Red Soviet Union

Chapter 366: Upgrade MiG-23

Now, the avionics system of the Iraqi version of the MiG-23 is also seriously shrunk. It can be said that it is actually only slightly modified on the basis of the MiG-21MF. It only includes a simple beacon/instrument navigation system, UHF radio communication system and SRO-3IFF identification friend or foe system, not even radar warning device!

So, when the MiG-23s were exported to Iraq, the Iraqi Air Force Air Defense Command, which is in charge of air combat, initially did not use the MiG-23MS as fighter jets at all, but sent them along with the MiG-23BN attack aircraft to the support command. , to perform ground support missions.

The performance of this batch of fighters was also quite poor, and only 6 aircraft were lost from April to November 1974: 4 were shot down by Iranian anti-aircraft missiles; 2 were caused by operational errors.

After that, however, Iraqi pilots began to like the attack aircraft because the MiG-23 had a very large payload! Moreover, Iraq did not have a good choice, so the Iraqi Air Force subsequently placed a large order for 60 MiG-23BN attack aircraft and 10 MiG-23UB trainer aircraft. By 1976, Iraq had formed 15 " Whiplash" attack aircraft squadron,

Now, the proposal given by Andrei to transform these MiG-23s according to the standards of the Soviet army! On the battlefield in Hokkaido, the MiG-23 of the Soviet Air Force played quite well and was able to completely suppress the fighter jets of the US Air Force!

Hearing this, Saddam was even more excited: "General Andrei, your proposal is very good! No matter whether the general secretary of the MiG-25 project Andropov agrees or not, this MiG-23 project Improvements, hopefully immediately.”

"President Saddam, to improve to the same standard that our Soviet Union is using now, there is a premise, that is, proper confidentiality measures!" Andre said: "We need to arrange us in the squadron operating the MiG-23 fighter. For example, it can be in the form of consultants, so as to prevent the theft of secrets by Western spies, this is also a last resort, please understand.”

Improvement to the same standard as the Soviet Union\'s own fighters, of course, has prerequisites. If the secrets are stolen by the West, the Soviet Air Force will be in big trouble!

Hearing Andre\'s words, Saddam frowned. Invite Soviet personnel to station in their own air bases to act as advisers. Will this lose the autonomy of our own air force?

"Of course, the army will always belong to Iraq. To put it another way, if you turn to the west one day and expel our personnel, in fact, we have no other countermeasures. Export our advanced fighter jets. It is also taking a lot of risks. The reason why we do this is to help our Arab friends. After all, there are American lackeys there, and the current political situation in Iran is quite unstable." Andre continued.

Hearing Andre say this, Saddam\'s face turned red: "General Andre, you are too outrageous, we Iraq will never do anything treachery! You are right, in our Middle East, Now there are American lackeys, and we strengthen our own armed forces because the Western world supports this lackey! We must be strong! I completely agree with your suggestion, please refit our advanced fighters as soon as possible.”

This kind of temptation made Saddam, who was eager to be strong, unable to refuse. Andre knew that the Middle East plan he proposed was about to be completed.

Iraq in later generations performed too badly in the Iran-Iraq War. To realize the Soviet Union\'s Middle East strategy, it is necessary to have a strong Iraqi power! Exporting the MiG-25 and improving the MiG-23 are all things that must be realized in this plan. Iraq needs to be able to beat Iran\'s Tomcat fighter jet!

As for the modification of the MiG-23 with the standard of the Soviet fighter, it does not matter. The new radar is replaced, the automatic control of the variable swept wing is improved, and the telex operation allows the MiG-23 to achieve rapid performance improvement. Among them, the most important It\'s the radar! If in the past, the radar of the MiG-23 was still advanced, but now, with the success of the Far East and the acquisition of advanced electronic technology, the Soviet Union is about to replace the flat slot radar on a large scale! Not only the new MiG-29 and the Su-27 that continue to fly, but also the early fighters, and the MiG-23 is no exception. In this way, things that I thought were advanced were already going to be outdated. Iraq change clothes, earn a lot of foreign exchange, why not do it?

Among them, the more important thing is to control the Iraqi Air Force! In the name of secrecy, insert your own personnel into the Iraqi Air Force! In the Iran-Iraq war, the Soviet command was definitely a hundred times better than Iraq itself!

Fighting a war like World War I with advanced weapons is the evaluation of the Iran-Iraq war in later generations. The blood of Iraq and Iran has been drained, and there will be no winners in this war.

And now, history is about to change!

"The general secretary agreed." At this moment, Ustinov came back with a smile on his face: "However, the general secretary instructed us that we must do a good job of keeping secrets and not let our enemies get ours. airplane."

"Yes, we will do a good job of confidentiality, and your personnel are welcome to help us." Saddam said: "Marshal Ustinov, you can help us upgrade our MiG-23 to reach Have you met the same standards as yours?"

Ustinov was Sure enough, when he went out to smoke a cigarette, Andrei finished the upgrade of the MiG-23, and the price for Iraq was better than the price. A brand new MiG-23 is a few hundred rubles cheaper, right?

"This, we can upgrade to the same standard as ours, but the price is much higher." Ustinov said: "Although from the outside, our MiG-23 is the same as the export, but internally, that However, the changes have been reborn. Our radar, fire control, and control all use the latest electronic technology, and the price is quite expensive. Even our Soviet aviation regiment, the upgrade and improvement of the MiG-23, has been scheduled for about 85 years. already."

"We in Iraq can offer a higher price, but we hope to give us an upgrade first." Saddam said: "Marshal Ustinov, you know that our Middle East has not been peaceful recently, and Iran in our east has been attacked by a group of people. Extremists are occupied, this group of people not only want to rule Iran, but also want to export revolution to us, our national strategy is very dangerous, we must strengthen our power as soon as possible.”

Ustinov nodded: "Okay, we, the Soviet Union, are willing to fully support Iraq. President Saddam, I mean, we are willing to fully support Iraq\'s greater role in the Middle East arena." (To be continued. ) to find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL: