
Chapter 19

According to the inertia, Chen attack can vaguely conjecture what is the intention of Sean to meet himself.

After hanging up Sean's phone call, Chen Gang has been in the car for more than 20 minutes. He has repeatedly switched his mind to many of the recent chores. Finally, he is determined to keep the appointment. Chen has turned the car key back.

As he drove out of the garage, Chen took a look at the time - 15:12.

In October, the heat is still strong, mixed with the northern city's unique dry, baking people's mood is low.

There was no cloud in the sky, so the sky was falling wantonly.

Chen Feng felt that the sun was a little dazzling when he finally fell into his eyes.

And Sean on and off, the two have been entangled for seven years.

In his senior year, Chen Gang, half of whom was an intern in a photography company and half as a freelance photographer, met Sean at that time. It was like a thunderbolt from the chaotic world, so he was enlightened.

Later, he became a professional model, but also thanks to Chen Gang, who was clumsy at that time, had no experience and no chips. He only took a second-hand camera and contacted him frequently in the name of appointment. Chen Gang took a group of photos of Sean, in which he was fresh, lovely and refined. At that time, it was the era of blog, and the group of pictures also became popular on the Internet.

Although the moves are clumsy, they are useful.

At the end of the graduation ceremony of Chen Gang University, he left the college dormitory with his luggage and moved into the new rented cubicle. On the evening, Sean called. He cried and said, "where is your home? I have a gift to give you.".

In the night, Chen and Shaun awkwardly fired their first shot in a seven-year battle in a cramped, musty, dilapidated cubicle.

That's the catch.

At that time, both of them were poor and lived in a small room rented by Chen Gang.

Chen Feng later couldn't hate him, more or less because he felt that no matter what Sean chose later, he had at least chosen him who had nothing at first.

The first time seanty broke up was a year later, when Chen Gang and Wang Yao founded halo, he was busy all day. At that time, Sean signed into the first brokerage company, and a case could earn Chen attack a month's salary.

Chen Gang said "OK" and helped him carry the box down the old building without an elevator.

After Shawn left, Chen often kept an eye on him online: within a week, Sean and another model interacted frequently on social media.

A friend said Sean was looking for a horse on horseback - "you should see clearly now?"

Chen chengyixiang: "what else can he do? At the end of the day, it's just a donkey, not a horse. "

Later, Chen Gang's pursuit of "success" was very strong, and there was something about it. The only thing that can make you feel secure is the capital you can hold in your hands?

Half a year later, Sean found Chen Feng again. He used the same words as the first time. He said that he was reluctant to part with you. He also said, "where did you move? I have a gift to give you.".

He is willing to deliver, and Chen Gang is willing to accept everything according to the order.

In the next seven years, every time Sean knocked on Chen's door, Chen knew the answer clearly in his heart - he was taken as a temporary residence by Sean, but Chen didn't want to turn him away.

Love is not love Can look back, the window strange city colorful, heart that lonely and continuous collapse of desire, the more profound, the more unpredictable.

However, Chen Gang always climbs all the way to the goal of "success", and he can't bear to take a breath of time. Nevertheless, Chen Gang doesn't feel that he is qualified to be able to open up the next relationship. When you are rational, you also know that you are overcorrected from another angle. However, if you are empty there, it is difficult to open your own emotional valve easily.

So Ren Shaun repeatedly opened his door, occupied his own bed, or generously donated to his arms, or even more

What if you don't have love? It's just a diversion. Each takes what he needs.

Zheng Yi called Yang Yi "lamb".

Every time I hear it from him, Chen Gang feels a little funny. Chen Gang is called Sean or "lamb".

When he walked into the restaurant, before Chen Gang could ask the waiter's seat number, "lamb" waved over there.

Chen Gang sat down, his face was not very good-looking, and his tone was indifferent: "what can I do for you?"

Sean sipped his dessert spoon and grinned. His dimples were a bit provocative. He pushed another cheese cake closer to Chen's direction: "there's a gift for you."

Sean is a year younger than himself. He is 27 years old. He can be well maintained and may have many medical and aesthetic bonus points. He still looks like a college student. Chen Gang looked at Sean's delicate face for a long time, but he couldn't find some old mood. He put down a sentence: "I'm tired recently and need to be quiet."

"It's said to be quiet. Haven't you come to the appointment yet?" Sean raised eyebrows and teased Chen Feng: "it's not to find a partner, is it?"

Chen Gong didn't say a word and sipped his straw to drink water.

"Am I right?"

"It's none of your business."

"What kind of beautiful teenager - do you have any pictures? Show me, are you a model again?"

Chen Gang shook his head: "it's not a model."

Sean chuckled: "still a fool, not a bit changed."

Being suddenly ridiculed for IQ, Chen Gong reacted for a long time before he understood the logic: to deny that the "object" is a model by profession is to admit that he has a new lover.

Chen Gang glared at him, but he still didn't say anything - less words and less mistakes."It's not a model. It's not as good as me."

Chen Gang thought about it for a while, but he also admitted that Sean was good-looking - like a silk shirt, smooth and soft. You can pull out his charming wrinkles with every move.

But Zheng Yi is good-looking

Why Zheng Yi?

Aware that he has put Zheng Yi into the role of "object", Chen Gang choked his mouth and added a bit more impatience in his mood: "say business - otherwise I will go back!"

Chen attack coldly threw such a sentence, Sean pursed his lips: "Tut, so cruel? ——I have someone to play with recently. I'm not rare for you. Let's just say the business: our company has screened in a group of new people who are short of exposure. I want to talk to you halo, what kind of events can I do to mix works and exposures for new people. Will you take it? "

"OK - you propose the budget and I'll give you the plan."

"A group of new people doesn't cost much, 800000 - but I have to keep 30 percent."

Chen Gang gave Sean a cold eye, and then he buried himself in drinking water: "so you can just tell me 600000 yuan? ——OK, let me see. "

"I'll send you the information. You can give me a definite word as soon as possible."

Chen Gong murmured "um.".

"Try cheesecake, too. It's delicious."

Chen attack touched up a small gold spoon, dug a small piece into his mouth, leisure to find a topic: "how recently?"

"Recently, it's alive and fragrant..." Sean said with a smile: "there are a few new people who want to put in some resources, and take turns to annoy me. Yesterday, there was a kid who was good-looking, pretended to be drunk, and went straight to me. Unfortunately, it was the wrong place. I didn't expect that I would collide with him. Would you like me to introduce you?"

Cheese melt in the mouth a piece of sticky, Chen attack a little nausea: "No."

"It's very photogenic - maybe you can make him famous by taking pictures of his private house?"

A crisis that was left out of his mind was awoken by Sean's words. Chen Feng heard Yang Yi's lingering voice message: "brother Zheng, I have reserved my room. What time will you come over?"

Put down the spoon, Chen Gang pressed the mobile phone and looked at the time - 16:35.

Don't stand up and walk

"Yo..." Sean grinned. "I'd like to ask you to my new home."

Chen Gang is too lazy to take over.

Quickly walked out of the restaurant, went to the elevator and took out his mobile phone. It happened that Qiu mang called: "Chen Xuechang, what are you doing?"

"I was just about to call you - do you know where Zheng Yi is?"

“…… What's the matter? "

"Try to hold him down, don't let him go out and play with others!"

Qiu mang laughed at the other end of the phone and said, "are you jealous?"

"What kind of vinegar do you want to eat? I can't eat anything now when I think of him!"

"Do you mind if he plays with others?"

When he arrived at the B2 floor, Chen was stunned and separated from the crowd in the elevator car. Chen continued: "I'll tell you that I can. I can trust you, and you should also trust me - that Yang Yi is not a good thing. He wants to make an appointment with Zheng Yi What, then secretly take a picture of Zheng Yi and blackmail him later! "

Qiu mang didn't return to God on the other end of the phone - I guess I was shocked.

Chen Gang added: "I heard it with my own ears!"

"Yes, I know I told him. But Don't you hate him? "

"That also can't let him fall into the mouth of a sheep into a tiger's mouth" -- a shell stuck in his head, and Chen Gang corrected the way pointlessly - "a tiger enters the mouth of a sheep!"

"Why don't you tell him yourself?"

Chen Feng pressed the lock and sat in the car: "can I say that? Can he believe what I said? People are being fascinated by that lamb. I don't agree with him. I'm going to say that Zheng Yi will think I'm provoking! "

Qiu mang said clearly: "it's also - Zheng Yi is an idiot anyway. If you don't have any evidence, it's not easy to prove yourself. When the time comes, director Zheng will pour you coke again... "

Chen Gang wryly smile: "what is your call?"

"Oh..." Qiu mangton stopped and said, "Zheng Yi suddenly said that he wanted to leave..."

Why did Chen attack

"He didn't want to say either. He said he was a jerk. He said he didn't have the face to stay in halo because he had done something wrong. He said he wanted to apologize and wanted to explain. He didn't know how to make up for it. Chen Xuechang, he stayed with you these two days. Do you know who he offended?"

By "offended" Chen attack to Qiu mang this words, the brain also card shell.

"Can you persuade him?"

"I advise him You don't know that we don't agree. "

"Eh Zheng Yi: the people he offended It's not you, is it? "

"Oh, it's not..."

"Did he speak ill of himself again? Did you get beaten? "

Chen attack denied: "he hit me, I will fight back - what can I do to be angry?"

Qiu mang chuckled: "it's still a fool. It hasn't changed at all."

Today, he was ridiculed for the second time. It took Chen Gang a long time to figure out the logic: denying that "offending oneself" was Zheng Yi's beating, that is, admitting that the person who Zheng Yi offended was himself.

Chen attack is a little suffocated.

Qiu mang chased after him on the phone: "what did he do that you can't forgive - you tell me!"

"Nothing Oh, don't ask Chen Gang was a little impatient because of the girl's Entanglement: "don't think about it any more. It's OK. You can rest assured, Mr. Qiu, that the employee's resignation must have passed your hand. You just bite him and don't let him go. As long as Zheng Yi doesn't leave, I can guarantee that I will do business in the future and will not seek personal revenge!""Don't you want him to go? ——He's gone, and you're the director. "

Chen was stunned for a long time. The air conditioning in the car is a little too hot, which reflects the temperature of my forehead.

After a long breath, Chen replied, "well, I don't want to."

Then he hung up Qiu mang.

The car was hung up and the four looked at each other.

After a while, Zheng Yi broke his tears into a smile: "do you hear me? ——He doesn't want to. "