternoon. I killed you and hated you for robbing your wife with snow. I also thought that you were weak because of your weak muscles. I don't care to bully you. I'll give you a few days to recover. When you're OK, I'll fight you on the battlefield. In addition, thank you general Helan for returning the earrings that my mother lost accidentally.

He LAN MINGYE's eyebrows tightly frown together. He Lan Mo Lei looks at the letter in his hand and says, "brother five, why are you so childish? In this way, he tried to separate the relationship between general chiyun and Murong Zhining. If you enrage general chiyun, he will be killed in an instant Five brothers You No, being a sister must not let you take risks. "

He LAN MINGYE's face is gloomy: "don't worry about my business. Chiding yunyuexuan is the fuse of all these contradictions. Get rid of him and it's good for everyone. As long as he dare to attack the city, I can bury him in this Guanxi city. I've made up my mind. It's better to be broken than broken! "

Helan molley pushes Helan MINGYE: "wake up, brother five! General chiyun doesn't need to attack the city at all, so he can easily take Guan Xi. Hua Yan's crossbow is hundreds of feet more powerful than us. General chiyun didn't attack Yongning because Yongning is his own fortress. Do you think he will pity Guanxi like Yongning? You can see that general chiyun's trench is slowly advancing towards guanxi. Once the range of the catapult is reached, Guanxi will become a sea of fire in a moment. The gunpowder planted by the fifth brother can only be buried by the people and soldiers of guanxi city! "

He LAN MINGYE clenches his fist. His deep eyes look sad: "so, brother five needs your cooperation. You ask people to write a letter of surrender to general chiyun, promising to let the city, you take all the people and soldiers of the army out of guanxi, and let me fight with him alone. "

"Five elder brothers, do you really love Murong little lady?" He Lan asked softly? If you love her, why are you determined to let her lose two men who love her most? Can't you love her in silence? Don't you see her happily with general chiyun? "

He lanmingye is silent for a long time: "I love Murong little lady, chiding yunyuexuan is my enemy! Don't talk nonsense. If you don't retreat, I don't mind holding you for burial! "

Chiyun Yuexuan looks at the earrings in the palm of his hand and falls into meditation. The voice of the soldiers was heard outside the tent: "report to chide the general, and a messenger was sent from Guanxi city to send another letter to the general."

Chiyun Yuexuan silently took the envelope and went to the desk to open it. The letter said: General chiyun, in order to express the determination of JIS Khan and Hua Yan to cease fighting, my father decided to offer Guan Xi and he Yu to Hua Yan. Please give me two days, so that I can lead the people in the city who do not want to stay and the soldiers of JIS Khan to withdraw from guanxi. Two days later, the general can come to collect the city peacefully. Helan Morey.

Chiyun Yuexuan asked the soldiers to call Wu Siyuan and Shi Yong and handed them the letter from Helan moreI to watch: "general Wu, general Shi, what do you think about this?"

Wusi said: "JIS Khan has the name of self-knowledge. Under the pressure of the general, he doesn't want to hit the stone with an egg. At the end of the day, he will think that they are very wise. Guan Xi and he Yu are just two small cities for JIS Khan, but they have a high defense value for Hua Yan. If they really give two cities, it's a good thing! "

"I thought I could gallop with general chiyun this time, but I didn't expect that Well, it is the highest level of war for a general to defeat others without fighting! The two cities return to Huayan, which also needs to be guarded. I can be a small city guard! "

Chiyun Yuexuan frowned: "brother and sister Helan, I sent two letters with different meanings to general in one day, which made general very suspicious! You two look after this camp for me. I will go back to Yongning to discuss with the princess and listen to her opinion. "

Murong Zhining quietly takes a book and sits at the desk and looks at it carefully. It's a Book of war that he lanmingye often reads. It not only has the annotation he lanmingye is used to, but also has the Acacia for Murong Zhining that he wrote casually.Murong Zhining was about to take a close look. Hearing the familiar footsteps coming from the stairs, she dropped her book and ran to the door. Chiyun Yuexuan's footsteps are very familiar to her and she looks forward to them. The two were huddled together in the corridor outside the room.

Chiyun Yuexuan holds Murong Zhining horizontally, goes back to the room, covers the door, holds Murong Zhining, and lingers gently on her red lips. Murong Zhining pushes away chiyun Yuexuan with coquetry: "general will not be tired if he runs back without stopping for a while?"

Chiyun Yuexuan grabs the teapot on the table, "Gulu Gulu" fills most of the teapot's bottom: "when my husband sees his wife, he forgets everything. The lady is the air of Xianggong. Without her, Xianggong will suffocate. "

Murong Zhining pushes and rebukes yunyuexuan to sit down, stands in front of him, takes the handkerchief to wipe the sweat bead of his forehead lightly. Chiyun Yuexuan is surrounded by Murong Zhining's slim waist and buries her head in front of her chest: "the gentle village of the lady is the greatest driving force for her husband to work hard for an hour. As soon as I stay by my mother's side, my husband feels extremely stable and extremely happy in body and mind! "

Murong Zhining brushed the hair on the forehead of chiyun Yuexuan with her hand: "say, general, what's the trouble when he comes back from this trip?"

Chiyun Yuexuan raised his face: "sister immortal, how does sister immortal see through the thoughts of ordinary people?"

Murong Zhining said with a smile: "isn't this simple? When the general returned, it was neither morning nor night, but evening, which was clearly a temporary decision to go out. The general is wearing casual clothes, which shows that the general suddenly has the idea of coming back. "

Chiyun Yuexuan refuses to accept the way: "Xianggong can't come back to see her because he misses her?"

Murong Zhining said: "if the general wants Ning'er, he will definitely pick some wild flowers to bring to Ning'er as a gift. Xianggong came back empty handed, which means that he was upset when he came. Of course, I have to find Ning'er for the answer to the matter that can upset my husband. "

Chiyun Yuexuan purposely arched her head in front of Murong Zhining's body: "the lady is a fairy. How can you match the fairy sister, Xianggong, who is born with the body? Lady, you are superior. You are so humble! "

Murong Zhining laughed. She sat down beside chiyun Yuexuan, poured a cup of tea and handed it over: "it is said that Zhang Tianyu, the seven daughters of the Jade Emperor, married a man of long working background. The weaver girl beside the queen mother also left the heaven and married the man who herded cattle. This fully shows that fairy sisters prefer ordinary men. Although the general is not ordinary enough, fortunately, I like it, so I'll just accept it! "

Chiyun Yuexuan takes out a pearl earring from her arms and hands it to Murong Zhining quietly. Chiyun Yuexuan stared at Murong Zhining's expression, as if to find the answer in her reaction.

Murong Zhining said happily: "how does the general know that Ning'er's earrings have fallen, and he secretly matches a similar earring to Ning'er. Although there is no such thing as Ning'er, she still likes it very much. At first glance, it looks like a couple. " She held it in her hand and watched it carefully.

Chiyun Yuexuan's face was rejoicing: "did you really lose your earrings? Is this really not the one that the lady lost? "

Murong Zhining's light frown looks like smoke: "this earring was sent to the general by he lanmingye? It's just a copy. It turned out that Ning'er's earrings were really picked up by him. " She turned and took out the rest of Nanzhu Earrings from the dowry and handed them to chiyun Yuexuan.

"I don't believe that this earring was given to him by his wife. He lanmingye is so vicious that he wants to use an earring to separate me and his wife," chided yunyuexuan

Murong Zhining slaps the table angrily: "chiyun Yuexuan, honestly, did you really believe that the earrings were given by Ning'er? You bastard... "

Chiu Yun Yuexuan smiled flatteringly: "forgive me, my husband did not calm down for a moment. He lanmingye also wrote a letter to Xianggong, saying that his wife said to him: return the Pearl and tears, and hate not to meet and marry. Xianggong was so angry that he almost spit out an old blood on the spot Lady, my husband saw through his lies immediately. " Chiding yunyuexuan takes out a letter from Helan MINGYE and delivers it.

Murong Zhining's face was solemn: "the general finally changed the impulse and learned to think calmly. He lanmingye obviously wants to provoke the general and make him eager to attack the city. He seemed ready to lure the general into the city. But why didn't he just send back Ning'er's earrings and copy one? "

Chiyun Yuexuan said angrily, "isn't it clear? That earring is the girl's intimate thing. That dirty man must hold it in his hand everyday to satisfy his shameless unrequited love! I can't see the difference between these two earrings! "

Murong Zhining angrily grabbed the earrings and pointed to the back of the gold bracket inlaid with beads: "the earrings were given to Ning'er by the mother's mother. The jewelry in the Shang Xia palace will be marked with specific marks. In the general's own eyes, the imitated one has no mark. Besides, the beads he lanmingye picked in a hurry are similar to those on Ning'er's earrings, but they are not Nanzhu. Ning'er can recognize them from afar. "

Chiyun Yuexuan nodded her head frequently: "the lady's eyes are as bright as fire, and her observation and mind are different from ordinary people. What surprised general Ben most is not the letter from Helan MINGYE. It's a letter from Helan Morey later. Please read it, madam. " Chiyun Yuexuan felt the letter of Helan moreI from her arms and handed it to her.